Dawn of Injustice Ch. 13 (Huntress: Nature's Call)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 13 (Huntress: Nature's Call)

(Event: before the pirate invasion) Before the gathering, Lana aka. The Huntress [formerly Wildgirl] is training with Soothsayer, Crystal Queen, her son: Hunter aka. Mr. Beast and Leia [Jewel Princess]. Deep within the forest under the protection of Lily Loud aka. Ivygirl [formerly Greenthumb] and some forest guardians like Mother Nature: a Dryad, and Trent the forest fairy, our heroes are residing along with an old friend. A woman under the name Sid Chang is tending the glen garden deep hidden within the forest and preparing some beverages for the rest of the heroes. A brew of wild tea leaves with a hint of fruits and edible wild berries.

The training went smoothly, well for most parts. Leia's camera tend to malfunction so she couldn't save the moment of their action for a movie presentation. Lola did warn her to bring back-up plan but the daughter didn't listen. This did not surprise the others as they knew who exactly had the same attitude since childhood. That morning...

Lana: Son, remember what we trained.

Hun: Yes mom. Stalk like a tiger, be quick like a cheetah, proud and ferocious like a lion and stealthy like a jaguar. Not to let my prey out of sights.

Abu[Lana's monkey/spirit animal]: Impressive, you've memorize all that without a problem. Well then, off you go. And good luck.

Hunter called himself as Mr. Beast for his favorite Marvel/X-Men character and Beast Boy from DC's Titans. His shape-shifting abilities are very quick and control over predatoric animals is well maintained. The only problem he had is prehistoric or extinct animals like Dinosaurs, but the parent wasn't worried for he will soon learn control.

Hun(Lion): GOTCHA!! [He pounced over a stag and subdued it for capture] You're not getting away! Mom and Aunt Lola are expecting you to be dinner. [He then bit the neck and broke it for the kill] That did it.

Hunter reverts to his human form and presented the fallen prey to Lana and Soothsayer. Sid gave them a bunch of wild vegetables and edible mushrooms for their stew. Lola and Leia returned to their camp site and smelled the nearly cooked lunch.

Leia: Aw man, another successful hunt. I've got to prepare for moments like this. [looks at Hun] Hey, Hunter! Next time, wild boar. Make Litson roast. [Filipino slow roasted pig]

Hun: Got it cousin!

Lola: Don't have too much of those. If you wanna stay fit, eat something kosher.

Leia: Yeesh, ok mom. Whatever you say.

Soothsayer: Thank you for this abundant blessing, oh Father Creator. We are nearing the end of our training session. As far as we goes, Leia is now improving her crystals and reshaping it better. Hunter here is now enabling to merge her consciousness and instincts. If this goes smoothly then we'll be done faster than Lynn's training.

Lola: Of course, it's only a matter of time.

As they finished their lunch, the forest guardians hurried to their locations and sent Sid a disturbing message. Sid then hurried her meal and approached the heroes.

Sid: Guys, a mysterious gunman is attacking the forest, killing both predators and preys. Mother is holding him off with traps and wood but he looks too strong so Trent sent me a warning. He is scurrying in the north. Meanwhile a werewolf like creature and a woman with machines are attacking the south.

Lana: That can't be good.

Abu: We better do something about this threat.

Hun: Mom, your call?

Soothsayer: We have to separate. It's the fastest way to handle this. While both of you are training, I received a warning that a gunman and siblings will be attacking northbound and southbound. It was a vision, Lola and Leia will handle the south, Lana and Hunter, take north.

Lana, Lola, Hun, Leia: Alright! Got it!

Kuja: Be careful out there, my beauties.

And so the twins and their child split up to handle the threat that is coming.

Soothsayer: [feels a premonition] Another one? [closes his eyes and see a figure of a woman and an old man fighting a silhouette of Lily and a girl holding an enlarged atom engulfed in fire] Better warn Lily. I feel a new presence.

When Lana reached the northern most part of the forest, she met someone she did not expect to appear.

Lana: [shocked] No, not you! Why...?

Xander: Surprised to see me? You should be! I was finally gonna have my greatest trophy: your head! Until yoour brother burned me to crisps. Well most of me, but you get the picture!

Hun: Mom, who is he?

Xander: Oh great, mother and son. Together, this will make my game even more interesting. [shoots from his sniper]

Lana: Look out. [Hunter and Lana dodges the shot] Time for the predator to fight back. [transforms into Huntress] Just you and me, Xander. A real test to see the true hunter.

Xander: Bring it! Once I have your head, your son is next!

Huntress transformed into a Nemian Lion, A lion only with Herculian strength could defeat. Xander then took a syringe and took the content into his veins which in turn enhanced most of his capabilities.

Lana/Huntress: L-Virus? So that's how. But there is something else.

Xander: Oh, so you noticed. I am indeed a vessel. Which means I won't lose to you.

Lana/Huntress: Bring it on, Xander. This will be the last time you'll terrorize nature.

Xander took out his hunting knife and sniper rifle. He strikes but Lana quickly becomes a cheetah, which in turn improved her speed and quickly dodge. Reverting into her lioness form, she swipe her claws. This wounded Xander but it healed quickly. Xander counters with a knife punch that sends Lana backwards.

Hun: [to himself: I have to do something, or mom will lose.] I have to use this spear, huh? [proceeds in his running man stance and rushed towards Xander] EAT THIS! [hurls a javelin toss]

Xander sensed the spear to his direction and grabs the spear. He got damaged but to a bare minimum, as he toss the javelin back to Hunter/Mr. Beast. Mr. Beast transforms into a wolf and grabs the shaft of the javelin before reverting to his human form.

Xander: Is this suppose to be a challenge. I've hunted down a lot of wild beasts from different jungles. An animal shape-shifter is no exception.

Mr. Beast: Then have you tried a dinosaur [transforms into a T-Rex, as his consciousness is devoured by his pre-historic instincts]. *ROAR*!!

Xander: Oh please, I have beaten your mother looking like that.

Lana/Huntress: Not if his alone. [transforms into a fire-breathing dragon] Thanks to Lincoln showing me his new training ground, I learned that I am not limited to existing animals but I can do mythical animals as well.

Xander: Now this is a challenge. [Fires his rifle but the scales deflects the shots] Dang it! What the...! [gets his by the T-Rex rushing to him.]

Lana/Huntress: My son's out of control again. I need to do something or he'll get killed.

???: Need some help?

A man and a girl appeared and fires a fireball towards Xander. Then he froze the t-rex's legs before firing a tranquilizer dart that reverts Hunter to his human form.

Lana/Huntress[dragon]: That's a big thanks, Replicate.

Tom/Replicate: Alice, make sure he doesn't escape.

Alice: Understood. [created many illusions of Lana/dragon, while Xander comes to]

Xander: Aw nuts. [shoots from the sniper] They're fakes? [took some his grenades] Don't waste my time! [The grenade explodes as a few of the illusions disperses]

One of the fake Lana breathes fire to Xander, which hurts him. But the truth is nothing is hitting him, he's under an illusion.

Tom/Replicate: Only cyborgs and inhumans can escape that illusion. He maybe a vessel but his still subjected to human physiology. The L-virus will run-out and he will decay without another dosage.

Django and Irate then appears. Irate shoots a cluster of fireballs at Alice but Replicate then constructs a force wall to Alice. She loses her focus, which in turn frees Xander from the influence.

Django: Time to retreat, you've run out of syringes. [opens a dark portal]

Xander: You're lucky this time, but we will soon settle the matter! [retreats]

Irate: But to keep you company! [a horde of Nightmares and Nevermores appears to keep them occupied]

Tom/Replicate: Huntress go to your sister, Power Girl. She needs help in suppressing a pirate ship.

Lana/Huntress: Alright be careful. [Mr. Beast wakes up] Hunter, take care of things here. I going to Soothsayer.

Hun: Alright mom.

Lana left her son, Tom and Alice to deal with the swarm of Nightmares. She them went to Soothsayer where they got teleported, along with Lola, to the pirate ship. There she saw Lynn, Revi, Jor-El, and the Agni Kai fighting the undeads while Rude is hidden in a barrel. Meanwhile in the forest.

Hunter: I need to master the control like my mom would have done. [changes into a bear]

Tom/Replicate: Alice, get back, illusions won't work on them.

Alice: I'll leave the rest for you guys.

Hun: S-sure thing, milady.

Hunter fought the Nightmares, Beowulf, and Nevermore with Replicate. Replicate freezes them while Hunter shatters them into ice dust. As the fight prolongs, Hunter transforms into a monkey while holding his javelin where plant pillars sprouts. He knew that Trent, Mother, and Lily are watching over him; thus giving him the opportunity to strike quickly. He impaled his spear into the head of the Beowulf and immediately took the spear into his next target, the Nightmare. Replicate recreates the plant pillars for Hunter to jump on. With incredible speed, Hun beheads the Nightmares with his spear. Replicate then creates a wooden and crystal spears; and uses momentum speed and plant pillars to launch himslef in mid-air. He clones himself to strike multiple Nevermores from the air. The horde is extinguished.

Hun: Phew, that's all then.

Tom/Replicate: Good work little one. Your mother will be proud of you.

Hun: Thanks, old dude.

Alice: Impressive, Hunter. You defended this forest.

Hun: Aw jeez, it's nothing. Still I need to train more if I am to control historical animals.

The forest is successfully saved thanks to the effort of the young hero. But it wasn't just him.

-TO BE CONTINUED- [Crystal Queen and Jewel Princess's perspective/route]

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