Dawn of Injustice Ch. 10 (Power Girl: You Are a Pirate)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 10 (Power Girl: You Are a Pirate)

Lincoln: And that's the end of it.

Yunan: I'm glad that your wives are as forgiving yet courageous as they are. But aren't you suppose to go to Sam's as well?

Lincoln: I will, but first is an unfinished business. So how about You, Your Gracefulness?

Ehyeh: Though, I may not be able to interfere directly to human affairs anymore. I still have an ace to my sleeves, something to do with the flow of destiny. Let's leave it at that.

Pandora: I too am not allowed to interfere with mortal affairs anymore, but I too pull some strings to ensure that balance prevailed.

Yunan: Long story short, the Ein Sof twins are still responsible for the existence of Space-Time continuum. Although, they used to battle a lot of times, they wager something less drastic or less dangerous.

Logan: They count this as less drastic. This is basically the fate of the world that we are trying to turn.

Yunan: You have no idea how they argue during the old times. Let's just have Noah's ark as a reminder. He have the rest of the Heavenly army fight alongside Him just to suppress Pandora for 40 days and night straight.

Lincoln: He's right, there's no time for arguing about it. We need to respond. The Tennysons are preparing for battle in Mount Rushmore HQ.

Meanwhile at RW Park

Lynn III: Hey Rude, Jor-El. How's the academy treating you?

Rodrick: Stop calling me Rude. Anyways, it's good and all but I really dislike summer classes. It's not my fault I flunked the subject. The only reason why I was able to understand the science-y concepts are all thanks to Sir Simon Sharp.

Jor-El: I just entered so I'll get accelerated through the grades. I never thought that the exams are easy. Hey, like the hair. Also, we should definitely think of a nickname for you. I don't what to mistake you for Auntie Lynn.

Lynn III: Okay, what do guys have in mind?

Rodrick: Thirdy or Revi. Thirdy is because your mum is Junior even though she's a girl and Junior is usually a male inheritor of the dad's name. Revi, is well.... anime based. Also because your last name is Rivera.

Jor-El: Oh... Revi sounds more awesome.

Lynn III/Revi: Alright, I'll choose Revi. Let's play catch and then think for another way to spend our 2 week summer break.

Rodrick: Now that's what I'm talking about.

While the three students are playing catch with a baseball, an odd transportation is floating above the entire park. The people could only look in awe.

Jor-El: SHIP!!

Rodrick: Jor-El, how long are you going to stay in your weeaboo world?

Revi: No look, a flying ship. (She points at the ship)

The trio: Whoa.

Back the academy premises.

Lynn: So have you learned to fully control your charm powers?

Simon: Yes, thank you for the advise. Thanks to headmistress Lisa as well. Now, I'll be able to talk to girls without being awkward. Thanks also for the syringes

Lynn: That is good to hear. (Hears an emergency siren) Emergency, I have to go.

Simon: Sure, I have to visit my niece and nephew too. I hope Lina gets better soon.

Lynn: Have a good day. (She then answers her communicator) What's the emergency?

Lisa (communicator): Lynn, Martha spotted a giant floating ship just above Royal Woods Park.

Lynn: A ship. As in a boat? You sure?

Lisa (communicator): My eye doesn't deceive me. A Giant floating boat with propeller units is just floating above the park. Three of the hatchlings will be deployed over there. It seemed that your daughter, nephew and friend are there as well.

Lynn: What!? She's there? Hang on, I'll be there.

Lynn took her ATV as she suits up as Power Girl. She was able to see the trio, scared to fight. The hatchlings were Hiromi, Panther and Terry. There Power Girl saw them fighting...skeletons. What is happening?

Power Girl: What are these? Undead pirates, things are getting interesting.

Pirate Undead: GAHH!!

Terry: Agni Kai's Attack!!

Terry (or Canary) blocked attacks from the undead pirates with her fist. She then gear up her gauntlet and greaves, the Gilgamesh. She then perform a straight punch that breaks 4 undead pirates. Hiromi (Rubywing) is then slashing her katana, the Masamune, quickly to strike 10 pirates. She then resheath her katana creating various space distorting slices that destroys the undead pirates. However, Hiromi was surrounded and took her katana and transform it into scythe mode to slash multiple enemies. Meanwhile, Panther (Red Panther) uses her claws to pounce some enemies back to Davvy Jones locker. Power Girl assisted by striking a ground punch that sends multiple undeads airborne while Jor-El uses his power of fire and blasts the undead into ashes. Rodrick could only watch from the chaos but when an undead privateer readies to strike him down, the privateer meet a kick to the face by Revi.

Revi: Rude, get out of here now! (By the way, Revi is good at capoeira and jiu-jitsu)

Rodrick: No, I ain't gonna leave you behind. (He took a cutlass from one of the undeads an assumed fighting stance) Form up now you guys.

The trio circles each others back while Power Girl and the Agni Kai's regroup with them. There is way too many. Then the three leaders came in.

Pirate Captain: Pardon the intrusion but there is something that I want from all of you. It will belong to me.

The captain is a muscular old man with two swords. One of the swords is a pistol with a blade on it. His appearance is an old man with red pirate hat with a feather, red open jacket, black baggy pants and iron greaves. He had white hair, side burn and mustache. Along side him is 2 people, a girl with red hair, brown privateer's hat, white open jacket & bra, black pants and boots with 2 pistols with a golden pattern. Another is a man with scuba outfit and seemed to have his skin similar to Deadpool's.

Pirate Captain: My name is Kervantez Atlantica, Captain Kervantez Atlantica. This is my daughter, Sarah Ivy Atlantica and first mate Chandler McCann. And we're here to get the most precious treasure you hold dear: your hope!

Power Girl: Chandler McCann? You are here too!?

Hydro: That is not my name to you. Remember, I'm Hydro. (Looks to the heroes) It seemed that loser Larry isn't here. What's wrong, did he chicken out?

Power Girl: DON'T YOU DARE CALL MY BROTHER A LOSER!! (She charges but got hit by a bullet. It didn't hurt her but the other pistol is aimed at the kids)

Sarah: Don't come to my man anymore closer, or else the kids will have their brains out!

Kervantez: Now, now, killing them is meaningless without the despair part. (Darkness leaks out of the Captain and Chandler)

Power Girl: I see, corrupted into a vessel for Hexians huh. What?!, Did you also joined their ranks?

Hydro: It is none of your concern. But do not get me wrong, I have my reasons to do so.

Kervantez: All this to hear the despair. To see if hope is a treasure worth saving for. I can hear it now, the screams of every citizen of Royal Woods fills us with power. These unjust and unpredictable attacks makes them think "Is the heroes even know what is happening?"

Hiromi: Sickening, simply sickening. You treat this world as your plaything. This world is hopeless and dark, but at least there are those who were able to light the way and share hope. It is like what mother said, there is always light in the deep darkness.

Panther: Yeah, so get your stinky pirate crew out of here!!

Hydro: Not until we see how this goes. Did you know that Sarah's guns have bullets that you used to fear. MISFORTUNE!! Charge!!

The Pirate undeads charged while Hydro and Sarah act as rear guard and vanguard to protect the Captain. As the battle becomes more heated, backup was able to respond. A brilliant flash pierced through the army of pirates. The light slowly dims down showing 3 figures: Caine, Lola, and Lana.

Power Girl: Soothsayer!!

Red Canary: I see, so this is Soothsayer. Father was right afterall, He is one of the immortal masters.

Soothsayer acted as distraction by using his magic to shine [Banish] against the horde of undead. This gives a good opening for Power Girl and Blazeboy (Jor-El) to confront the head pirates.

Soothsayer: Go! I'll hold them off for now.

Red Canary: Don't worry, we got your backs. The Agni Kai's will stay here to support.

Soothsayer: Thank you, young hatchlings. Now to deal with this.

Crystal Queen: Let's get some.

Huntress: Right behind you sis.

Power Girl: Lana, Lola. A'right time for the sportswoman to do her job.

Kervantez: What can you hope of achieving. There are three of us. All I see is a woman, and a pesky child.

Revi: Make that two pesky children that will kick your butt! (Revi Show herself wearing the old Parkour suit)

Power Girl: You shouldn't be here. Get out of here! Now!

Revi: No! I will fight also. I am Parkour Jr. Ready to brawl.

Hydro: Obnoxious brat! (He created water tendrils to strike them both only to be stopped by a fire ball)

Blazeboy: You have to deal with me too, you know. Now since you hold a grudge against my dad, how about we settle this.

Hydro: Water vs. Fire. Water wins!

Blazeboy: Not unless you are dealing with the power of the sun. (He flies to absorb more solar rays.) They say that the sun vaporize water.

Parkour Jr.: I don't believe in luck, you only win with skills.

Sarah: Then let's try changing your belief, shall we?

Power Girl: You're going down old man!

Kervantez: I may be old, but not dead and weak.

The six people were locked in combat. Chandler created water tentacles and strikes Jor-El but the radiation protects him from any damage. Jor-El charges to strike but failed as his fist only met a water barrier. As Revi dodges every bullet with capoeira martial arts, Sarah uses daggers to slice her down only to meet her legs that are as hard as platinum or diamonds. The clash of the blade and her skin created metallic clash sounds. Lynn uses her knuckles to block Kervantez's bullets streams and sword slashes. Soothsayer, Lola, Lana and the Agni Kai's are busy destroying the undead crew. Somewhere in the watchful tower are some members of Scarlet Arrows.

Clint Westwood: Thaz a big ol' pirate ship. Ready to take it down partner.

Yorn et Solaris: I got my Helios Arrow ready.

Violet Quicksilver: Kalina and I are ready and waiting. But shouldn't we let them escape first?

Clint: Don't think so. As long as they're here. They'll bother the ol' neighborhood.

Yorn: True that, if we fire this shot they'll leave. Besides they have Caine with them. (Prepares to make a shot) Uriel, grant me strength to banish these abominations.

Clint then signals the firing shot. Violet fires from her bazooka, the Kalina. While Yorn fires a Helios Breaker from his bow. When it made impact to the ship, the heroes that are on-board and fighting knows that it was time.

Kervantez: Unpredictable, A'right ya scurvy crew! Get ya'r gobshite and we're leaving. Abandon ship or it's the locker for all'yeez.

Hydro: Remember this, we are not yet done! Your brother better return for we have a score to settle.

Sarah: Right behind you father.

They all disappear with the dark portal.

Power Girl: Soothsayer, Now!

Soothsayer: I'll do everything in my power. (Soothsayer uses his magic to teleport the heroes off-board. They are able to return to the park.)

Crystal Queen: Everybody alright?

Huntress: I think so. And I smell no blood so we're clear.

Power Girl: That's good news.

Revi: Wait! I think we forgot something, or someone.

Rodrick: I'm good. Don't worry. (See's a shinning treasure: a bracelet) They left behind this.

The entire ship was moving while descending towards a nearby lake. The Lake Michigan is now occupied by a giant boat filled with pirate loot.

Jor-El: Keep it. It's a souvenir. Maybe to remember that fight.

The heroes weren't able to get the Pirates and Chandler Biggs but they know they will encounter them on the upcoming war due to their Hexian influence.


Lincoln: Of all people, it had to be "him".

Logan: Why dad? Is he a rival of some sort?

Lincoln: You can say that. (In his thoughts: Paige, I hope you are not watching. Your old friend is at it again. But I'll deal with that aqueous monstrosity soon.)

Yunan: Pandora and Ieouah have gone away. They are preparing for combat and investigation of the appearance of these Hexians.

Lincoln: I see. Then things are according to plan then. I'll have to pay little Lindsey and Robin some cash for letting me hire his members.


Kervantez: That was one of the most fun I've ever had since I became part of the crew. Chandler ma boy, You've proven to be worthy of my daughter's love. If you want her then it's a pirate's oath, you earn it.

Chandler: Thank you, but I'd rather still destroy "him" more than have a wife to settle with. Still, the war's not over until we got released from this cursed darkness.

Sarah was spying on those two just outside the door.

Sarah (whisper): How long do we have to continue this. Oh my love, please live long for me. And for dad, May God let him rest in peace already. His corpse is just being tarnished this way.

Meanwhile in Bermuda Triangle

Dr. Faust: Ah yes, the box is just the beginning. If the key of Abel and Cain's mark clash. The gate of the world and the door of the Afterworld will re-open and reveal the Judgment tower. The fated place of all that is.

Emerson: Right, you said that between the World and the Afterworld is the Black Precipice that is Pandora's power made into a river of darkness. The tower of Judgment is the gateway to the scales of Ein Sof twins, correct?

Dr. Faust: Yes, that is true. (In his thoughts: And in turn, My siblings and wife will be released from their eternal prison. I can't wait.) {He looks to the sky} Your move Auntie and big Daddy-o.

*Evil Chuckle*

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