Ch 18 Wolf Blood

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Lucas and I walked to Mr. Crescent's office, with his arm draped over my shoulder, pressing me against his side, Lucas didn't even bother knocking when we arrived and just walked through the fancy double doors. Mr. Crescent looked up from the stack of papers scattered over his desk, with a glare directed at Lucas, but when his dark blue eyes landed on me his expression softened. The image of a black wolf with those same eyes flashed through my mind and then a face, younger than he is now, but it's definitely Mr. Crescent.

"Alexandra, I'm glad your awake, how are you feeling?" He asked with a concerned tone.

"I'm fine... Actually more than fine." I answered squeezing Lucas' hand still draped over my shoulder while also touching his mark on my neck.

"Good, I'm glad to hear it." Mr. Crescent said with a smile. "There are some things I'd like to discuss with you, if you feel up to it?"

"Did you find Gill?"

"No, were still looking... But don't worry, we'll find him."

"Oh, Yes sir..." I can't help but worry about him.

"Please call me Arthur, we're family now." He chuckled with a slight grin.

"Ok Arthur... Umm, you can call me Alex." I said with a small smile that he returned. "Actually there is something else I want to ask you about too, but please you first." I insisted, both Lucas and Arthur looked at me curiously, but Arthur nodded and motioned us to sit on one of the two big leather couches in front of his desk, with plates of food on the coffee table between them.

"First, eat something, you must be starving." Mr. Crescent said with a smile, I quickly thanked him before digging in, eating like a starved animal, both men were gracious enough not to comment on my uncivilized manor, but I couldn't help it, I didn't even realize how hungry I was until I saw the food. Lucas tried to stifle a chuckle that earned him a glare from me and his father, before he began eating too and only when we were finished didn't Mr. Crescent speak again. "Now that's done, I want to tell you that I took the liberty to temporarily excuse you from your classes, until such time you feel ready for them to resume. I know that the last few days haven't been easy for you, but I wouldn't want your introduction into our world to interfere with your GPA in any way."

"Oh... Uhh... Thank you Mr. Crescent, I mean Arthur... I know a lots been happening but honestly I'd like to continue my studies..." I said but Arthur raised his hand cutting me off.

"Please wait Alex, I'm not finished..." Arthur said as he sat down directly across from us and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. "Doctor Harris ran some tests on your blood and has likely discovered the reason your body reacted the way it did to Lucas' mark..."

"What is it? Is she alright?" Lucas asked anxiously when his father paused.

"Yes, calm down, nothing's wrong, infact it's quite the opposite... Alexandra your part werewolf."

"Part werewolf..." Lucas repeated in astonishment.

"Yes. Doctor Harris said quarter blood to be specific. One of your parents must have been a half breed." Arthur said, but I barely heard him over the shock I felt and the memories from my fever dream flashing through my mind; My dad's voice "We need to make it to pack lands and everything will be alright. They'll be able to protect us there." Was my dad a werewolf? Or half werewolf? But what does that mean for me? Am I going to be able to turn into a wolf now?

"Alexandra..." Lucas snapped his fingers infront of my face and I blinked rapidly before looking at him.

"What? Sorry."

"Are you ok baby?" Lucas looked worried.

"Ya I'm fine." I smiled sheepishly and turned back to Arthur. "So what does that mean, am I going to turn into a wolf now or something?" I asked but he shook his head.

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