Ch 12 Kidnapped

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Every fiber of my being screamed danger as the wolf slowly stocked towards me, with Gill's blood dripping from his mouth. I pulled the pepper spray out of my bag and backed my way around a tree, turned and began running faster than I ever thought I could, but I knew it still wouldn't be enough to out run a wolf, I could hear his paws pounding the ground behind me and could practically feel him breathing down my neck. I know my only chance is to climb a tree and get out of reach, but with his speed I'll never make it with out a diversion, so I ran around another tree and spun around, quickly spraying a heavy mist of pepper spray. The wolf tried to stop but was moving to quickly and got caught right in the cloud, he shook his head and sneezed, while I turned and continued running, the wolf growled and I could hear it continue chasing me, how did he recover so quickly?

I jumped up onto a rock and used my momentum to grab a low hanging tree branch, but as I tried to pull myself up the wolf lept and slammed into my back. The wolf hit the ground first, I heard a metallic snapping sound and the wolf yelped loudly. I sprawled on the ground, gasping as the wind was knocked from my lungs, as I tried to catch my breath I rolled onto my back and watched the reddish brown wolf biting at the metallic thing attached to his hind left leg, it kind of looks like a bear trap but than again not like one I've ever seen before. It's thicker, bigger and has some sort of strange locking mechanism with a little red blinking light on the side.

I laid there watching the wolf flail around, growling and yelping as the trap tightened on his leg, I couldn't tell if the bone is broken or not, but his skin is torn and blood is dripping from his fur. I know logically I should still be afraid and a part of me is, but more than that I find myself studying him, he's not quite as large as Night, but he's still much bigger than an average wolf and he looks older. I wonder if their in the same pack?

What am I thinking, really what's going on with this situation! A magical wall appeared out of nowhere, Gill was shooting fireballs from his hands and we got attacked by a giant wolf... Ya definitely not normal... I stood up about to go back and find Gill, but the whimpers and growls of the wolf made me hesitate and caused my brain to begin an internal battle. I know I should just walk away, this wolf tried to kill me and Gill, but now he's an injured trapped animal, how can I just walk away and still call myself a vet, no matter how vicious he is, this is the job I chose for myself, even if I am still learning, something inside of me is telling me to help him.

"Hey there big guy, I'm going to need you to calm down so I can help you." I spoke in a soft, soothing tone, but he still turned around and tried to lunge at me, snapping his jaws. "It's ok, I know your hurting and angry." He continued growling viciously, almost as if to confirm my statement. "It's ok I understand, we got off on the wrong foot, you thought I was going to be your meal, but now I'm going to save you." His growling started to quiet down until he tried to move his leg, he yelped then began growling again and strangely for a moment there I thought I heard a sizzling sound.

"That looks really painful, if you calm down I will help you." I said calmly, inching forward on my hands and knees, he growled than lunged at me again and yelped before slinking back like he was now afraid. I inched closer and again like I expected he lunged at me. "Your just hurting yourself, please don't do that."

After he finished writhing in pain he shook his massive head and gave me a sideways look that somehow reminds me of Night, I couldn't help smiling back at him. He looked confused but I could tell his aggression was beginning to fade along with the blood red color staining his eyes and I marveled as I watched them change into a bright emerald green color.

"It's ok, big guy, I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help. Everything's going to be ok." I coo'd and he backed up, laying on his side and whimpered softly, while looking back at his leg. His blatant submission surprised me, but something in my gut told me he wasn't going to attack again, so I cautiously moved closer. The wolf kept his head low, like he was afraid and I reached my hand out, knowing full well the risk I was taking with this wild animal, but there was a confidence growing inside me that egged me on.

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