Ch 8 Misunderstanding

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"Lucas stop! You can't mark her!" Claire screamed as she burst through the door.

Lucas' face stayed buried in my neck, but an ear splitting growl rumbled out of his chest, unlike anything I've ever heard before, so animalistic and domineering. The air around him changed, like a pressure forcing me into submission, eliciting a whimper from my lips. Lucas' whole body froze and his breathing hitched before he pressed his nose further into my neck, inhaling deeply, making me shiver.

"No Lucas please, you have to listen, she isn't as innocent as she seems." Claire pled in a whiny voice while her heels clicked on the stones as she took determined steps forward. "She's been sneaking out every night since she's been here, sleeping around."

As soon as those words left her lips my heart constricted, I don't want Lucas to think I'm just some loose woman... But honestly how could he not given the compromising position we're currently in... My thoughts were halted as Lucas chuckled against my skin before he propped himself up on his elbows, still blocking me from view with his body, but he stared down at me with mischief in his eyes. "Really, is that what people are saying?"

"Yes." Claire confirmed with satisfaction. "Apparently she has a weakness for tall, dark and handsome men with blue eyes, I was told that one of her lovers goes by the name Night." She informed proudly. I could barely breath around the golf ball sized knot stuck in my throat, but Lucas' face lit up with an intrigued smirk as he watched me. "She doesn't deserve you, she's nothing but a whore!" Claire spat in contempt.

Lucas immediately turned on her with another ferocious growl, his eyes flashed dangerously and I watched the muscle in his jaw flex, it was just a slight movement, a single twitch, but it was all he needed to look more dangerous than I ever thought anyone possibly could.

"How dare you speak that way about my mate!" Lucas yelled, anger radiated off of him in waves that I could literally feel and his body vibrated with rage. I don't know how to describe all the feelings that came over me, fear, confusion and shock, but there was also an overwhelming desire to comfort him, to wrap him in my arms until his anger passed and he returns to the Lucas I know.

"Y... Your mate... B... But..." Claire stuttered frightened, but Lucas' booming voice cut her off instantly.

"I don't care what you think you know. You will show her proper respect or there will be consequences. Do I make myself clear!" He growled out ferociously and Claire bowed her head, her actions took me by surprise but somehow it also felt like the right thing for her to do.

"Y... Yes... Alpha." She whimpered in a shaky terrified tone. Alpha? Why did she call him Alpha? And what was it he called me, his mate? Suddenly like she'd been shot Claire abruptly turned with tears in her eyes and ran back out the door, pulling it closed behind her with one hand like it weighed nothing. How is that possible?!? Adrenaline maybe? My thoughts were interrupted again as Lucas turned back to me and his eyes widened while he looked over my body, making me realize my breasts are still completely exposed.

In a panic I fixed my clothes and scootched back against the pillows, through white fluff now covered the bed from torn pillows, when, how and why, I have no idea. I hugged my knees to my chest. I'm so embarrassed, I wouldn't consider myself a bold person, I've never had anyone touch me the way Lucas does. How does he have this effect on me?

"I'm sorry, Alexandra. Did I frighten you?" Lucas asked in a soft almost nervous voice, again pulling me from my thoughts and as I looked into his bright blue eyes a calmness washed over me.

"No... Thank you for defending me... And... The thing about Night... It isn't the way she made it sound." I attempted to explain.

"So your not sleeping with him?" Lucas asked with a hint of sarcasm that confused me.

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