Dawn of Injustice Ch. 22 (Phoenix King: Dawn of Injustice 3 - Cruel Sun)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 22 (Phoenix King: Dawn of Injustice 3 - Cruel Sun)

Outside the Tower

Tabby: Stella! Behind you! [throws her axe as Stella dodges. The axe hits an obese Nightmare]

Stella: Small fries should be easy. [Fires a volley of arrows towards smaller monsters] Where's Clyde?

Haiku: Brother's Eye is with Polly and Penelope. They're handling things abroad with the High Councilor. [slashes her scythe while dodging an Ursa Nightmare]

Washington D. C.

Penelope: [fires her blasters to a swarm of Crybats, a bat Nightmare with deathly sonic screech] So many of them.

Polly Pain: Man, I wish the other could be with us. [slashes her Lightsabers from an incoming Crybat] Thank you Mr. Cuddles and Lisa for these gears. [uses her enhanced roller blades to speed through another obese Nightmare.] I learned the best Arnis from Lynn and Balagtas.

Penelope: I'd still wish we have backup on protecting these doors. [blasts more swarm] Clyde and David are top priorities after all.

Woman's voice then appears. Seemed to be Asian with gauntlets and claws attached to her hands. She also wear some sort of clothes fit of an elf or forest fairy.

Fairy Woman: Spirit Tree Spear Yggdrasil, Third Form: Claws. [The claws attached to her arms lengthens and slashed them.] Sixth Form: Swarm [The Claws multiplies and becomes floating daggers. She then telepathically commands the daggers to pierce the entire swarm until they all disappeared] You guys alright? [as she looked at the two.]

Penelope McBride: Yeah, we're good.

Polly Pain-Loud: How'd you know we're here, Sid?

Sid Chang: I got a report from the trees and animals that you'd be here. Helga [spirit badger], Abu [spirit monkey], and Kuja [spirit peacock] knew that the heroes needs all the help. I also needed help from them to get here. [points at the spirit animals: Minerva the Cheetah, Virgo the Crane, Raika the Eagle, Shenzi the Hyena, Grodd the Gorilla, Swain the Raven, and Ranga the Direwolf.]

Ranga: Leave the small fries to us! I'll burn them to roasts if I have to.

Sid Chang: Wait, where's Archimedes?

Minerva: That owl is with a relative if I remember. Back in the spirit woods where you guys trained.

Penelope: Spirit Woods? That's where you guys been? Isn't it dangerous?

Polly: I bet there are some good grub there too.

Sid Chang: Relative huh? Must be in the Spirit-Earth [Terran] Library with that Gargantuan Owl. What was his name again?

Swain: Wan Shi Tong, I always didn't like that owl.

Raika: Why's that?

Swain: Arrogant, and always disturbs me whenever I read in his study. He trusted nobody except Archimedes. I liked the books but can he try not to be a nosy librarian?

Ranga: You can't change his attitude that easily, Swain. After humanity used his knowledge for evil, Athena and him vowed to never trust humans unless they passed a certain permission.

Polly: With all the chaos in the world, I agree.

Sid Chang: Let's go guys. We have people to defend.

Meanwhile, Inside the tower: Lincoln had made it to Lucy and Lynn's location where they are facing Tremor and Django. Lincoln made it and greeted his two sisters.

Lynn/Power Girl: Took you long enough!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Here, take these. [hands over some of the Regime Pills] That should help you. Been taking a couple of hits I see.

Lynn/Power Girl: Yeah, this dude just won't bulge. His darkness is still intact and keeping him too strong.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Just keep it up. After all, your upgrade is finally working. I sense that your combat level is rising every hits you give or take.

Lynn/Power Girl: Yeah, but not enough yet. I feel like Lexaeus from one of your old games.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Let's talk later, we have stoneface to deal with.

Meanwhile, Sam Sharp-Loud [Genorocker] is headed to the sixth door where Ben and Gen are dealing with a familiar enemy. Lincoln and Lynn then dealt with Tremor, dodging every cataclysmic spikes of rocks that he forge from the tower's floor.

Lynn/Power Girl: How is he able to do this anyways?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: The tower is a creation of the Eternal Twins: the Ein Sofs. It will adapt to any damage done to it, meaning you can use any element or any attack you have in you.

Lynn/Power Girl: Huh, and I was worried of going all-out. Then I'll go all out. [she smashed the ground and created a shockwave that fissured the floor until it reached to Tremor. This damaged the stone villain.]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Nicely done, although it is bizarre that he's not talking.

Lynn/Power Girl: It's much better to me. At least he's not annoying.

Tremor slaps the ground and created multiple granite spikes. Although Lynn dodges, she countered them by punching the incoming rocks with great force that leaves the rocks into dusts. Lincoln thought that only by elemental attacks or interruptions to Lynn's blows would depower her. If the assault continues, Lynn's power will keep growing until it becomes too powerful and lethal. Lincoln then shoots fireballs at Tremor to stun him a little, still not enough to stop him.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Lynn, how's your power level?

Lynn/Power Girl: It's growing by the second. If I continue to take the hits or keep hitting him, I'll have enough strength to bust a hold on the stoneface.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: That's good but don't be reckless. If you take a serious damage than him, your combo streak will be interrupted and go back to square one. It only takes 30 seconds of not getting hit and missing to have you back to lame town!

Lynn/Power Girl: Shut up, I know that Stinkoln!! I'm barely dodging to keep the streak rising!

Lincoln/Phoenix: [thoughts: The nickname's up. She's pissed and serious now. But why is it that Tremor's still unbreakable? Is it the Hexian effect? I know nothing is indestructible, but what is his weakness?] Majestic Flame Annihilation!! [spits a stream of fire that is enough to flood the room in intense flames]

Tremor took a hit and somewhat damaged him. Lynn took the opportunity and kicked the burnt part with great force. This made the damage greater and permanent.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: I see why he's not talking. He's nothing more that a dead golem still walking. His powers have finally taken over that even his mouth closed forever.

Lynn/Power Girl: Then that last speech was his last?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Precisely, the darkness has taken over his body to a point that he's not human anymore.

Tremor then summoned a pillar of bedrock and replaced his damaged body part with a new one.

Lynn/Power Girl: You're kidding me!?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: His brain is probably still intact and still thinking. We need to destroy the core to finally end him!

Lynn/Power Girl: How? Got any bright ideas, Stinkoln?

Then from the door a Woman with Lava costume appeared and created a lake of lava towards Tremor.

Lava Girl: Leave this to me!!

Lynn/Power Girl: Vesuvius!!

Vesuvius/Bev: I needed my redemption part so I asked for a little help with a few magicians and Ms. Rosato, I mean Mrs. Loud.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: And I thought you were dead.

A man with a slightly distorted face along with two pirates came to appear with him.

Pirate Man: We're making sure ya ain't hitting the deck towards Davvy Jone's locker just yet!

Lynn/Power Girl: Kervantez, Sarah! You guys made it!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Hydro! I figured you'd be back.

Chandler McCann/Hydro: What's wrong, Larry? Missing kindergarten days! Well not now you won't.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: I know, temporary truce.

Tremor charged at them but Vesuvius created a wave of lava that liquefied the golem's legs until it cannot move. Tremor struggled by using his arms but...

Chandler/Hydro: Aqua Iron Cutters [Creates high pressure water blades at quick slashes that cut through Tremor's invincibility, Thus cutting his arms before recovering.]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Vesuvius, let's join forces.

Vesuvius and Lincoln regrouped and starts stirring powerful waves of heat.

Lincoln and Bev: Inferno Style - Majestic Vulcan Annihilation. [Bev created a tsunami of lava followed by a large stream of hellblaze from Lincoln.]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: LYNN! NOW!

When Tremor's protection finally melted, Lynn dealt the final blow towards the core and shattered it with a strong drop kick. This finally eliminated the stone monster as his darkness vanished.

Lynn/Power Girl: We did it... phew. So, McCann. Why'd you help us?

Chandler/Hydro: The enemy of my enemy...

Kervantez: Makes a valuable but temporary ally.

Sarah: Plus with dad's curse is gone, we can finally be free from this menace.

Chandler/Hydro: All I want is a rightful grave for your dad.

Kervantez: Hahahahahaha... don't go killing me yet, my boy. You are as stormy as the sea but free as you may go. I'll die when I finally gave you my blessing. Which I will give to you now. [Hands over a blue jewel] This is the Heart of the Ocean. This will revive the lost Atlantis. Go there and be blessed my boy. [Kervantez uttered his last words as he becomes ashes and dust.]

Chandler receives the jewel as he and Sarah stayed together. Lynn could only smile as she sat while Bev came to her.

Bev: Hey, where's Firedude?

Without realizing it, Lincoln is gone to the other room where Lucy is still fighting Django.

Lucy/Deathfrost: I've killed you once, I'll do it again.

Django: If you can!!! [Transforms into a giant bat monster but with several horns, sharp fangs and claws, red eyes.]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Let's light it up!! UltraNova [Creates a giant fireball and throws it but as it made contact; the explosion didn't do anything] What?!!

Django: HAHAHAHAHA!!! Fools, that won't work on me again. As long as I have devoured SOULs within me, I am unkillable!!

Lucy/Deathfrost: Then we'll rip them out of you and return them to La Xibalba! Go, Cocytus! [Creates a Giant Ice Demonoid and fights for Lucy]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Let me join, Lucy. Camael! Angel formation! [Lincoln then summons Camael in his full angelic form and held his great sword of flames.]

Lincoln/Camael cut some of Django's shadowy protection and revealed to have his body cover with malicious eyes of demons, and some dark spikes growing from him.

Lincoln/Camael: You looked ugly before, you took it to a whole new level!!

Lucy/Cocytus: For the sake of the innocent blood you drank and killed, I will strike you down.

Django swipes his bat arms/wings and formed a gust of wind that forced the two enlarged heroes back. Django then rushed and grabs the two golems and smacked them together before throwing them to the walls.

Lucy/Cocytus: Damn it, too strong.

Lincoln/Camael: If only we could pierce though his barrier.

Then a few sorcerers appeared at their location.

Dr. Myth: If it takes seven to beat him, then you need 4 more.

Maggie/Shadow Mistress: Make that 3 more.

Gwen: Two!!

Hex: One!

Hope and Mike: And that makes us 7th and 8th.

Lucy/Cocytus: But I'm not that good at magic. How are we going to cut his defenses?

Hex: Didn't your great-grandma told you. Well, Camael is an Angelic spirit so he counts, Cocytus is an Ice Giant from the Asgard branch of Scala ad Caelum where he is named after the Lake or River that used to imprisoned Mike's father, The Fiend Lucifer Morningstar. Basically Cocytus is also a demon but not the evil kind.

Hope/Charmcaster: Which makes you a mistress of Arcane arts as well.

Lincoln/Camael: Thank you for coming, all of you. Now let's roast some vampire's butt.

Django: HAHAHAHA! What hope do you have left?

Maggie/Shadow Mistress: Him! [Creates a magic circle and summoned Thanatos]

Silas/Thanatos: Django! It's about time I put you out. Erinys! [Erinys appears with him and readies the scythe]

Dr. Myth: We need to detach the SOULs from his body is we are to finally stop him.

Django let out a roar of darkness and the gang has been blown back. Luckily, Mike put up a barrier before Django could do any damage to them.

Silas/Thanatos: I need all of you to pull them out, so I could collect them and bring them to the spirit realm. Doing it one at a time may cause him to just pull me in.

Mike: I'll distract him. [floats to Django's face] Lux Magica [Light Magic, creating a brilliant flash and dazes the vampire.]

Silas/Thanatos: [Slashes his scythe to create an opening for the souls to escape.] NOW!!

Maggie and Dr. Myth pulls two SOULs out of Django, while the bat is distracted. Lucy/Cocytus takes one and forces one SOUL out. Hope and Gwen uses a spell to make sure the SOUL's are still undigested from Django's body as they pluck two more out. Hex then follows Lincoln/Camael and pulls two more out as the vampire slowly loses power.

Django: NO! The SOULs! My power!!

Django's barrier is now ineffective. Lucy/Cocytus the punched Django and froze him in place.

Lucy/Cocytus: Lincoln, NOW!!

Lincoln/Camael: I'll burn you into nothingness. Not even ashes will be left. True UltraNova: [creates a giant fireball but it grew larger than before because of Camael's influence. The heat is so intense that the sorcerers put up a shield to stop the heat. Lucy is protected thanks to Cocytus, who is immune to the heat being an Immortal Ice Demon.] CRUEL SUN!! [Lincoln/Camael threw the Sun ball at Django that launched them to a nearby wall.]

Django could only scream in pain as the fires burn his flesh and his essence that not even Silas/Thanatos could collect it to drown Django's SOUL to the Netherworld nor to the Void. As worth noting, not even ashes of his remains were left as a proof of existence.

Lincoln and Lucy reverts to their forms and was able to talk to the others.

Lucy/Deathfrost: He's really gone now, isn't he?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: He's not gonna bother anyone anymore, Lucille.

Gwen: Never knew Lucy was short for Lucille! Kept surprising me.

Lucy/Deathfrost: I'm so happy that you've returned and be there for me again, Brother.

Mike looks at her, along Dr. Myth, confused.

Hex, Silas, Hope, Maggie, Gwen, and Lincoln: Trust us, she is.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: As much as I want to stay, I have other things to deal with.

Lucy/Deathfrost: Wait!! [Grabs Lincoln's hands] Take care, okay!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: [smiles] I will, and I'll be back. I swear.

Lincoln exits and finds a new shortcut to the next room.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Lana, Lola, I'm almost there. Hang on;

-Chapter End-

Meanwhile, outside the tower.

Red Canary/Terry: I feel like dying out of boredom. We've dealt with them so easily!

Rubywing/Hiromi: Daijoboudesu na? [You alright?]

Red Panther/Panther: Are you kidding? No, we're not. Small fries are really worthless. I can't help but feel like in a cliffhanger.

Luke/Captain Cool: If you want it, you guys can help the evacuees.

Revi/Parkour Jr.: Yeah, I can't carry all these rations to myself, can I?

Jor-El/Blazeboy: It'll be faster for more help. Plus, we need to secure uncle David and sir Clyde afterwards.

Red Canary/Terry: Fine, Agni Kai! To your stations.

Hiromi and Panther: "Hai!" "Sure."

To Clyde's location.

Clyde McBride: Oh no, I'm surrounded, what can I do? [surrounded by clown looking monsters]

Clown Demons: Hehehehehe *chuckles*

However, the laugh was short-lived as the monsters are all eliminated on the spot. Sid then went to his spot.

Sid Chang: Are you alright? Brother's Eye?

Clyde/Brother's Eye: I'm fine. Where are Stella and Penelope?

Polly: Your wife and your secretary are fine Mr. McBride. Just resting somewhere.

Clyde/Brother's Eye: Good then. I can only hope evacuation went accordingly.

-Reconnect: Dawn of Injustice-

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