Dawn of Injustice Ch. 8 (Mystica: Unveiling Mysteries)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 8 (Mystica: Unveiling Mysteries)

Meanwhile (Lincoln's Location: Detroit)

Ronnie Anne: So you really are back? (gives a stern look)

Lincoln: Yes. I know I haven't been in touch but- GWACK!! (Get slapped by Ronnie Anne) Ok, I deserve that. But please reserve some room for the other girls.

Ronnie Anne: Do you have any idea how worried we are, you bastardo?

Lincoln: I'm sorry, ok! Look, how are the others?

Ronnie Anne: Oh, you know it. Barely hanging by the thread. Haiku and Lucy are still on search of their old friend while taking care of mysterious cases. Tabby's with Luna for the gigs. Polly Pain and I are still training the young ones. And Jordan's still the babysitter-of-the-year. You know, they're gonna be pissed, Lame-o.

Lincoln: I know that. I'm preparing for the worst. Which reminds me, I might hire you guys for this re-opening of the bistro? You guys in?

Ronnie Anne: *sigh* One condition: STAY! And you better not run off again, especially with Logan. If you're going somewhere, at least warn us, capice!?

Lincoln: I was planning to. But we should prepare for an upcoming war. The angels have warned me that someone has intruded Bermuda Triangle. That is not a good sign.

(Back to Luan's Funny Business: Royal Woods, Michigan)

Luan: So that's what happens. I feel like Lincoln's doing something from the shadows. Even though he's bright. Hehe, I gotta lay-off the puns.

Maggie: Puns aside, the Lesser keys is as dangerous as the Dead Sea scrolls. If anyone has it, this would cause a disaster. Those books are my only hope of removing this curse.

Jor-El: You got any other leads? I mean that can't be it right?

Maggie: Yes, some people you have met are dead people but they kept returning. This could mean that a sinister force is at hand. Irate is back, isn't he?

Luan: Yeah, at first it was only Kody. Then comes Ghostfreak and Irate, it's like apocalypse is nearing without a warning. Lucy freaked out, no pun intended, when Django and Hex came back. I do hope the agency find it's lost member before the mastermind does.

Maggie: They haven't found Silas? I thought his last mission is to investigate and stop cultist organization? *sigh* I do hope he didn't went rogue.

Luan: Me too.

(Bermuda Triangle)
Dr. Faust: This way, sir.

Emerson: Guide us to safety, doctor.

Emerson's Henchmen: Sir we got company. Nightmares ahead!!

Emerson: I'll deal with them. (Equips his armor with metallic tentacles) Envelope me, Farneus (His armor becomes red and his helmet becomes a crown. The tentacles became scorpion tails that can become spears) Let's go, we'll burst though.

(Back to Luan's place)

Luan: What now? Jor-El, how would you like to have you powers trained? If it's left unchecked, it could be dangerous.

Jor-El: Sure, as long as I get to be with some familiar faces.

Dr. Azrael: Ah, suggesting the academy? Well, we are coming back to visit an old friend.

Nicolas: Oh boy, here he goes again. NERD!

Jor-El: Hey, stop it. Don't bully sheez.

They took the Business Van to transport themselves to the academy. Lisa was anticipating their visit so she called an early meeting with the faculty members like Lynn, Francisco, Polly Pain and Clyde.

Lisa: So anyone willing to accept our only brother's youngest son?

They looked at each other unsure of what to do. Until Clyde and Polly volunteered to train him.

Polly: Knowing Lincoln, he's probably the best bet to know his location besides the other. These Hatchlings are smart so I can't really do much. The same can be said to me and his daughter, Panther.

Clyde: I agree. Plus Jordan is the only one that doesn't have anything to do with metahumans, as Ronnie Anne would report on her peerage. So this thing about Jor-El having powers may come to a surprise to her.

Polly: True. I may not be a meta, but due to our connections then we might have some metahuman talents.

Lisa filled the rest of the paperwork for Jor-El's enrollment. Afterwards Luan went back to the old Loud residence believing that Lincoln left something unchecked. It turns out that there is a lava lamp left in Lincoln's old room (the linen closet) with an eight-pointed star on the top base. Luan noticed that it starts glowing, same as her wand. It seems that the wand is resonating with the lamp. Desperate to find a clue, she points her wand to the lamp, revealing and unlocking a seal implanted within the lamp. It was an old man named Caine known as the Soothsayer.

Luan: Soothsayer? Is that you?

Soothsayer: Luan? My goodness, look at you. So big and grown. How I miss you guys. Tell me, how long has it been since I went missing?

Luan: A couple of years, perhaps. What happened? Why did you disappear?

Soothsayer: Two words, one name: Lincoln Loud. He hired some witches and magicians to seal me away using Solomon's seal and the Lesser Keys. Knowing magic no longer works on you guys, thanks to your spirit animal, he probably have them obey him to have me away from interfering. You guys need to talk some sense to him.

Luan: Now I know how those guys got burned to crisp. Lucy reported some accused cult witches died on a fire while some supposed mages got MIA. Some were found and reported to be alive as exorcists and pastors. Others may ran off out of fear. I suspect that the witches continued their evil even if they were warned by Lincoln to stop.

Soothsayer: I see. Well we better hurry out. Gather your sisters and tell them that I'm free.

Luan: Will do, and also the regime is still going but with a new leader if you are gonna ask.

Soothsayer: I see, very well. Even if I couldn't also pinpoint his location, I have a hunch that he is alive and in safe hands. (as Luan leaves, he whispers) I hope that you didn't led him astray, Master Uriel.

(Few hours later. Location: L-Crew's Headquarters)

Lynn: Holy cow, Soothsayer! You're finally back.

Soothsayer: Hello, gang. I missed you all so much. Being trapped in that lamp got me pretty bored and lonely.

Leni: Aw, we're glad to see you. We, like missed you too.

Lori: Lincoln's literally going to have a scolding of a lifetime if we found him.

Luna: Yeah! Not cool for him to do that.

Soothsayer: As much as I want this reunion to be heartwarming, and see Lincoln get the scolding part, unfortunately I bring a new vision that is to happen. A war is coming and we must be prepared for the worst. Bermuda Triangle has been breached. Pandora's box is opening.

Lucy: I see, It is no wonder that I haven't sensed Great-grandma Harriet. She's probably in La Xibalba (Purgatory) and haven't crossed Scala ad Caelum yet.

Soothsayer: Yes, and not only that. The gates of the Netherworld is found at Bermuda Triangle. Someone has intruded the place, which only means one thing: Someone too strong to handle is approaching. A force not to be reckoned with. And I know some of you are a bit "rusty" (in his thoughts: You'll forgive me on this pun, Lucy) so I'm here to train you guys again.

Soothsayer proceed on explaining everything while training the girls to prepare. A earthquake is broadcasted by the news during the session. It was reported that the epicenter is found somewhere between Florida and Puerto Rico. Knowing that it is the gates are slowly opening, strange phenomena continuously follows after the other. It seemed that the war is almost at its rising intonation.


Lincoln: When this is all over, how about we have a number two? You in, Ronnie Anne?

Ronnie Anne: If it's a boy then Toby, right Lame-o?

Lincoln: Whatever, and we are too old for nicknames. Isn't it time they stop?

Ronnie Anne: 'Fraid not. Now, get going! We have work to do.

Meanwhile in La Xibalba (Purgatory)

Harriet: You shouldn't be moving that much Thanatos. You barely managed Death's power so it must me too much for you.

Thanatos: I must go, Lady Harriet. Your Great-Grandchildren are in danger. They are my friends, but they still need to pay for abandoning me here. Come along Erinys (Looks up to the World's Edge) I'm coming back. Lucy, Haiku, Rocky, thou shall know fury of Death's Daughter, and her spouse.

A flash of light and blanket of darkness then came to La Xibalba and met Harriet.

Asher: Harriet, how are my young champions? Are they prepared?

Harriet: Yes, master and milady.

Asher: That's good. I guess Pandora and I were a little worried.

Harriet: Master, if you may, I would like to pull out some witches from the Netherworld. Would you allow me?

Pandora: Forgive us, my pet. But your request must be denied. They must serve their sentence for not listening to the young champion. They betrayed your great-grandson even after forming a truce. They must pay for their insolence! Right, brother?

Asher: As much as it pains me to see my creation, my children to suffer. I'm afraid that my sister have a point. They must learn not to use their freedom wastefully. (Turns away) Come along sister, for we are going to my kingdom and see my children again. How I miss my angels.

Pandora: Of course, brother. I miss my nephews and nieces. I wonder how Luce is holding up? hihihi, A question for another time.

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