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Last night was a complete blur for me

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Last night was a complete blur for me. I can barely remember anything. Some bits are coming back to me the more I think about it, but everything after Talia running from me and into the pool just doesn't make sense to me.

This morning, I woke up in Kai's bed. As you guessed it I was extremely confused, I was even more confused to why Talia left in such a hurry.

I asked Kai to drop me off at Talia's house since I needed to talk to her about last night.

As I knocked on her door, I heard Kai pull away from her house and speed down the road. I was greeted by a very happy looking Talia.

"Lilith! You're alive" she exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug "sorry for leaving you yesterday I had to get home something came up"

I pulled away from her and walked in "it's okay, I can barely remember what happen anyway" she locked her door and we walked up to her room.

We both went over to her bed and laid down next to each other.

"I have a question" I broke the silence we were laying in. Talia just hummed in response "why on earth was I in bed with Kai this morning" I moved so I was now facing her.

"Okay so long story short, you got very drunk and started throwing up, I was going to stay, and I really wished I could, but I had to get home. So Kai said that you can stay in his guest bedroom. That's all I know, I have no clue why Kai was in bed with you"

"Oh okay" things started to add up a bit more, I think I'm going to have to talk to Kai about last night "is it okay if I stay here today? I don't feel like moving"

"Of course you can. I don't blame you I feel like shit today too"

"I really need to shower" I stated "Go ahead, no ones stopping you" Talia chuckled.

Even though I didn't want to get out of bed I really needed to shower. I eventually got up and headed for her bathroom, I'll never get over the size of it.

20 minutes of intense scrubbing, I'm done. I walk back into the bedroom wrapped in a towel "can I have some clothes?" I walked over to her wardrobe waiting for her to answer "I said can I-" I turn around and see Kai and Talia sitting on the bed just watching me.

"Um hi?" I said awkwardly.

Why is he here?

"I just bought your stuff. You left it at mine" he had a bag in his hands and I'm assuming my bathing suit and everything else is in there "I was just going to drop it off but Talia insisted I came in" he rubbed the back of his neck.

I've noticed he only does that in two situations, if things are a bit awkward or if he's nervous and I agree this is very awkward, I'm stood here in nothing but a towel with my wet messy hair all over the place.

Why the hell would Talia invite him in?

"Oh uh thanks" I smiled a bit before looking at Talia. It looked like she was trying to keep her laughter in. I'm going to kill her. I swear.

She definitely done this on purpose. She knows I have a thing for Kai and inviting him in, whilst I'm in the shower was definitely apart of some sort of plan "what's so funny Talia?"

"Oh nothing, just watching you two talking to each other is funny"

"And why is it so funny?" I really should get some clothes on.

"Are you guys blind or something?"

What is she on about?

I just raised my eyebrows at her, she's so confusing.

"You guys obviously have a thing for each other and it's painful watching you guys act like you don't"

I can feel my cheeks start to heat up and my eyes widen and she finishes.

Kai just clears his throat "I'm going to go, thanks for inviting me in" he gets up and heads for the door, Talia looks like she's about to say something "you and Ezra should totally come to mine tomorrow" Kai stops in his place and turns around "I'll think about it" that's all he says before leaving.

"Talia I'm going to kill you" I say as I go into her wardrobe and pick out some clothes. I just picked a simple white crop top and grey sweatpants.

"Why did you ask Kai to come in?"

"Because I was being nice?" She smirked

"Bullshit" I sat on the bed next to her

"Okay fine" She turned and looked at me "you guys clearly have a thing for each other. You guys need to talk with each other, by the way he was looking at you in that towel, I can guarantee he likes you too. I know Kai isn't the best guy to be with, but I really feel like you two would be good together. You need to talk. That's why I've invited him and Ezra tomorrow, hopefully you guys will get a bit closer"

I was speechless.

Surely Kai wouldn't like someone like me. Would he?

Maybe I need to stop being so negative, maybe he does like me.

"You really think that we would be good together?"

"Yes Lilith, you don't notice the way he looks at you, but I do. While we're on this topic I have something to tell you"

"Okay tell me" the way she said that didn't sound good

"I may, or may not, like someone"

My eyes widened at what she said "Who?"


"I knew it. You guys would be good together" I smirked at her "how long have you liked him?"

"Ever since that stupid project we got assigned"

"Are you going to talk to him about it tomorrow?" I asked her

"I don't know. Maybe after a few drinks"

"Okay so just to be clear it's just the four of us tomorrow. No one else right?"

"Yes just us four"

I really hope so, I need a break from partying.

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