Ch 27 Blame

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Surprisingly it didn't take long for Vicky to find Claire, she was walking in the hall with her twin Barbie looking friends headed toward the cafeteria. Just seeing her caused anger to well up inside me with the memories of what she did flooding my mind.

"Claire!" Vicky yelled to get her attention and she spun around with an annoyed expression, until her eyes landed on me and her scowl met mine.

"Ow." She scoffed. "What do you wa..." Claire began but was cut off as we neared and her nose crinkled like she smelt something foul, her eyes gave me a quick once over, before her glare deepened. "No... You... He didn't..." She muttered under her breath while looking at me with disgust and anger as she clenched her fists at her sides. Somehow I knew exactly what she was talking about and it stoked my confidence, my back straightened, head held high and I looked her straight in the eyes.

"Yes, he did." I said smugly as I took a confident step forward, brushing the hair off my shoulder, revealing Lucas' mark to her.

"No, it's a mistake." Claire snarled, making her pretty face scrunch up like a raisin, while her lackey's just stared at me with wide eyes.

"There's no mistake, Claire." I spat her name like a curse. "Lucas is mine!"

"No! He'll see soon enough that a pathetic human like you isn't worthy of him!" She yelled. "Or capable of being our Luna." She added in a tone so low that besides me and Vicky only the werewolf's around us could hear.

"You dare question the Moon Goddess and your future Alpha. Are you really that stupid?" Vicky shot back with the same quiet yet venomous tone.

"Vic, calm down. Maybe we should take this conversation somewhere a little more private." I said with a smirk while gesturing at the crowd that gathered around us, before I walked to the door of an empty classroom with Vicky at my side and turned back to look at Claire. "Unless your afraid to talk to me?" I challenged, knowing it would rile her and I knew I was right instantly as her face turned red in anger.

"I'm not afraid of a weakling like you." She bit back as she stomped her heels toward me, while I scoffed and entered the room. I walked across the room to the teachers desk before turning around to see Claire standing a few feet infront of the door. Her two lackey's slowly following her inside, with nervous expressions, like they really didn't want to be here, but one shut and locked the door.

"For starters, I don't need your approval, your opinion of me really makes no difference at all. Even if I wasn't Lucas' mate, someone who uses dirty underhanded methods like you would never be fit to be Luna." I snapped and her eyes widened with a gasp before she quickly recomposed herself.

"Underhanded, I don't know what your talking about." Claire shrugged innocently with a smirk.

"That's bull shit, if your going to lie you should at least be good at it or can't you even do that right?" I said calmly, but tauntingly, copying her smirk.

"Fuck you bitch!" Claire yelled before she took a calming breath to compose herself, she straightened up and chuckled. "You know I only have one regret, I just wish I could have seen the look on your face when Lucas had me pinned against that tree!" She said in a snide tone, I felt my heart clench as the image ran through my mind, but I brushed it off, refusing to give her the satisfaction of a reaction.

"Yes, that was a good trick, but I already know it wasn't really Lucas, my mate would never do something like that to me." I smiled sweetly and watched her expression fall in anger. "Maybe I should thank you, because of that me and Lucas are closer than ever."

"Not for long! No one will accept a pathetic human like you as Luna!" Claire laughed mockingly but didn't see the two girls standing behind her exchange a confused look, then turn to me and bowed their heads, before they both took a step back away from Claire.

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