Dawn of Injustice Ch. 2 (Savitara: Angel's Dream or Fall?)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 2 (Savitara: Angel's Dream or Fall?)

Meanwhile, somewhere in Israel

Lincoln: Oh hey, didn't see you there. I guess you have an update on what's going on. No need to spoil me. I'll find out soon enough. Anyways, to the readers: Logan and I have been traveling in different sanctums. Asgard is the only sanctum that was inaccessible because it was sealed off or destroyed. Surima was rebuilt, then there's Olympia, the caves in India, Ionia in Japan, and Scala ad Caelum in Jerusalem. Another sanctum that has been sealed of was from Themyscira, due to "reason". But our mission is complete, Logan and I will go home soon. First, we should at least buy and bring home a souvenir like the past sanctums. I was able to have some items delivered to my other children to remind them that I'm always around. Although they are brought in secret so that none will even try to locate me. Welp, that's all for now. Lincoln Loud, logging off.

Back to Royal Woods

After the attack, the city look even more amazing, metas and humans working together reconstructing the lost buildings. As if the place was given another chance. Even without the Phoenix King ruling over the place, things are quite peaceful as it seems. But particular sister is still worries for what lies ahead.

Carol: Lori, what's wrong? You look a little wrecked.

Lori: Sorry about that. It's just that...

Carol: Lemme guess, Lincoln or Bobby?

Lori: Both, my spirit animal can't even contact his, and Johnny Speed is at it again. When will this madness ever end. (She looked at Carol) I wish that it's just all a nightmare.

Carol: Will it be a nightmare to see this place so peaceful? Come on Lori, You're way too worried. Things happen for a reason OK. (Carol placed her hand on Lori's shoulder) Should anything happen, I will be there for you OK.

Lori: I know I shouldn't say this but I feel like Linc's right. I should have ended it when I had the chance.

Carol: It's your choice to be better. If I'd still your enemy and ended me, we would never be best friends, yet look at us. Things are un predictable, stop worrying of the what-ifs and start looking for the what is now. (Carol smiled at her) Besties?

Lori: Yeah, Besties.

As the night goes on, they head on and took a long rest while Brother's Eye have his computer in automatic security mode. The rest are in happy times. The next day...

Rori Santiago: Bye mom, bye dad! Bro and I are going.

Lori: We'll pick you guys up at 2(pm).

Roberto "Roby Santiago III: Come on Rori, We'll be late.

Bobby: (handed over lunch packs) Don't forget these.

The school bus was in time for the siblings to enter and go to school. At Lisa's school for the gifted, many students varying from meta to skilled humans study there. Many gifted children from all over Royal Woods (or even the entire state) study there for its quality of education thanks to Phoenix King, Brother's Eye and The Headmistress's husband and current High Councilor: David Wisemann.

Rori: Look at this bro, Valheim van Helsing is still top 1 from our grade. That's the student council press for you. But I wonder what happened to our vice prez? He's been gone for ages.

Roby: Didn't you know, he left to study abroad instead. Our cousin is really enigmatic, isn't he? He was number two always only to be replaced by Arthur Sinclair, our top 3 and class rep.

Rori: Yeah, they were pretty amazing right? (in her thoughts: Oh Valheim, how dreamy.)

Roby: Rori, stop starring at him for 5 minuites. We'll literally be late if you don't move.

Rori: Okie Doki, Big bro. Let's meet up with the Gemini Twins so we could go to class together.

And there they go. Meanwhile in Birdcage.

Squatch: I thought you said "he'd" be here.

J. Speed: "He" will OK. Just wait for it.

Nuke: Dude, we're waiting like 4 hours. How much longer?

J. Speed: Any minute now. (An explosion is heard and voices of several men being knocked out.) "He's" here. (A man with a crown of 3 dots came with armor and tentacles came to them.) Glad to see you sir.

?: And I thought I told you to call me, Emerson?

Nuke: So, you're the benefactor that Speedy is talking about. (Looks at Emerson) How is it that your plan got him arrested.

Emerson: You dare question me? It was a successful mission even if he missed. All I want is for them to know fear. To know what it feels like to lose a family. Death is too good for them, we show them hell and that's final.

Squatch: That's enough guys. We need to get out of here before reinforcement arrives.

Emerson: Then I'll be out of anyone's eye for now. Brother's Eye is too good for a security system. I need to be low before they get a chance of preemptive strike. My ship will be ready to hack their communication.

J. Speed: Then let's get going.

All Terror Crew main members escaped.

Clyde: Attention, this is Brother's Eye reporting. An attack located at Birdcage has erupted. Security are pretty much damaged and needs back up. Does anyone copy?

Savitara: Savitara here, Gemini girl, Thunderdrum and Mystica are on it.

Deathfrost: Detective Deathfrost, here with Huntress, Crystal Queen and Ivygirl reporting for duty.

Powergirl: Powergirl on bodyguard duty here with Omniscience.

Omniscience: Lynn, I'm more capable of taking care of myself. Archimedes is with me remember. You and Grodd are enough bodyguards.

Powergirl: I get it, nerd. Just making sure that I don't lose like...

Omniscience: Our brother is capable enough to take himself safe. Although his location is still a mystery, all I know is that he's not the one to die without a fight. Nor to die so easily.

As the heroes went to Birdcage, they made sure that security becomes tight enough to maintain order. While Surge and Armor are taking care of the robberies to ensure that they won't serve as distractions. Road Hazard even got Brother's Eye to tell him what to do. Carol then made sure that there are no civilians nearby.

In the forest

Chandler: And so it begins.

In a mansion (Chicago)

Lindsey Sweetwater-Balagtas: Darling, we have to move. Get your bow and arrow out here. (She wore her black suit and gadgets on her neck and gloves)

Robin Jose Balagtas: Got it. (He wore his green hood and mask while equipping his bow and quiver) Let's go sweetheart.


Maggie: Azrael, what did Mythos told you?

Dr. Azrael/Dr. Myth: Destructive fate, raging fire, invasion, and box? A box, wait could it be?

Nicolas/Gravitron: So the mythical Pandora's Box like the legend you've told. It really does exist.

Maggie: Anything else?

Dr. Azrael/Dr. Myth: Michigan, 11 heroes, their descendants. (He removed the mask) Nothing else, he stopped predicting.

Maggie: Then it's time to go home, for a while though. Let's go.

Nicolas: Right back at you.

Back to Royal Woods.

Savitara: Lana, Lola and Lily, get to the injured and tend to them. Luna, Luan and Lucy with me. Leni, you're with Lynn and Lisa. Got it?

Everyone: "Roger", "Got it", "OK"

As they went to their respective roles. Savitara moved and discovered that the Terror Crew escaped.

J. Speed: Well well, it's the slowpoke. Ready for round 2? This time no holds barred.

Savitara: I was born ready.

The two speedsters clashed while Squatch and Nuke are left with Thuderdrum, Mystica, and Deathfrost. (The scenes POV will only be Savitara's, The rest will fight)

J. Speed: What's the matter? Armor slowing you down? It's too heavy for you, I should rip you apart with it. (They run, then he strikes a karate chop)

Savitara: I should have end you when I have the chance. You are as irredeemable as my brother thought you are. (She blocks then strikes a hook to the stomach).

The speedsters continued their brawl but Savitara was in the lead. Savitara then grabs Johnny by the neck before speeding somewhere else. As Savitara rushes, she threw him to a dessert highroad. And then she grabs him back and runs for a few seconds to a different location with buildings. After throwing Johnny, she then grabs his leg and swings him to a wall, then uppercuts him thus sending him to the roof. Then at the roof Savitara beats him back to fall and grabs him back to Birdcage outskirts. Johnny knew he can't win against the wrath of the angel so he fled. Ultimately, he failed as he got choked and thrown back at the outskirt's wall.

Savitara: This was a battle you literally cannot win. (She then vibrates her right hand to prepare the final blow.)

J. Speed: No, I can't win. But if I go down, All of you will join me anyway. Either way, we still won. (He got grabbed by the neck) Show me then, what it feels to kill. Go ahead, finish me.

As Savitara was about to deal the coup de grace, she stopped when all of her sisters went to her location to see her.

Savitara: I'm an angel, I won't fall to hate. Unlike you. (She strikes his neck to at least incapacitate him so that they could imprison him. This time permanently.)

Savitara: Alright guys, let's go home.

They went on victorious and Carol was happy to see her best friend have her mind set free from worries. She was proud of her conquering her fears and doubts. She went on to pick up her children back home. Lori told Bobby everything that happened. He was happy that his wife finnaly let go of her insecurities. Now the fell even safer than before.

Lori in her thoughts: Maybe Lincoln would be proud of my decision. If not, then that's OK. He will understand that he cannot control my life....Oh so this is what he felt when we were younger, *chuckle* oops. I guess I did rub some on him too. We did win the battle, but I feel like the war's just begun.


Emerson: I see he failed, but that didn't thwart my plans. Soon in this ship. The Four Horsemen will be revealed, Pandora's Box will reopen and destruction will be inevitable. Once everything is clean, I will rebuilt everything from scratch in my own image. Just like my ancestor did.


Somewhere between Jordan and Israel.

Lincoln: Son, hurry up and those things in delivery. Ranga, help my son.

The wolf nods and guided Logan.

Lincoln: The tome of Angels, Lesser Keys, and Dead Sea Scrolls. I'll have the 2 hidden then send the tome to my daughter, Lina. She'll know what to do. *chuckle* So the power of Shazam! the immortal guardians. Those who protect people from the Seven Legions of Chaos. I wonder who's the lucky one to be chosen as guardian? Oh well, let fate hide its secrets from me, afterall.


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