Dawn of Injustice Ch. 4 (Gemini Girl: Love Who Know Loneliness)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 4 (Gemini Girl: Love Who Know Loneliness)

Flashback: Years Ago

Thug 1: (Knocks the car with gun) Bro, I need the car. (Grabs Kody and let him stand outside)

Kody: Please, this is all I have. (Shows car with a few bucks inside) Just take it.

Thug 1: Bro, don't be scared. I ain't gonna hurt you. I just need the car. Please, it's for my dying children.

Kody: Go! You have a family, right? Just go.

Suddenly another thug shouts to him with stash at hand. He was running in a hurry and continued to call at the first thug. This startled the first thug and a roaring sound was heard. It was gunfire, directly aimed at Kody's abdomen. Kody went down but was at the first thugs grasp so that the landing was soft enough to lie. In regret, thug 1 stayed while the second got into the car and drive without a care. Kody was now on the ground bleeding and pleading for help. The 1st thug then escaped before looking back. Months after the first thug got caught while the second was reported to fall into his death during a chase.

Still Flashback: Years Ago

Andrew: Dr. Mercer, meet Dr. Faust. He made a great contribution on Project Genesis and Dr. Stuart's enhancement serums that were Project V and Rampage. He will be your new assistant and apprentice if add that to your promotion.
Dr. Mercer: Ah yes, the young Schnizer, the one who created the prototype of the Lazarus Virus.

Dr. Faust: Please, the honor is quite embarrassing. The pleasure of meeting the top scientist in Royal Woods Division is mine. I'm glad that the L-V was approved. But I have to warn you, my first subjects were much "unexpected".

Dr. Mercer: How so? Do pray tell.

Faust Schnizer explained that the virus was supposed to fight unwanted cells like cancer and other deadly incurables but instead it enhanced the host to an utmost capability. This is unfortunate since it caused the live subjects to run rampart due to the cells being too improved that their wild instincts (hormones) started to consume them, thus becoming "hollows". However, dead subjects that were tested are the only successful tests. Since dead cell tend to degenerate, the L-V will cancel that effect by preserving the cells and improving them at the same time without the risk of being rogue.

Dr. Mercer: I see. How about a gift for your success? We haven't thanked you properly for your contribution.

Dr. Faust: Really? Well what do you have? (Sees Kody's corpse) Did you steal this from the hospital? *sigh* Good grief, well at least I have something to begin with.

Andrew: Are you ready? (Injects L-V to Kody's corpse)

End Flashbacks

Kody/Green Reaper: Now that the story is out of the way, how about we get to know about each other, again. How's that sound eh? Of course, that's no longer the issue anymore since your married now right? *Laughs maniacally* *sigh*Leni, how could you?

Gemini Girl: Kody, you're back *sob* but look at you, what are you? Y-you should have never come back. Why, why now?

Kody: I should thank the doctor for this. He was right about one thing, I seek my love and I only found pain. Even if I don't feel pain physically, it hurts me.... Emotionally! Do you have any idea what it feels like to be alone?

Savitara: Why exactly are you here? You're supposed to be dead.

Kody: Tell you what, I know this is petty, but this is my plan. I'll get Leni back, even if it means I have to kill anyone who stands in my way. (Loads all guns and explosives) So why don't we play a game, together. The rules are simple, die and you lose. Kill me and win, although that seemed to be impossible since the virus renders me immortal.

Meanwhile in a hidden location (Roseland park Cemetery)

A woman wearing a red and black armored suit was hiding and held a crossbow in her hands as she pressed her badge.

"I've got a disturbance in Roseland Park Cemetery, Royal Woods. Target is not aware of my presence, over," she whispered into her badge.

"Describe target, over," a female voice said over the communicator.

"Male, wearing a green cloak and mask. Seems to be targeting the L-Crew, Gemini Girl in particular. Jen, do I have permission to pursue? Over," the girl said.

"You've got a green light. It's your call, Becky. Over and out," Jen said over the communicator.

"Alright. Over and out," Becky said as she sighed and prepared took an arrow out of her quiver and loaded her crossbow. "Where's Gwen when I need her?"

???: Do you always have to depend on her? I got my guns on. (Turns her head to Leni) *sigh* Just keep him talking, Mom. (In her mind: Gema, please hurry. Mom needs you)

Becky prepares her sniper crossbow while on the other side is Mina readying her sniper rifle with hand crafted bullets.

Back to the L-crew's location

Kody: So, let the game begin. (He throws a bomb that opens a portal. Creatures then exits the portal) My players are called "hollows". They don't feel anything due to the virus, but they tend to be a predator and attack if startled. I command them as I please so this should be interesting.

Gemini Girl: I can't do this *sob*. Why does it have to be now?

Thunderdrum: Get it together, sis. If Kody's still in there, then he would never do this.

Savitara: Yes, Leni. You literally need to get a grip.

The entire team fought a horde of mindless creatures called "hollows". It seemed as Kody have everything planned and was just waiting a chance to execute it. Until of course back up arrived.

Carol/borg: Hey need some help. (Fires her blasters aimed at the hollows)

Savitara: Perfect timing Carol, as usual.

Carol: Please call me Cybergirl from now on. Lisa upgraded my equipment for this kind of emergency (Her blasters are now reloading. This time she can put elemental affinity to each as a way to improvise on each situation)

Meanwhile Leni is fighting Kody. Heartbroken that her former lover is her enemy, she was left with no choice. If it means that other lives will be saved, she had to learn to let go. But even then, every time Kody shoot, it was to kill. The original Leni could only dodge the bullets, but the clones take every hit and dissipate like dust in the wind. Even if she could out number him, she deliberately lost her actions and in the face of certain defeat. That was it, she slowly loses her mind, but a certain girl came to her aid.

Gema: (Holding a strong bond lasso and Hand-made daggers with a comb pattern) Mom, I'm here! (Looks at Kody) You're... that guy! What have you done to my MOTHER!

Kody: *smirk* What's this? Adding insults after injury? (Charges towards them)

Gema: Why you!! You'll pay!

Gemini Girl: (in her thoughts: What should I do?) Gema, please get out of here.

Gema fought valiantly but also she is in the verge of losing. Green Reaper walks towards Leni, but his legs was clutched by Gema who is still on the ground.

Kody: You think you can play as a hero? You are no different than your mother. (Steps on her hand) You can wait your pain. Also, you can run but I'll hunt you down.

Gunfire is then herd, a bullet was able to pierce Kody and severely injure him.

Kody: What? But this is impossible; I'm supposed to be bullet proof. HOW?!

Mina then shows up.

Mina: Hand crafted bullets made of adamantium alloys. (She then shows herself) Now hands off my family!

Gema and Leni: "Sis!" "Mina!"

Mina: (Calls on the communicator) Becky, Now!

An adamantium arrow with blue liquid is the fired towards Kody and pierced through him.

Kody: As long as I have the virus I.... *Grunt* What? I'm degenerating, How?

Mina: Becky, it worked! The anti-bodies are killing him.

Kody: I see. *cough* I will not go down that easily!!

Even during the degeneration process, Kody still proved to be quite the adversary. But with the Triplicate Girls fighting strongly, they have the upper hand. Leni the made clones of herself and punched Kody on the gut. Gema flung her lasso as a rope to bind him while her clone slashed her comb-knife. Mina then smacked her sniper rifle and fired a shot through his heart. And with a sad expression, Leni delivers the final blow by sending her clones to initiate an upward kick to send him flying then jumping to deliver a dropkick that slams him back to the ground. Exhausted, they sigh of relief knowing that they won.

Kody: So, this is it huh? *cough* Leni, I hope you outgrew your past. Go on without me. *grunt*

Leni: But I can't forget you. How could ever do that? That's like, so unfair. How could I look forward a future without you?

Kody: Heh, still the same, aren't you? At first, it infuriated me for you to just exit my life. I thought that dying without rescue was worse but then to know you could go on without me hurt me more than anything. *cough 2x* I guess you can say I was envious.

Leni: Kody, please stay with me.

Kody: Well *grunt* I can't enter Paradise for a while because what I've done. But at least La Xibalba isn't that bad since it is not technically the Netherworld. Before I go, I will tell you something: The doctor who returned me back is working for someone, but I don't know who. Please be careful and take care of your family. Lastly, I love you Leni. I wish you nothing but happiness even in my absence. (Loses heartbeat and disintegrates)

Leni: Yeah, goodbye Kody. (Holds back the tears before screaming in agony)

The battle was over. The hollows were destroyed thanks to the antidote Becky gave to the rest of the heroes when fighting. It was a hard-won fight but the results came to fruition. Leni, remorsing at the grave, carried flowers and laid them there. The Gemini Twins could only fathom the pain of their mother. Chaz then made a silent vow.

Chaz (in thoughts): I swear, in my friend's place, I will take good care and love you the way he did. Bet on it, Leni.

-Chapter End-

Meanwhile in a hidden location

Dr. Faust Schnizer: The ship is almost ready. Also, Project Kody failed but his sacrifice would not be wasted. Now we have information about the heroes. We can now turn the tides.
Emerson: Good, lasting we need is to ensure that Pandora's Box will open. The chaos will reign supreme. Darkness will blanket the world, and all lights die. I will then usher a new world under my leadership.

Elsewhere (Between Jordan and Israel)

Ranga: Lincoln, are you sure about keeping it? Are you not afraid that he will become like--?

Lincoln: Relax, Ranga! I got this. He won't become like Irate. Master Uriel guaranteed it. (Raises his hands) Come forth, Heavenly host that brings flames of creation and ruination. I summon thee to be my aid. (Arcane circle is then shining the ground where Lincoln stand) ADONAI MELEK, CAMAEL!! (A flame construct surrounds him, first rib cage then torso. Then the skull then the head. Wings formed and the angelic figure wore a helmet with wings on the earpiece. The figure seems to wield a shield and sword.) Range, Logan, Camael get ready. We're breaking through.

They were going to fight a horde of malicious creatures.

In Royal Woods

Lina: Hey bro, catch. (Throws a book)

Eclipse: Woah, thanks sister. Wait a moment, isn't this your dad's gift?

Lina: Yeah, probably another hand-me-down. Not that I'm complaining but dad's hand-me-downs are oddly random. My personal favorite is the Smooch guitar pick with the blazing L logo. And then there's the Fred Mercury tank top. I love the Queen.

Eclipse: Well I like it too. (Flips pages) Huh, a story book. Well I happen to like good literature too.

He read the book and saw stories of Solomon, Haniel, Amihan, Zeus, Ariel and Michael. How they fought evil while some of them became bad, while the others remained as heroes. He then flips to the next page and see a figure of a wizard named SHAZAM.

Eclipse: "Only those with a pure heart of righteousness will gain my power. Say my name and be blessed." Huh? Odd book, but I wonder. (He went out the house to the backyard with Lina.)

Lina: What do you think you're doing?

Eclipse: Ehem. SHAZAM!! (a thunderbolt strikes him)

To be continued...

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