Dawn of Injustice Ch. 20 (Phoenix King: Dawn of Injustice 1 - Godspeed)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 20 (Phoenix King: Dawn of Injustice 1 - Godspeed)

Within the Tower of Judgement, Lincoln waits as Bobby went to the first door. Ronnie Anne entered the door that leads to Luna and Luan's location. His master, Uriel of the Angels went with Ronnie Anne. Ben Tennyson and Jen Tennyson arrives at where Lincoln's position.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Took you both long enough!

Ben: Sorry, but Plumbers got some trouble controlling the alien warships. Some escaped their prison planet.

Jen: Ben, I sense a presence. [points at the sixth door] Over there!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: I sensed it too. It's not from Earth so it must be alien.

Eerie Sound: T-e-n-n-y-s-o-n...

Ben: That can't be!

Jen: Only one way to find out.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Go ahead. I have to help my sisters first.

Ben and Jen then opened the Sixth door as Lincoln proceeds the first door. Using only flight and fireballs, he scourged his adversaries from forming a blockade. At the end of the labyrinth, he saw Lori fighting Johnny Speed while Leni and Bobby are cornering Squatch. Lincoln entered to assist the heroic team.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Lori! Bobby! Leni!

Lori/Savitara: Lincoln.

Leni/Gemini Girl: Linky!

Bobby/Armor: Good to see ya! Little bro!

Johnny Speed: This is a treat! Now I can finish you all off!

Squatch: All of you will DIE!!

Lori and Johnny engage in a speed combat as Leni multiplies and attack Squatch one by one. Bobby took out a bar of Adamantine Platinum and absorb its quality to become the very metal himself. Leni couldn't restrain Squatch as he swipe Leni away, but Bobby was able to counter as punched Squatch and sends him backward. Johnny is almost as fast as Lori thanks to the Hexian miasma that he attained from his alliance to Emerson Tetherby. He is almost catching up to Lori and able to counter every attack Lori is sending from left to right. As if Johnny becomes the reverse of Savitara's capability, the negative velocity. They took of in a circle and clashed at the center point over and over but their speed cancels each other.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Bobby! Can you now produce metal blades? I have a solution.

Bobby/Armor: I can. [his hands becomes Kris blade] I'll call this one "mantis style".

Leni then started making more clones as she know exactly her role is: distraction and decoy. Thanks to one of Lisa's invention, she can use a comb that doubles as a dagger similar to her daughter's kits. She can also use an strong silk lasso that was handcrafted by her two fashion daughters.

Squatch: Damn it! How many girls do a have to deal with!?

Bobby/Armor: She not the only one. [Bobby blitz to his location and slashed down Squatch] That is for my family.

The vertical wound damaged Squatch but due to his primate physiology, his body is healing in mere seconds.

Leni/Gemini Girl: Like just give up. You can't win against all of us.

Bobby then tries a spin slash but Squatch dodges. Leni's clones encircles around him and carrying a bottle of perfume.

Leni/Gemini Girl: Also this is for Mrs. Rachel. [The clones threw the bottle and broke. This create a mist of sweet scent]

Squatch: What is this? [The aerosol is starting to cloud his senses.]

Bobby/Armor: Lincoln's right. Even if they are corrupted as Hexians, they are still part living people. The miasma of darkness only boosted their abilities and malice, but it doesn't render them immune to poisoning effect.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Leni! Get out of there! [as the clones returned to their original host, Lincoln sets up multiple fireballs into the air.] Grand Flare Crusher - Hellzone Bombardier. [the multiple flare crushers approached Squatch and exploded on contact. As the smoke clears from the detonation, Squatch is now on the ground with multiple burn and slash wounds] Now to get to Lori.

Leni and Bobby walked near to Squatch as he cough ashes and smoke from the previous attack.

Squatch: Why... don't you... end it... already? Just stop my suffering.

Leni/Gemini Girl: Why? Why are so bad? It didn't have to be like this.

Squatch: I... didn't have anything to lose. My brother is all I got. Our sister left us ever since... we... became criminals. I... wanted... the world... to know the... same. Feel... the... same.

Bobby/Armor: Lincoln's right. People don't change. You have no love nor heart. But at least you won't suffer anymore. [Bobby the transforms his hands as lance and sword and stabbed Squatch his coup de grace] Requiescat in pace, bastardo.

Johnny Speed: MIKE! NOOOOOO!!! [Johnny saw as his brother's life is snuffed out]

Lori/Savitara: Where are you looking?! [She rushed and tackled Johnny as they reengaged in a speed combat.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Dang it, they're to fast. How am I going to...? [He thinks of a plan as he saw Johnny's blur reaches Bobby and Leni] Bobby, Leni!! Look out!!

Bobby was able to dodge but Leni got caught by Johnny. While asphyxiating Leni, he fails to notice Lincoln preparing a fire arrow.

Johnny: I'm going to kill you and the rest of you.

Lori/Savitara: Hands off my sister!!! [She tries to punch Johnny but got caught]

Bobby/Armor: Let go of my wife!! [Booby rushes but got kicked away by Johnny]

Lincoln then shoots his fire arrow and hits Johnny's back. Johnny turns to Lincoln and threw the girls away. Focusing on Lincoln, he prepares a vibrating chop to Lincoln's abdomen but was blocked by Camael's Ribcage shield. This slightly damages Johnny's hand and Lincoln slowed Johnny a little bit. Lincoln's eyes glow reddish and shed tears of blood.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Hellfire Illumination! [Black and purple flames combust but Johnny dodges away from the flame's point of view.]

Lori/Savitara: I'll deal with him! [With speed gathered from her tachyon armor, she then used tachyon claws to charge at Johnny and scratch his torso]

Johnny: All that for a drop of blood. [he charges at her but his speed is leaking out of his wound] Damn that hurts.

They clashed once again and Johnny was once again wounded. His speed is slowly degrading and his healing factor is dissipating.

Johnny: What's happening to me?

Lori/Savitara: Looks like someone is in degradation process. My tachyon blades is now absorbing your speed. In exchange is that I will soon be tired of using my speed and revert to my normal speed for 24 hours. But yours however is leaking.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Why haven't you used it when you had the chance?

Lori/Savitara: Knowing Lisa, it was literally meant to fail. But after experimenting more on Johnny's old speed accessory, we devised tachyon tech. This is just a test to see if it works, and literally a success no doubt.

Johnny: *chuckle* I'm a fool. So why don't you just do it? Just end my misery!

Lori/Savitara: Are you literally kidding me? Do I look like I didn't watch "The Flash"? I know what will happen if I do it. [Thinks of an alternative] I literally have an idea.

A portal opens as Lori grabbed and rushed with Johnny Speed. As they entered the portal, only Lori exited along with a speedster in white biosuit and blue blur.

Bobby/Armor: Babe, who is that?

The masked speedster removed his mask and reveals to be a male counterpart of Lori from an AU.

Pearl Speedster: I am Loki Loud... and I am Speed King... no... Godspeed.

Lori/Savitara: During one of my training, I was able to access time traveling and time wraiths from the Speed Realm. I found out that Loki is stuck in a limbo of his sister [Phoenix Queen] hospitalized along Ronaldo Andy Santiago.[Surge].

Loki/Godspeed: I wanted to serve my penance by staying in that purgatory. But I wanted Levi to invent the tachyon suit for me. Even if I improved my speed to access different timeline and alternative routes, I lost control of myself and the Time Force found me and sent me to the Speed Realm to serve my sentence.

Lori/Savitara: But now you can fix your timeline and save your sister. The Speed Realm is an eternal hellish prison where they are to relive their painful lives over and over again. Without outside help, nobody can escape.

Loki/Godspeed: Thank you, all of you. You literally have my debt of gratitude. If my sister-president was saved from her timeline, I'll let you have your reward.

Loki then disappeared using his tachyon suit and went to the time he disappeared in his universe.

Loki/Godspeed: Linka, I'm home. And this time, I will avenge you. That assassin will not succeed this time.

Back to the Regime Universe.

Lori/Savitara: That's done.

Bobby/Armor: Yeah. [reverts to his normal form and sat down]

Leni/Gemini Girl: Like we're so tired right now.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Go on and rest. You've earned it. [Flies to the exit tunnel]

Lori/Savitara: Where are you literally going?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: I'll go help the others. There is no rest for the wicked.

Lincoln exited and let the elder trio rest up. -CHAPTER END-

Meanwhile outside the Tower.

Gema/Gemini Twin Yang: Hey sis, High 5!!

Mina/Gemini Twin Yin: Yeah. [proceeds a high 5] We evacuated a lot of civilians today! And get to stop monsters.

Rory Santiago/Mercury Girl: You guys are right but why do I get this chill in me.

A whisper: R-o-r-y....

Roby Santiago/Titanium Titan: Sis, are you alright?

Rory/Mercury Girl: Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just some sort of voices in my head. Something to do with Speed Realm like mom said?

Roby/Titanium Titan: Well, don't sweat it. Mama and papa said the Time Force will help you deal with those types of problem.

Rory/Mercury Girl: Yeah, you are right. Gracias for comforting me, bro!

Roby/Titanium Titan: You are very welcome sis.

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