Dawn of Injustice Ch. 16 (Omniscience: Paranoid Grid)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 16 (Omniscience: Paranoid Grid)

Dr. Faust made it in Scala ad Caelum. There he saw the armies of Heaven ready to open a gate to Earth to initiate a full assault in hopes that the Tower of Judgement will not be erected once again. From there Dr. Faust rushed towards the 2 leaders of the angelic army.

Dr. Faust: Hello, brothers. I see you guys are prepared as always.

Mettatron: Greetings Samael, I see you have your divinity back.

Michael: Luce, you're back? Wait... did you just stole your son's...?

Dr. Faust: That's not important now, did Father sent you guys the message already?

Uriel (appears): Hello, brother. Father forgot to mention you here apparently. Him and Auntie Pandora are at the Ein Sof planes at the Realms Between I'm afraid.

Dr. Faust: Figures, Dad is always the family guy, isn't he? Always finding ways to fix His relationship with His sister. I must be off then, many souls to torture after these many injustices that plagued the world.

Camael (appears): Most of them are your FAULT for not taking responsibility!! You lead the opening of the Bermuda Triangle, did you not?

Gabriel: Now, now. It was a bit unorthodox but it was necessary. Luce, did Cain really escape the Netherworld?

Dr. Faust: Yes, indeed. He started this human "family" army from his descendants: the Tetherby's. Now those family are filled with bloodthirst and wanted mass genocide.

Raphael: Then why help him? Why stay loyal to him?

Michael: To avoid suspicion just like what you did in Eden, right brother? Knowing you, you wanted to keep low profile as Dr. Faust Schnizer. Then if the info is enough, if you knew exactly who are you dealing with, you'd turn tail and run like how you dealt with Jacob Israel.

Dr. Faust: You know me too well, brother. [summons a dark portal] Well, I better get going. There's going to be a hell of a security guard back at the Netherworld. Adieu [exits into the portal]

Camael: Are we just gonna let him do as he pleases?

Amenadiel: Yes, I only pray that he will not be astray like his petty rebellion.

Camael: Whatever! I'm going back to the young champion. Ariel, Uriel, take care alright.

Ariel and Uriel: "Be careful, brother" "Don't push Lincoln too much!"

Meanwhile on Earth [a few hours before], Lisa has gathered her bodyguards to find the location of the hacker. She had some members of Scarlet Arrows, Carol/Cybergirl, Lola and Lana to her side.

Lisa: My favorite suit. [she then wears a her biosuit of green, a head gear with the Apple of Eden at its core] My knowledge is imminent.

Lana: What do we do?

Lisa: Go to my son's laboratory. His several projects will need several assistance. Someone stole the blueprints of his Project Tron, it require immediate retrieval or worse case: Eradication.

Lola: We're on our way. Let's go, Lana! [the twins went to Solomon's laboratory to provide assistance]

Carol: Incoming!!

Several lasers flew from the facility and aimed at Lisa and High Councilor David. Carol then activated her proton-shield and blocks the incoming attack.

Lisa/Omniscience: Eureka, I know that this would happen. The virus has spread through Martha and now taking a physical manifestation. We are dealing with cybernetic organisms that are from the computer.

Cybergirl: How did they come through?

Lisa/Omniscience: My stolen projects, from a vessel for SOULS, to hyperspace, the Office of Reminiscence, and Data-Training programs. Those are training programs for my students at the academy now used as tool of war.

David: Those are nothing compared to the latest and hidden WIP that I made sure no one except His Majesty and my son will finish: The Cerebellum. It could have been finished if the Knowledge Fruit didn't went offline.

Lisa/Omniscience: My better half, it is very advisable for you to retreat from this peril. This country still need a leader like you. Carol, my cybernetic bodyguard and I will deal with this technological adversary.

David then gather two of his bodyguards and went to the safest area in the facility. Now having access to teleportation due to Martha's condition, they have no choice but to use the limousine to transfer. From rooms to hallways, they got attacked by various virus that are transferred from the computer into the real-world. A diamond drone-bot starts shooting lightning bolts at them.

Lisa/Omniscience: I figured you'd steal third eldest's powers, which why I had this. [Holds out an voltaic canceler gun and shoots at the virus] Bull's eye! [the drone then malfunction and stopped firing]

Cybergirl: My turn! [fires a laser from her cannon and decimated the junk virus] Phew and that was a close call.BTW, you could have crushed the thing with your telekinesis. So why didn't you?

Lisa/Omniscience: I have my reasons. Plus, I don't desire to wreak havoc in this facility. My paradise has been trespassed and thrashed as it is. That infiltrator will feel my wrath when I see them.

Cybergirl: Fair enough. So, shall we get going?

The next room is the Chemistry Room for Pharmaceutical Research. They saw that most of the medicines are removed, burned, melted by acid and the beakers have accurate holes on them.

Cybergirl: What a waste of medicines, it could have been perfect if used for treating a lot of sickness.

Lisa: Not all of them. [opens a secret vault and took one pill] Plumber nanotech pills, take one and you'll be as potent than Willie's confection super-narcotics by a whole week or months. Heal also the most severe of injuries but cannot return lost body parts and blood. [throws some containers at Carol] Use for emergencies, Carol.

Cybergirl: I know. I'm still surprised that you help your brother pull this off. I mean, what was he thinking when he made the regime.

Lisa: The loss of his lover, Paige. He promised that this tragedy will not happen again after the foolish government officials abolished all metahuman activities. It didn't affect human terrorists so at the fit of anger, he discreetly gained many support and forced the entire government to submit to him. He returned death sentence and an even effective curfew with most metahumans are patrolling, his trustworthy men. No one ever thought of betraying him or else the same fate as the so-called witches and sorcerers will be annihilated. All that for his revenge at the loss of his spouse.

Cybergirl: I mean, I know he had good intentions. But this took a whole new level of governing. Pure dictatorship before he left his terms to his nerdy friend and from him to your husband.

LIsa: I'd rather we not talk about the past predicament. Instead we take action to make tomorrow a place to be.

As they proceed to the computer room, they noticed two figures unconscious. They gave them the pills to help them regenerate from their injuries. Lisa notices bite marks and scratches as if a bug took them down.

Lisa: At ease, Tongri, Hornet. Explain all conflict slow and steadily.

Tongri: A bug, monster, metahuman. His venom was too much, If it wasn't for my body, I'd die in mere seconds. Is Nicole alright?

Cybergirl checked her pulse and noticed that it hasn't returned yet. Her Royal Jelly elixirs only slowed the effects of the stings. Carol then gave her the pills and it helped her to restore. She then uses her defibrillator hands to resuscitate her to shape while Lisa get the oxygen mask from the Chemistry Room. Nicole then awakens from her state.

Lisa/Omniscience: Is there anything that ails you?

Hornet: Thank you, I've sent the Galvanic DNA to your son. Rapidsnipe was right, he was too much for me.

Carol: Don't exert too much.

Tongri: Thanks you guys, but we'll take it from here. [carries Hornet] We better get to med-bay.

Cybergirl: I'll join you. [heads to Lisa] We'll be back to deal with the intruder, for now they need my help.

Lisa: I suggest that too. There's a shortcut to the med-bay from the Chemistry Room. After they recover, meet us near Brother's Eye.

Thus Lisa and Carol went separately. Solomon then appeared after to enter the Vestibule where the room near Brother's Eye is on Lockdown.

Lisa: Male offspring, are you certain that you deal with the threat?

Solomon: I've sent aunt Lana and Lola to Cyberspace with the Galvanic Data DNA. It's time for Dr. Brainiac to take physical action to assist Mr. McBride. [He wears a metal suit and drones float upon his shoulders]

They went to the Vestibule and saw a hooded-man. Then another figure appeared with him, one is having an insect-like figure while the other seemed to where a cybernetic armor. They both summoned giant enemies, a gigantic mantis and an Armored Mechanoid.

Bug-Man: Killer Mantis, BRING THEM DOWN!!!

Armored Mechanoid: Ah yes, Targets are now confirmed: Lisa L. Wisemann known as Prodigy/Omniscience, Solomon L. Wisemann known as Dr. Brainiac. Phantasma Yod Aleph, activates combat mode.

Lisa: Son, aim the head of the Phyllocrania Paradoxa. That will incapacitate their sense of sight while I figure out how to dismantle this robotic abomination.

Solomon [in his suit]: Got it, mom. [summons 4 microbots and fires repulsion blast with their cannons] Engaging target.

Lisa: Good, now to focus my energy on you.

Phantasma Yod Aleph/ Ph. 11: Commencing attack [Trusts drill arms at Lisa but stopped by telekinesis] initiating Anti-Psychic barrier. Commencing onslaught. [after the barrier is erected, lasers are now fired.]

Lisa: They're prepared, better keep up the phase. [press some buttons on her watch as she calls on her gadgets.] Eat this. [Some RPG flew and detonates on the mechanoid].

Ph. 11: Calculating Damage... Damage is sustainable... initiating repair and anti-explosive barrier... Drill is now deactivated until further repairs.

Lisa: How about this. [The next set of explosives now contains liquid nitrogen that freezes the robot] Eat this... [Throws a nearby fallen column and hits the mechanoid]

Ph. 11: Light damage... initiating anti-momentum function... heat barrier deactivated... commencing cold protection. [steam melted the ice and the mechanoid became functional again]. Firing mega-lasers [two cannons fired mega-lasers that decimated most of the hallway upto the roof. Lisa barely dodge the attack and got pushed back but unscathed thanks to her Psychokinesis]

Lisa: Dang it, So it could protect itself one at a time. I need to have the shields deactivated. But how.

Solomon continues to distract the Killer Mantis as he fires more laser and missiles at the mantis but its shell is very protective. Its claws then slashed through the columns and destroyed a few staircases.

Solomon: It's no use, the exoskeleton is impenetrable. I'll ran out of arsenals before I punch a hole. Plus, its too smart to block its eyes when I unleashed my mini-gun.

A woman then shouts "Then find it's weak spot". The figures show to be Lina Loud nee Sharp aka. Star Hanabi. She then fires radioactive blasts to the mantis and the Phantasma.

Lisa: Glad to have as an assist like you.

Lina: Nah, I heard a distress call from dad. I have to come if it's from him.

Solomon: So what weakness are we seeing here?

Lina: See those joints the bug has. They have no exoskeleton, meaning its flesh is exposed there. Cut them down first before shooting the eyes.

Lisa: Lina, help me finish this failed mechanoid.

Lina: You got it, auntie.

Solomon then uses his energy wrist-blade to cut down the weak spots. This rendered the mantis defenseless, so before it could defend, Solomon bombarded the eyes up to its brain and splatter its skull into mincemeat with lasers and missiles.

Lina: I call upon the sun's bright light. [her forehead mark glows as her hair engulfed in flames as she absorbs solar energy.] Ready the finale!!

Lisa then uses telekinesis to bury the Phantasma but it was to no avail. Lina fired radioactive shots and damaged its cannons. Last of its weapons is a giant blade. The phantasma swings the blade and smacks the walls of the Vestibule causing some hole in the walls. Lina fired another shot but the barrier is up.

Lisa: Cease fire, It defends whenever it got attack. We need to randomize our tactics to halt this thing.

Lina: So I can't rampage or it will adapt to my attacks, lame robot. [she angrily fired another blast]

Lisa: [thoughts: Her mark is affecting her. If things get worse, she'll go bloodthirsty] I have an idea. Follow my lead.

Lisa then calls more of her gadgets and uses Sound Diva's grenades to shatter its barrier. The robot then uses a sonar-shield to defend from the attack. Lina then fired her Heat Ray Gun: Flargo Maximo. This severely damaged the robots hands as Lisa telepathically snaps the hands and grabs the giant sword. She aimed at the core and throws the giant blade into its chest as Lina infuse it with her flames for additional power. The blade punctured through the phantasma.

Phantasma Yod Aleph: Damage Critical, Systems failed... Shutting... down... [the phantasma shut down as it is rendered useless.]

Lisa: Another part of my collection.

Cybernetic Man: I wouldn't be too sure. [fires a laser an hits Lisa]

A swarm of bugs then distracts Solomon until he reaches the ground with his mother.

Lisa: Who in Einstein's are you?

Cybernetic Man: A failed product of Tetherby's experiments and a renegade metahuman.

The figures revealed their identities

Clancy: The name's Clancy and you just killed another friend from Project GENESIS. You will pay!

Carol then shows up to assist the 3 heroes.

Carol: No way... you're dead for ages... Not even Tetherby knows about Lisa vessel projects...No signs of the L-Virus either... So why?... Why are you alive, Adam!?

Adamborg: Well, well, well. Howdy, Carol. Nice to finally see you. Emerson says hello and... GOODBYE! [He press a button to disable some of Carol's functions] *evil laugh*

-To Be Continued- "Reconnect: Dawn of Injustice"

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