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I was just about to head back home before Lilith asked if I wanted to get some food

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I was just about to head back home before Lilith asked if I wanted to get some food.

How could I say no.

We ordered pizza and 30 minutes later a knock on the door sounded through the house.


While we were eating, Lilith put on a movie and we've been watching it ever since. I look at my phone and see how late it is. I've lost track of time.

I should really get home.

But I want to stay here.

I'll wait for this movie to finish.

15 minutes later and the movie finishes "I should really head home"

Lilith picks up her phone and the bright light fills the room "oh god I didn't even realise the time"

"Yeah me neither" I let out a soft chuckle "but I had a nice time, thanks for the pizza again"

"It's no problem" she said as she sat up "when can you come again?" there was a slight pause before she spoke again "so we can continue our work?"

"Whenever really, just let me know" I replied as I stood up.

Should I invite Lilith to my party?

It's a pool party, meaning she'll be in a bikini.


That's so weird.

I'll invite her.

"By the way" I began "I'm having a pool party in a few days, you and Talia should totally come"

Please say yes.

"A party?" She hummed "yeah sure sounds fun, we'll be there"

I'm so happy she said yes.

""Okay cool, it's on Friday, I'll text you the details" I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs, Lilith behind me.

As we got to the bottom of the stairs, the front door started to unlock.

Her parents are probably home or something.

In came an older looking lady.

"Oh hey grandma" Lilith spoke up


"Hello darling" her grandma pulled her into a quick hug. "Who's this handsome young man?" She looked me up at down.

Before I could introduce myself, Lilith answered her.

"This is Kai"

"Oh right! They guy you won't stop talking about?" Her grandma flashed her a quick smile.

Lilith talks about me?

I wonder what she says.

"I've only told you about him once, about our project" Lilith looked at her with an annoyed expression.

"I'm sure you mentioned his name many times, for example last night when you said-"

"Right I'm sure Kai needs to get back home now" Lilith cleared her throat.

Her grandma walked away after saying bye.

"Sorry about that" Lilith said as she opened the front door again.

"It's fine" I laughed to myself "see you on Friday, if not before then" I unlocked my car and got in

"See you" Lilith said back and I shut my door.

She stood there until I had pulled away from her house.

The drive home went by quick and before I knew it I was back at home.

Walking back into my room, my mood instantly dropped.

Why does Lilith have this effect on me?

I changed into a pair of grey joggers and got into bed. Scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled across a picture of a group of girls. The only person I could recognise was Talia. I clicked onto her account and instantly a load of pictures of her and Lilith pop up.

I clicked one of the images and see that Lilith's account is tagged in the caption.

Would it be weird to go through her account?


Anyway, I clicked on her account.

Holy shit.

She looks so pretty in all of them.

Being the weirdo I am, I scrolled all the way down to her first post.

Nearly 8 years ago.

How does someone keep an account for that long?

Her first post was a picture of three people. I can only assume it's Lilith, her mom and dad.

I tried clicking on the comments but instead I clicked the like button.



She's going to think I'm a creep.

I'm so stupid.

I close down Instagram and throw my down on the bed before going to sleep.


I woke up at around 8am. Wow I actually slept for once. Letting out a loud groan, I feel around my bed trying to find my phone, since I stupidly threw it somewhere. Eventually, I find it after having to get out of bed, shake my cover around, I found it.

When I tried to turn my phone on, it just popped up with the dead battery sign. Great. Just what I needed. I guess it can charge whilst I shower.

20 minutes later, I come out the bathroom wrapped in my towel and go over to my phone. I pick it up and unlock it and see that I have 2 new messages. One from Ezra and one from Lilith.

I opened Ezra message first, he just asked if we could hang out today.

Yeah I could. But what if Lilith wants to meet up again?

"Maybe I'll check my plans" I replied.

Next I opened Lilith's message and she said "Good morning, I won't be able to meet up again till Friday, I'm super busy sorry. But I'm able to come to your party, and so can Talia :)"

I was sort of hoping to see her again, but I guess I'll have to wait till Friday. That's not to far away, only 2 days.

At least she's coming to my party. I have that to look forward to.

"That's fine. I'm glad you can come to my party at least :)" I quickly replied before messaging Ezra again.

"I'm free today, wanna come to mine?"

Within seconds he replied

"Yep. Be there in 15 minutes"

At least I won't be alone today.


Ezra left my house really late. It's currently 11:45pm and I'm alone again.

I wish Friday would come quicker.

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