Ch 26 True Friend and Confidant

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After seeing my memories Aunty Gwen agreed it was a hunter's trap and though I felt mentally exhausted from whatever spell she used to see into my mind, I tried not to show it as we all sat around the coffee table to discuss the plan to find and rescue Gill. Arthur brought out a file with all the information he had on the hunters in the area, since the attack and massacre of the New Dawn Pack they had been operating mostly under the radar, not exposing themselves as to much of a threat and when people did disappear there were no traces left behind to lead back to the culprits.

As I looked through the information he laid out before us something jumped off one of the pages at me, it was a list of possible hideout locations or businesses they could potentially be affiliated with. First at the top of the page was the Orville Orphanage where I grew up, but what drew my attention more is that the Silver Star Nightclub is also on that list... But it couldn't be, could it? Diego wouldn't associate with murderers... Would he? He's changed so much and in such a short time, like he's taking steroids or something... But he's always been kind, compassionate and caring, I really couldn't imagine him hurting anyone. It had to be just a coincidence he was near here and found me at the mall... Right?

I overheard in their discission as they ruled out all the places heavily trafficked by the public on a daily basis, including the Silver Star Nightclub and my gut wrenched for some reason, like they were overlooking something important, but I couldn't bring myself to open my mouth.

'Baby, if your tired I can take you back to the cabin.' Lucas interrupted my thoughts.

'No I want to be a part of this and help where I can... It's my fault...' I said as the guilt was eating me up inside.

'Its not your fault, stop blaming yourself, you had no way of knowing about any of this. Just have faith in me, we'll find him, I promise.'

'I do have faith in you.'

'Good, then please just go get some rest, we can handle this and there really isn't anything you can do to help right now. We'll come up with a strategy to hit as many of their hideouts as possible simultaneously so they don't have time to coordinate against us and I'd feel better if you were with Tomas, I know he'll keep you safe.'

'You're the one that needs to be safe.' I corrected him but he smirked at me, I could feel the confidence he has in himself and in the strength of his pack, it is reassuring, so I returned a small smile, but deep down in my heart something just doesn't feel right. 'I'll just go rest in my dorm room for now, you stay and help your father.'

Lucas nodded in agreement before I excused myself from the meeting, he walked me out the door and shut it behind us. He wrapped me in the comfort of his arms and buried his nose in my neck as he inhaled my scent, then rested his forehead against mine while stared into my eyes.

"I love you Alexandra... This will all be over soon, just have a little patience." He whispered tenderly and I nodded.

"I'll try. I just hate that this happened... Now more people could get hurt because of me..."

"Stop doing that. None of this is your fault. Do you hear me?" He nearly growled as he cupped my cheek in his hand.

"Yes. I hear you..." I sighed and nuzzled against his palm, a small smile lifted my lips before I looked back into his brilliant bright eyes. "I love you, Lucas." I said and he quickly sealed my lips in a passionate lingering kiss before we reluctantly parted ways. I watched as he disappeared back into the office before I slowly walked down the halls until I reached my dorm room. It seems like it's been forever since I've been here, though it's only been a few days.

"Alex!!!" Vicky screamed and bum rushed me with a bear hug as soon as I opened the door. "Ow my Gods! Where have you been!?! Are you ok? I've been so worried!" She screamed back to back not giving me a chance to respond as she jumped up and down with me pinned against her.

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