Dawn of Injustice Ch. 6 (Thunderdrum: Total Eclipse of the Heart)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 6 (Thunderdrum: Total Eclipse of the Heart)

The next morning, they've continued to have fun at the beach. Luna's mind however is still clouded in mystery after seeing the new metahumans and old enemies back again for turmoil. Replicate is watching from afar ensuring that his family is safe and far from harm's way. Sam is still the same, but she acts like she never wanted Lina from the get-go. She is still recalling the time that Luna left to approach Lincoln about his idea: the regime. However, instead of being able to meet with his sister, Lincoln ended up seeing a drunk Sam in Luna's new home. And thus, began the one-night-stand with Sam. It ended up conceiving Lina. Dismayed by the events, Luna decided to be responsible of the baby instead of her. Replicate heard the news and wanted to hurt the Phoenix King so badly. He ultimately failed but was convinced to add her to his family to protect. Replicate's rage was transformed into bliss whenever he had time for his granddaughter. Back to the present time, when they all played beach volleyball while Luna spent her time performing another music at the beach

(Luna's voice)

She said we gotta hold on to what we got.
It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not.
We got each other and that's a lot for love.
We'll give it a shot.
Ooooh, we're half way there.
Ooh ooh, livin' on a prayer.
Take my hand, we'll make it I swear.
Ooh ooh, livin' on a prayer. Livin' on a prayer!!!

They made a great time. Afternoon is almost there, so the entire fam went back inside for lunch.

Luna: So, Eclipse could we talk alone after lunch? You can bring Lina along with you. (taking a bite)

Sam: Moons, what's wrong? Were they in trouble, again? Lina, did you and Eclipse break something while I'm out? (the angry expression was obvious on her face.)

Luna: No, no, they're not in trouble. It's just something we need to discuss.

Sam: And without me, what is it with you leaving me behind? I thought no more secrets? (doubting)

Luna: Well, it's a metahuman thing. I just want to make sure that you know... (whispers at Sam) didn't inherit Lincoln's powers or else we'll be in trouble.

Sam: Tsk, fine. Have it your way.

Luna: Thanks luv, it'll be just a second.

After lunch, Eclipse Lina and Luna went to the roof of the hotel and began their conversation. But someone was lurking in the shadows, eavesdropping.

Luna: So, both of you. How long have you been heroes huh? (Shows the tome of Angels)

Eclipse: (nervously) I... Ah.... *sigh* guilty as charged. Been a week since I've read that book.

Luna: And you Lina?

Lina: *sigh* A week too. Since Dad sent it to me, but I gave it to bro since I don't need it.

Luna: So, You're Turbo Thunder (points at Eclipse) and you're Star Hanabi (points at Lina)? Just like your dad, are yah mate?

Lina: Well, you know my dad more than anyone. I don't know why he has to hide though. If he was a convict then the gifts wouldn't be sent to me, so I assumed that he is working abroad or just loves to travel overseas. Still, I don't get why mom hate him. I know I'm an unplanned child but at least dad knows I exist. Auntie, does dad really loves me *sniff*?

Luna: (hugs Lina) Oh Lina, of course he does. He just need space for him to think. He won't send you gifts if he doesn't.

Lina: What about mom? She doesn't like being near me. Am I a bad girl? (tears fell from her face)

Luna: No, you're not a bad girl. Sam just needs a good lecture. (in her thoughts: I really good lecture that is.) But I can tell you, she loves you too, Lina. Let's just say: Things Have Changed for Her, But That's Ok. We feel all same and she's on her way to understand that. (in her thoughts: And I gotta have High Hopes for that to happen.)

Back to the silhouette.

Replicate: So, she is a metahuman. Like her father, I guess. Better be out of here before anyone notice.

Replicate took the elevator and went for the exit. But after walking outside, an unexpected hooded figure appeared before him.

???: Been a while, Tom.

Replicate: That voice! Jax?

Jax/Climate: Calling me by my name, huh? Alrighty then, what's with the sneak? Still trying to impress your fam?

Replicate: That's none of your concern. Anyway, what exactly are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be away from here? Where are the others?

Jax: Easy on the questions, Tom. First is that I'm here for business. Got hired and I'm doing it for the price. Second, I'll be out of your hair once I'm done with it. Last, the rest went on their separate ways. Camo however is nowhere to be found. Been MIA or dead, whichever comes.

Replicate: What is this business, exactly? (doubting)

Jax: You said, "It's none of your concern" so I'll say the same. And besides, I still want to destroy you. But I hate putting innocent lives at stake. (Turns back from him) You know everyone else made a calling. I should be doing the same. In time, I'll finally find my purpose.

Replicate: you better find it fast, or else. There's a war coming, and I'll be prepared.

Jax: I know, that is why I'm preparing too. I can't go on a rampage now. So at least, let me say this to you. Goodbye, Tom.

Replicate: Don't you mean "see you the next time."

Jax then went off his way and vanished. The rest of the hours went smoothly. The next day, Luna's family are packing up to go home. Lina and Eclipse went to find souvenirs for memories. Alas, it didn't go as planned. Nightmares, and new creatures of darkness (Manticores) attacked the nearby stores and what is worst is that their screams in fear are just fuel for these creatures. This panic caused them to be even more destructive.

Eclipse: Lina, trouble.

Lina: Let's suit up. (she removed her outer clothes revealing her hero's outfit as Star Hanabi)

Eclipse: "Oh, Guardians of the great land. Grant me thy strength to fight those who cause chaos." (The clouds became stormy and loud) SHAZAM! (yellow lightning hit him, and he transformed)

During their transformation, Sam was actually watching from afar. Shocked by the revelation, she stayed hidden from the disorder. Thunderdrum (Luna) then showed herself to ensure that the children have victory.

Thunderdrum: Star, Turbo, what do we got?

T. Thunder: Same old, find the source of those creatures and seal it off. My guess is that its near the souvenir store.

Star: Well we better get the civilians out first. It's gonna be trouble if we don't.

Three Nightmares and two Manticores showed up.

Thunderdrum: We are so gonna rock you. Get ready guys.

The Manticores then spew fire then the 3 heroes dodged the attack. Thunderdrum shoots lightning but the armor of the Nightmare absorbed the blast.

Thunderdrum: What? They blocked it. (she swiftly dodged a claw swipe from the Nightmare that jumped on her)

Brother's Eye (communicator): Luna, hang on. Backup is arriving.

Thunderdrum: Thanks, Clyde. First, we'll take it from here. (her thoughts: What was that Turbo did again? Oh yeah.) Barak Saiqa!! (streams of lightning flew out from her hands. The lightning become sharp and pierced only through the armor.) Good, that should be easy to deal with.

T. Thunder: I see, Barak Saiqa!! (the same happened to the Nightmares) Taking off the armor first is a good idea, but it will take a lot of energy.

Star: That should be easy for me since I could absorb solar energy. But I need help to distract them to me.

T. Thunder: A'right. (he flew up) Come here you RWBY rip-offs. (really?) Come and get me.

The Nightmares chased him as they get close to Star Hanabi. She was able to have enough solar energy to deliver the coup de grace.

Star: Take this, SOLARIS CORONA!! (she threw a ring of flames with high energy. That was enough to incinerate the Nightmares, leaving only the Manticores left.)

Thunderdrum: Phew, just send out the boss already. I have enough of this.

???: Oh, eager to be beat I see. (Appears before them)

Thunderdrum: Django, I knew you guys are responsible.

Lucy (communicator): Him again? I'm coming then.

Django: hehe. No need to get so warmed up. You're fears will just shield me from harm. And besides, I'm not the one you're fighting today. He is. (a man in hood appears and unveils himself)

Thunderdrum: Jax!?

T. Thunder and Star: Who?

Thunderdrum: Why are you here? I though you disappeared!

Jax: Business, been hired as the Horsemen of Pestilence. How do you think I am able to control these things? They only obey the powerful. Hex and Ghostfreak here are the same. As long as we inflict fear against someone, they'll obey us.

Thunderdrum: I thought you hated harming innocent people?

Jax: I do, but I didn't say I could scare them. Your brother is right, you know. Fear is the only thing they'll understand. Like these things, these abominations. Oh, and that's climate from now on. (points at the heroes) Attack!!

Most of the monsters charged in and a swarm of them formed a wave of assaults. Even for our heroes, they seemed to be powerless against such army. Even if they had all the power in the world, their energies are just too depleted to even lay a punch. With this overgrowing morale of enemies, they can't keep up. Turbo Thunder and Star got too beat up that they reverted to their original forms. Sam, watching from afar saw the horrors her children had to face.

Sam: No!! (her thoughts: What can I do? They have to break free from this. God knows that they have to break free.) I've been a terrible parent. Dad, I thought I outgrew you, but I was wrong. I wish you're here.

Suddenly a beam of fire and light came to the grounded heroes protecting them from further damages.

???: Sorry if we're late. It took a little turn to get here.

Ghostfreak: It cannot be!!

Ben: Team Tennysons, back in business.

Hex: YOU!!

Valheim: Django, Alucard and Vladimir are so mad at you. You're in for a big time out!

Red Canary: Val, I told you to wait for me. What gives?

Django: Tsk, and I just started to have fun. (Escapes through the portal)

Replicate: Well the more the merrier, vampire. But more for us, that is.

Valheim: Come back here you coward!!

Canary: Val, them first!!

Valheim van Helsing treated Turbo and Star from their wounds. It gave them ample time to rest and recuperate. Now that the tides are even, the counterattack begins.

Kevin: Ben! Gwen and I are after Hex. You and Jen take care of Ghostfreak. Ally, you're with Val.

Ben: Hey! Since when are you leader? (green flash) SWAMPFIRE!!

Jen: Got it. (pink flash) FASTTRACK!!

Replicate: It's you and me, Jax!!

Climate: Oh no. It's just me, Tom.

Replicate choose to copy his old rival's powers as they clash. Replicate isn't completely victorious since he is surrounded by enemies. Luckily Luna and her children came to aid.

Thunderdrum: You are not the only one with a score to settle with him.

Star: Granddad, who is he? What's his deal with you?

Replicate: I'll tell you a lot when we make it out alive here.

Turbo: Get ready. (prepares a lightning fist) CHARGE!!

Ghostfreak: I still have a trick under my sleeves. (he then engulfed the entire place into a dome of darkness. This empowered the monsters making them twice as powerful.)

Hex: Umbra, Noctis, Nihil, Mu. (a magic circle appears before him) Oh great devourer, thou art darker yet dark. Ascend in thy slumber and crush my foes. APOPHIS!! (a giant serpent Nightmare appeared and ready to attack) Devour them, Apophis. (the snake obeys and charges at Gwen and Kevin)

Jen swiftly strikes Ghostfreak but it was to no avail. Ben uses the flames of Swampfire but a Nightmare shielded him from the damage. It seems that most attack are just absorbed into infinite darkness. The heroes have nothing else but the protection they receive from their powers. Climate, using Aether element, blasts Replicate with dark and aether energies. However, Turbo thought of something. Maybe the guardians can help in a way. If the inside is impenetrable, maybe it could work on the outside.

Valheim: It could work, we have to try it.

Canary: Do it mate, I'll shield the girl. (Canary uses powerful and fiery punches to blast her enemies forward)

Turbo: Here goes. (prepares to shout) SHAZAM!! (The lightning hits the dome and damaged it somehow. It caused a minimum amount of light to penetrate the inside, but the price is that Eclipse is reverted once again back to his mortal form.)

Ghostfreak didn't notice the damage and got his by the light causing him to get weak. The dome breaks and caused Ghostfreak to panic leaving vulnerable for attacks. Ben took advantage of this and created a stream of flammable swamp gas before igniting it to brighten the field. Nowhere to run, Ghostfreak tried to create a portal but...

Jen: Oh no, not this time. You're not going anywhere, Freak. (Jen reverted to her old form and fire a stream of energy wave at Ghostfreak, thus putting him into oblivion.)

Kevin and Allison distracted Apophis while Gwen is in arcane combat with Hex. The Omni Twins transformed into speedster aliens and charged at Hex, so that Gwen could create an arcane portal to trap Hex. Seeing him distracted, it was the right opportunity. She was able to snatch Hex's magic cane and Apophis vanished. Then, with the trap set, Hex as bound by magic chains and the Twins kicks him into the portals that leads to an unknown location.

Back to Replicate and Luna.

Replicate: What's the matter you old joke? Afraid that I'll win? Where's the Aether Beam that you are so proud of?

Climate: *pant 2x* I'll show you! (He prepares an Aether Beam but instead of aiming at Tom, he aimed elsewhere)

Replicate: Wait! NO!!! (He saw that he aimed at Lina. Having no time to make a barrier, she got hit and badly damaged.)

Sam: "LINA!" (horrified)

Thunderdrum: THAT'S IT!! (she rushes at Jax with incredible speed)

Climate: What!?

Thunderdrum: TAKE THIS!! RAIDEN SONG!! (she uppercuts him skyward before teleporting to his location. She charged with her lightning punch while teleporting to damage him omnidirectionally. The last blow lets her to teleport above him and sends him back to the ground with a voltaic rush.)

Climate: *grunt* *pant 2x* (sees Replicate in front of him) Why a long face?

Replicate: Tsk, you let them turn you this!!?

Climate: I thought you finally outgrew the scar on your eye? (tries to stand but failed) It looks like you can't LET IT GO.

Replicate: Stop this, this whole act. I thought that we could go live our lives from now on?

Climate: You know, I actually thought we'd be staying together. But when you left, I got excited for thinking I could be leader. In the end we got disbanded and left for our own. I was furious about it and placed the blame on you. But the truth is... I was envious. You have a family that you call your own while I stayed on the run.

Replicate: You-you've finally admitted it.

Climate: *grunt* Well if ever we fight again, I hope it'll be as rivals and not enemies. For now, I'll rest. *faint*

Replicate: See you soon, Jax. (turns to Luna) Go help my granddaughter.

Thunderdrum: You don't have to tell me.

Eclipse: Don't worry, mom. She's ok. But still needs hospital notice.

Sam look from afar before rushing to her location. An ambulance was called and treated both Jax and Lina to recovery. A few weeks later, Lina regained consciousness.

Sam: Oh Lina, Mom's so sorry for everything. I promise that I'm make it up to you.

Lina: It's ok mom. I forgave you long ago. But, can we go see this? (shows tickets to Bohemian Rhapsody: A rock-sical play)

Sam: Of course. Anything for you. Eclipse will be joining too.

Luna, Sam and their children hugs each other. While from a hidden spot, Replicate is talking to someone.

Replicate: Are you sure about this? I'd held the end of the bargain and loved my granddaughter more than you've ever imagine.

???: Just let it be for now. I have my reasons for this. Plus, she'll meet me soon anyways.

Replicate: Fine, but fair warning: do not try to do the same mistake as I did. Don't ever leave your daughter again if she's willing to forgive you, Your majesty!

Replicate is talking to a man that is engulfed in flames, but the blaze doesn't burn anything. The blaze disappeared and left a trail of red feathers and ashes.


Dr. Faust Schnizer: Here's your medicine, miss Loud-Sharp. You'll be out of here in no time. (his thoughts: I've successfully implanted the Mark to her sleep while preparing medicine. Seems all is going to plan)

Lina: Thanks, Doc.

A day after. Lina was released from her confinement while Jax/Climate stayed under hospital arrest until he recovers. His powers were locked away by his sealing anklet while eating hospital meals and watching TV news programs. Meanwhile in Allison Levin's restaurant.

Jen: We're back!

Leni: Ben! Jen! Guys!

The girls then ran up to hug the newly returned Team Tennyson, where they hugged them back with a laugh as Jen looked up and jabbed Luna, where she chuckled and sighed.

Luna: Good to see you too. We missed you guys.

Ben chuckled and ruffled Lily's head.

Ben: As Lana would say...

Lana: A Plumber's job is never done. Yeah, I know.

Kevin rolled his eyes at that.

Gwen: Now about that distress signal...

Somewhere in the old Lynn's Table

Phoenix King: My dad's old place. I'll renovate it with my own style to at least continue his legacy. (thinking) Maybe I should visit retirement to see if he's holding up. Mom too, I guess.

???: Hey dad, you're back.

P. King: Did you guys kept yourself secret? I don't want to cause your mothers any doubt or worries.

Lita/Firesurge: Si, mi papa. All is going to plan.

P. King: Good, then soon I'll introduce you to your sister, Lina.

Terry/Canary: About that, I actually met her. But she doesn't recognize me just yet.

Hiromi/Rubywing: Let it be for now. If she finds out, then all might be compromised.

Logan/Knightwing: And don't worry guys, we kept her under surveillance. Replicate is also keeping one eye out for her.

Jor-El/Blazeboy: So dad, what can we call her powers? I have a suggestion. How about "Killer Queen"? Nice name isn't it?

P. King: I'll let Lina decide on that. For now, we'll focus on the topic. I just can't believe that she's a candidate to bear the Crest of Cain. I just hope that she doesn't have it yet. If she does, then only the Key of Abel can cure her from Pandora's influence on her. *sigh* May the Father of Creation guides us all. By the way children, help me clean this place before we have it open. If all of this is over, I'll have a family diner open.

Jor-El: Oh, oh, can we be the waiters and waitresses?

P. King: *chuckles* Well if that's ok with you, but Me and your moms will be my kitchen operators. Is that understood?

All: Yes, father!

-Some reference are used, so good luck finding those Easter eggs.-

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