Dawn of Injustice Ch. 12 (Deathfrost: Life After Death)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 12 (Deathfrost: Life After Death)

Years Ago: During Lincoln's time as High Councilor

Emerson: Your Majesty! Over here.

Phoenix King: Ah, little Emerson. How is Brother's Eye treating you? Have you learned from him?

Emerson: Yes, As the 2nd senator, I learned how to negotiate with the others. With this, all of humanity even meta-humans and aliens will live together in harmony.

Phoenix King: I know they will. There's a reason that democracy can be flawed so much. Because not everyone agrees. They need a strong leader that will unite them and stop evil before it could do damage.

Emerson: You are right. The people's hearts are easily swayed. They needed proper guidance if we are to ensure peace. Which is a why you have to make your crew agree with you if need. Then overthrow the government in discreet. Most of those who joined the coup are parents with meta-human children. They've been living in the shadow and you served as light for them.

Phoenix King: Hmm.. Emerson, one day I will have Brother's Eye take my place and I will be watching from afar. I will go to any place away from sights. Logan and I are planning this so that he could hone his skills. I want you to be at Clyde's side for most times if he needed it.

Few Years Ahead: Lincoln and Logan are still away while Clyde is still the High Councilor.


Brother's Eye: Don't worry about it. I will handle this. So far, The Monarch of United Kingdom, Philippine Lady President, Empress of the Chinese Federation and Emperor of the Japanese Federation and other more leader have agreed to let us join forces while there are those who disagree. The Minister of Russia, Canada, South Americans, Africans do not know that it would be beneficial for us to join. Luckily, there are meta-human families within every senate so they will soon feel the responsibility.

Emerson: Fine, fine. But if they disagree again then it will be disastrous.

Now: Within the UFN hologram gathering

Pres. Urduja Macapagal: Philippines is currently in crisis. Our population decreased by 15%. Most of the victims are notorious crime lords, terrorists and police officers. If this continues then we are facing a mass genocide. I have already declared this as a War or State of Emergency.

Empress Ling Yuan Xi: China is facing the same crisis as well. 20% of the population is erased where 5% are meta activities.

Councilor David Wisemann: As current High Councilor of USA regime: Order of the Phoenix, I have already declared emergency evacuation to states that has most populace of metahumans and criminals including Gotham, Detroit and Metropolitan cities. This war has gone long enough, we need a counterattack.

Queen Isabelle Victoria: European Union is agreeing with the current situation. We do need a way to fight against this threat. These demons have gone and attacking for far too long. They possess living beings and cause them to wreak havoc.

Minister Daniel Ben-Yosef: Israel and the Levant Union and even the Vatican Theocracy have no other choice. We agree in the terms. This alliance better stop these monstrosity before it cause all of living creatures to die in vain.

Councilor David Wisemann: Then all in-order. The alliance of humans and metahumans bill as been passed. All of us will join forces against this threat. With that, the chain of command is now under my hands. This meeting is adjourned.

Dr. Lisa Loud/Omniscience: That... was nerve-wrecking. It took a lot of convincing to have their minds set in motion. Now that the leadership of UFN is upon us, what shall we set out to do now?

Councilor David: We do what we do best, have control and ensure the survival of the populace.

Meanwhile in the Ledgerdomain

Thanatos: I'll only accept the apology if we save this "Mike" person. Prove to me that you will show camaraderie.

Lucy/Deathfrost: *sigh* I knew you'd still hold a grudge. Alright, I'll prove it to you.

Jen: I don't know the whole story but could you explain it to me.

Thanatos: It was during the regime. The Arctic Reapers are handling another case of Occult Kidnapping...


Silas: We just got promoted to senior detectives. Lucy will be so proud.

Romuluz: I know, we finally get to solve mystery and occult cases.

Silvia: Great job guys. Keep it up.

Remus: Way the go big brother. You finally got the promotion. I bet you can beat Lucky Luke's record on most cases.

Romuluz: *blush* Gee, I don't know if I could, but I will do my best.

Luke: Attention, newly promoted. Here are the latest mission, a house is recently been suspected as an occult gathering and ritual site. The recent kidnappings are found near at the Hiawatha Nation Forest.

Silas: That creepy forest? I've heard of it, but never actually thought that it will be that gruesome.

Luke: According to dad.. *ehem* Lt. Rocky Spokes. The place is notorious for the missing children incident. Now it seemed that teenage couples disappears in the area now.

Romuluz: Let me guess, there's a cabin in site that has been abandoned for years. I bet they used it for lounge without knowing that it is a trap.

Lt. Spokes: That is right. My wife already got informed and have Brother's Eye and Martha look it up. So far there is no metahuman in site so Arcane arts could have been involve. She will then be with you to assist.

Silas: Lucy will join us?

Haiku: I as well.

Silvia: Your Majesty! One of the Phoenix King's Brides: Haiku Loud.

Haiku: Are you all ready?

All: Yes, Ma'am.

Few hours later: Hiawatha Forest Cabin.

Lucy: Let us split up to cover more ground. Silvia and Remus will be on the look out. Silas and Romuluz will cover upstairs. Haiku, with me.

After a thorough investigation, they seemed to find themselves empty-handed until a scream is heard.

Silvia: REMUS!!!

Occultist 1: Grab her. She will make a perfect sacrifice.

Silas: Darn it! How strong are they. (Hears a stab and struggle sound) It can't be!

Occultist 2: I'll be worried about myself if I were you. Now, resistance is futile.

Silvia and Silas got captured while Remus and his elder brother, Romuluz died a bloodied way: stabbed and slit through the neck.

Occultist 3: My lord Orochi and Jashin will be pleased for this ritual offerings.


Lucy/Deathfrost: Arctic Dungeon! (She froze the ground that freezes the occultist to death) Are you alright, Haiku?

Haiku: Yes, thank you. (she then cut the frozen men using her Graceful Rose) We better hurry! Trouble is approaching.

Somewhere in the secret attic.

Leader of the Occult: Let these sacrifice grant us, his minions what we truly desire. Immortality, for all eternity!!

All Occultist: Hail Orochi, Hail Jashin!

The leader of the occult stabbed Silvia and Silas on top of the Magic Circle as it glows to enveloped them with a light that will grant them eternal life in flesh. The door opens and reveals Deathfrost and Haiku.

Haiku: Darn it!

Lucy/Deathfrost: We are too late.

Leader: Nothing you can do now, (transforms into a demonic beast with reptilian skin, bulky figure and serpent's head.) We have give the unholy powers of Orochi.

Lucy/Deathfrost: I'll distract them, on my count then attack.

Lucy shoots ice beams to them before they could attack. The leader and another of his men escapes so Lucy retries using Arctic Dungeon. She then successfully freeze all of the members of the occult.

Haiku: What now? They are immortal, their flesh bound forever with their SOULS.

Lucy: Can't you do something?

Haiku: I could but it requires a huge amount of power. You are meta so you could share in my Graceful Rose. It'll send them into the Netherworld or the 4th, domain of the Afterworld: The Eternal Void.

Lucy: Then do it.

Haiku uses Graceful Rose to cut through a dimension to send the frozen occultist into the Netherworld which they will be judge if they will experience torment or Eternal Void. The corpse of their allies however still remained in the circle which initiated a different ritual.

Erinys: A what a beautiful day at La Xibalba.

Azrael: Daughter, did you found something? I sense 4 more SOULS to collect and judge.

Erinys: I did dad, oh... and one of them is handsome.

Romuluz: Where are we?

Remus: Brother! You're awake but what is this place?

Silvia: I wanna go home. We even have a wedding to plan.

Remus: Oh that's right but where exactly are we?

Silas: Be Quiet!!

The other 3: What!?

Silas: Do you not remember what happened? We got killed in that place, no we are probably in Styx, the river of the Underworld.

Remus: No way, we're too young too die.... Wait, you serious?

Silvia: Nooooo! Please, tell me you're joking right?

Erinys: Nope, you're all dead. (appears) My name is Erinys and I am Death's daughter. I come to claim all of you and be judged... as I would do, but it's boring so you 3 will be my key out of here. In La Xibalba.

Romuluz: And what does it mean?

Azrael: It means nothing!! (appears as an angel in black cloak, reaper's scythe and angels wings) Daughter, I told you that the affair of humans is nothing to meddle with.

Erinys: Come on dad, please. I just what to see Grandpa's creation at it's finest. (points at Silas) I even like this guy. Please, pretty please.

Azrael: Oh, alright on one condition. (stares at Silas) He will watch over you, daughter. And only him can exit the land of the dead. Besides, I have enough dead people raining down on me because of the what's the word... Like Luce told me... ah, Filthy Occultists.


Azrael: Be GRATEFUL, boy! Or I could have sent you in the Underworld. This is your chance to live again. The other three will meet up with Harriet for their Trials to Scala ad Caelum.

Erinys: Dad, can I still bring my scythe?

Azrael: It belongs to you so you can have it. Now, off you go.

-Flashback End-

Thanatos: I still hold the grudge for leaving me behind or being too late.

Erinys: Now that you think about it, it's not entirely their fault for not noticing earlier.

Haiku: She is right. We truly are sorry for not knowing that this would happen. I should have never dragged the others as well.

Thanatos: Like I said, apologize later. We still have a warlock to deal with. Then a war or whatever.

They are able to reach the last room of the Ledgerdomain: The Prison Cell bay.

Harriet: We are here. I sense a high level of arcane power in this place. It feels like it's leaking.

When they reached the place, a figure that has an appearance of a blue old man. It seemed that he still has very little arcane divinity left. It was Darkstar, aka. Michael "Mike" Morningstar.

Heather: MIKE!! Dear God, what have they've done to you.

Harriet: I'm glad you decided to return and heal Charmcaster's hands and feet. Now she can use a spell to help dear old Mike.

Erinys: Eeh *shrug* Easy come, easy go.

Mike absorbs the magical essence to return him to a youthful state, returning his blond and shining gold figure.

Mike: Thanks for helping me, Hope. You are a lifesaver.

Gwen: Gee, I forgot that it's your true name. But you saved it for your boyfriend only.

Heather/Hope: Who did this to you? Why would they...?

Mike: It was my father, Lucifer Morningstar. He trapped me here and took most of my divinity. This is a set-up, to trap all of you! We better get out of here.

Haiku: How sure you are?

???: Then let me show you how trapped you are like mice.

The figures reveals Django, the rogue vampire with a woman with him. She looks like a generic copy of Hope/Heather, except she wears a spiky demon's tiara, longer hair and a book with Faustian runes.

Enchantress: Been a while sister, I knew uncle would betray our Master Morningstar. I just waited for the timing

Mike: You used me! You'll pay for what you've done.

Django: How would you do that exactly? (Shows their leaking darkness) We are a perfect examples of Hexian vessels.

Enchantress: And uncle Hex served his purpose! *evil laugh*

Hope/Heather: You..!

Thanatos: Hold on, his SOUL is not yet released from his body. I can sense it. He's just unconscious and somewhere here.

Erinys: But vampire over there has a lot coming, A bunch of blood and SOULS trapped in his belly. (summons the Thanatos scythe) I'm gonna enjoy gutting you, Big Bad Bat.

Harriet: We'll deal with Django. Lucy, Haiku you are with me. The Tennyson group and Heather will deal with Enchantress.

Meanwhile: Mt. Rushmore Memorial (South Dakota)

Ben: Good thing you can drive the RV for keepsakes. Grandpa let you off the hook for almost wrecking the thing.

Kevin: Yeah, but questions... (Sees a 1000 horde of Nightmares) HOW DO WE PASS THIS MANY!!?

Ben: On it. (Went outside to transform) WAY BIG!!

Kevin: Allison, Bobby, Roby. Go metal. I'll guard this baby.

All: Roger that! (They then transform as Matter Girl, Armor, and Titanium Titan.)

Becky: What do I do?

Kevin: Watch my back. Snipe anyone that is not human.... or at least not goodie.

Becky: Alright, gotcha (Wears the suit and becomes Rapidsnipe)

As the battle of a thousand Nightmares happen in the road towards Plumber's HQ, Mt. Rushmore branch. Lucy, Harriet, Haiku and Thanatos are dealing with Django while Gwen and Jen are guarding Hope and Mike towards the exit "Gate" so that they could rescue Hex and escape the prison bay.

Thanatos: If we can't penetrate that Barrier, I can't use a Reaping attack to open a gut for the SOULS to escape.

Haiku: He's using the power of the SOULS to create protection while having a dark protection from the Faustian runes.

Erinys: Hun, what should we do?

Jen: Dang, not even my Anodite powers bulge. How powerful is that rune.

Gwen: Not as powerful as the Angelic and Solomon's Wisdom. But I haven't mastered it yet.

Lucy/Deathfrost: Can't you do something Great-Grandma?

Harriet: I can, but buy me time. I need to charge up for I only have limited power before I return to the land of the dead.

???: A few time perhaps if I join in.

Reveals Hex, Hope and Mike all in good condition.

Hex: I was right to betray the Hexians and Pandora's support group. I have Mike to thank for restoring me in full strength.

Mike: Now that my divinity is back, I can exorcise the darkness out of the person's body with the risk of killing them.

Heather/Hope: Time to finish this sister.

Harriet, Hex, Mike, and Hope: (Casts a spell into a singular magic circle with Angelic Runes) Magia Angelica Spiritus Sanctus Maxima Exorcismus Dominum (Angelic Magic, Holy Spirit's Grandmaster Purification)

The spell purified all Faustian runes into dust that removes all of its effect. The two villains are now vulnerable to attacks but This left them exhausted. Gwen sees this as an opportunity to trap Enchantress.

Gwen: Obice Cavea (Barrier Prison - traps any desired target) Now!

Jen fires a light ray to Enchantress. While Django realizes that they are about to lose.

Django: Tsk, I'm afraid that the show must end this way. Goodbye, Enchantress.

Lucy/Deathfrost: Not gonna escape! (Fires a freeze beam that binds his legs)

Django: What!?

Thanatos: Use it now!

Haiku & Erinys: CHAAAA!!! (Slashes Django's stomach that releases the devoured SOULS)

Django: Gwack!! Grr.. You'll pay for this. (scatters into small bats before vanishing)

Lucy/Deathfrost: Good, one down. One more to go.

Back to Mt. Rushmore.

Ben(Jet Ray): They just kept multiplying. There's no end. We really could use some help.

Bobby/Armor: They weren't like this before. Why now? (Punches an approaching Nightmare)

Kevin: Allison, WE NEED BACK-UP NOW!! (The RV is completely surrounded)

Matter Girl/Allison: Rapidsnipe, cover me. (Slashes a Nevermore upward multiple times to stop it from ever healing).

Rapidsnipe/Becky: On it!

Luna/Thunderdrum: Need some help? Thor's Wrath (Summons a stream of lightning from the sky that eradicates 100 of them.)

Eclipse/Capt. Thunder: Shift into Turbo!! (zooms straight that reduces 20 of the Nightmares) SHAZAM!! (A crackling lightning approaches but before it could hit him, he dodges it creating a makeshift Thor's Wrath that reduces 50 of the Nightmares.)

Ben(Jet Ray): Good save, now it's my turn. *flash* Feedback... Oh YEAH!! He's back! Guy's I have an Idea.

Becky/Rapidsnipe: Do it then.

The three electric heroes uses Armor, Titanium Titan and Matter Girl as rod to conduct a powerful lightning force.

Back at the Ledgerdomain.

Haiku: Let's get out of here. (Holds the relic to her pocket.)

Lucy: Let's go.

Haiku, Lucy, Gwen and Jen carries the exhausted team but they are blocked by a runic barrier.

Enchantress: If you think you've won then you have another thing coming! I will drag you all in the depths of the Underworld if I have to.

???: Sorry, but that is not what fate has in mind.

A portal opens and reveals four people. Maggie/Shadow Mistress, Dr. Azrael/Myth, Gravitron/Nicolas, and Lincoln Loud/Phoenix King.

Maggie/Shadow Mistress: Shadow Binder (creates a shadowy arms that grabs Enchantress)

Enchantress: WHAT!?

Gravitron/Nicolas: Bow down! (Uses a gravity crusher)

Dr. Myth: Your fate is sealed. (Creates a magical Ankh that blasts her backwards)

Enchantress: Darn you. (Fires a beam of unholy energy)

Lincoln Loud/Phoenix King: Adonai Melechi (God of Hosts - summons Camael the angel of Wrathful Flames and War in Half-bodied Susano'o form) Berqa (uses the angelic shield to deflect the attack) Saiqa (Summons a giant flame katana to sever the path between Lucy and Enchantress) Megido (Armageddon - Transform the shield into a buckler bow and the sword into an arrow before firing the shot.)

Enchantress: NOOOOO!!! (Becomes ashes and dust)

Lucy: Brother?!

Lincoln/P. King: Hmph... We'll meet again dear Lucy. (Returns back to the portal before closing.)

The group escaped the Ledgerdomain and closed the gate to prevent anymore monsters from arriving. Luke was outside the cathedral defeated most of the monster with his cold blaster and of course, Garufol.

Hope: I guess I'll be back as Hope again. Thanks a lot for the help you guys. Uncle and I owe you.

Hex: And thank you for giving us a chance. Enchantress, she became too drunk for power. She was beyond repair but let us at least mourn for the loss of a family.

Mike: Here take this. (throws an egg-shaped object.) A gift from Heather, or of course... Hope.

Lucy: What's this.

Harriet: A SOUL egg. From La Xibalba border of Ledgerdomain. Contains a SOUL that has been returned from Scala ad Caelum to be reincarnated as a being but has no vessel.

Haiku: You visit the Ledgerdomain?

Harriet: It's where I practice my works. During in my time in La Xibalba, I picked up this egg and looked what's in it. Then I gave it to Mike, which he gave to Hope. It was for the best so that the SOUL will not be used wrongfully.

Lucy: Why give me something too important?

Harriet: Not for you though. For my rockstar. Before my time to return in the Afterworld, I need her to have this.

Lucy: To Luna?

Harriet: Yes, it is special for it's memories never got erased. (Slowly fades) Silas, deliver me.

Thanatos: Time to go huh! (Opens a portal to the land of the dead, La Xibalba)

Harriet's SOUL is taken back to the portal. The Tennyson group split from the L-Crew regime so that they could return to the Mt. Rushmore Branch. Brother's Eye initiated the gathering and began the assembly.

Luna: Lisa, have you made any vessels for use?

Lisa: Of course, it's all complete but why? (Luna hand her the egg) A SOUL egg! This is... I understand... Are you sure about this?

Luna: Yes, do it. Lucy told me to.

Lisa: Affirmative. Getting ready the human vessel.

As the egg hatched and the SOUL transferred to the male human vessel. The other group composed of the bridal conference: Haiku, Polly Pain, Tabby(Tabitha), Girl Jordan, the lead-wife Ronnie Anne and the concubine who finally accepted her role, Sam Sharp-Loud. Then there are the girls of Brother's Eye: Penelope, and Stella. Bobby Santiago. Along them are other heroes from Scarlet Arrows/Guren no Yumiya, Arctic Reapers, Current High Councilor: David Wisemann. They all entered while outside are the hatchlings, students and rogues. On Martha's screen are the Plumbers of all branches.

Boy: Mommy? (happily) Mommy!

Sam: What!? What does he mean with Mommy? What is going on? Luna... is he your...?

Luna: Don't get the idea. I swear I didn't. I could if we are legally separated but no. (Looks at Lisa) Lisa is this a case of... You know?

Lisa: Maybe so. (Lucy whispers to her ear) Or, maybe not (sneakingly)

Boy: Mommy. Me, Petty. Me boy now. Mommy 'member, right?

Lana and Lola: No way!

Leni: Is he? Lisa could you...? (She sees a Lisa shaking her head signing a NO)

Lori: I literally can't believe this.

Luna: Petty? But... *sob* PETTY!! (tears of joy)

Phoenix King/Lincoln: As much as I want to watch the reunion. I'm afraid that the readers and you all need to know this. A war is coming. We must be prepared.

Loud Sisters except Lucy: Lincoln.

Lincoln: Are you in or out? Your choice.


Emerson: It's time. Ancestor, meet Void Dark. The dream of leadership will now be at hand. Mysteries and fate clashed into the ultimate day. The Tower of Judgement will arise. Armageddon, Ragnarok, Twilight of the Old Age, and Dawn of a New Era. A Tetherby will now reign not just Royal Woods, nor America. The Entire WORLD!!

Dr. Faust: Sir, I'm afraid that I must be going. Let us meet again someday.

Emerson: You are dismissed, Schnizer. Your services have been in fruition.

Dr. Faust: Thank you sir. Please keep Farneus in good use.

Emerson: I will. (Dr. Faust vanishes into the dark corridor) As long as there is disagreement, people will just stray from peace. Isn't it right, Your Highness.

_Reconnect: Dawn of Injustice_

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