Dawn of Injustice Finale + Epilogus (Those Who Carry On) (CREATION END)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Finale + Epilogus (Those Who Carry On) (CREATION END)

Lincoln/Phoenix King: You wanted to die?

Emerson: Yes. If it's my penance, so be it.

Logan then pressed forward, took the Spear of Destiny. He then delivered a powerful punch that sent Emerson to the ground.

Logan/Knightwing: YOU DOLT!! You think your death will mean anything! I'm not gonna let you escape your fate and punishment for this affront!

Emerson: I...

Ben: He's right you know. Asking for death is just an escape. If you truly are sorry, then take the spear and change the Scales of Judgement to creation.

Emerson felt confuse. He felt as if living is just another reward for him but he though that he also needs to correct the wrongs he had wrought.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Here, take it. [hands over the spear] You know, you and Logan always made the strangest brothers.

Logan/Knightwing: What now, Dad?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: I did abdicated the regime and passed it on to someone else. But I will keep a watchful eye to anyone who dares remake a life of misery. The dawn of injustices has finally come to an end. Twilight has come and a new dawn arises, an era of relative peace.

Jen: A chance to rebuild what once lost.

Logan/Knightwing: Just be thankful before we change our minds.

???: NOOO!!! Heroes from the domain of Creation! I will not allow it to end this way!!!

The malicious voice once appeared from a pool of darkness and soon form a demonic creature smaller than what giant they've faced before. His body resembles a muscular-build human with 6 limbs. His two legs are muscular and looks similar to reptilian legs with claws. His pants are similar to Tarzan's drapes with a skull pattern. His tails is quite dragonic. Then he had four muscular arms with hands of a human and sharp pointy nails. His torso is bare and his head had large horns with an ugly face. The mouth is similar to Baraka for it's gnarly look and sharp teeth.

Jen: Him again!

Ben: Dang it. We are exhausted and can't fight like this!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Looks like this is his desperado form.

Desperado Chaos: At the end of all reality, even bedlam will tear itself apart!! So let us put an end to this... eternal struggle...

Emerson: A much weaker form. But still have tremendous strength that could genocide the Angel Choirs.

Logan/Knightwing: Not if we stop him.

Desperado Chaos: I've waited a millennium for this emancipation. Now that even mother is not on my side... Bare witness to the end of all things.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: We still don't have enough strength after that last clash.

Logan/Kinghtwing: Dad, just let us deal with this, alright?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: No, son! It's too dangerous for you to do this alone!

Emerson: Not without my help, you won't. [Readies himself and wields the Spear of Destiny] I will face my crimes and restore all that I have taken from the world. Even if it kills me, this will be my last hurrah.

Logan/Knightwing: Dad, just take Ben and Jen out of here. We'll deal with this, now go!!

Lincoln could only be speechless at the moment. He knew he could lose his son just as he lost his first wife, Logan's mother. But he cannot deny that they need to fight so that they could stop the malevolent deity of darkness from destroying all life of their universe and other universes out there. One last look, he stood and approached his son.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Be careful and come back alive.

Logan/Knightwing: We are Louds, we are stubborn, so yeah... I'll be back alive.

Lincoln then retreated and joined with Ben and Jen. Together they made a run through the exit where they once entered to. Lincoln could only think to himself and Logan, "That's my boy! All grown up! I hope you are proud of him, Paige."

Logan/Knightwing: They've finally left. [Logan faced the monster and held his Longinus Spear to ready himself.] I couldn't protect mom, and from that day forth I started to scorn myself for being weak. But now is different! I'm NOT LETTING YOU DIE ON ME!! [Logan then awaken his hidden power, one that he didn't realized until now. He has always been reliant to his incinerator arms and prosthetic hand with several gadgets and tools. Now he grew aura wings of flames that has claws and hands that follow his movements as if the are a wyvern's wings. The wyvern wings then summoned blazing poles to both hands after Logan and the wyvern hands cracked both knuckles.]

Emerson: Logan, you're...

Logan/Knightwing: I am Logan Loud, son of former High-Councilor Lincoln Loud or Phoenix King. In the name of my great-grandmother Uriel the archangel of fire, wisdom, and light; and of the God of all Creation. I vow to vanquish you, foul creature!!

Desperado Chaos: Cursed mongrel of Ehyeh, you will die!!

Emerson: I won't let you do that. [Emerson points his spear to Chaos and a beam of light blasts chaos away.]

Desperado Chaos: Foul creatures!! Take this!! [summons a rain of fires and dark volleys that chases on both of them.]

Logan/Knighwing: Defend! [Logan uses his spear as a shield and both his Wyvern wings covers him for protection. The fires and dark energy dissipates from the shield] Emerson, get behind me!!

Emerson retreats behind Logan. After the barrage, Chaos then summoned his unholy swords and charges at two.

Desperado Chaos: Now truly suffer!! [He slashes his swords but Logan deflects. Emerson then slashes but one of Chaos's arms forms a weapon and parries the incoming attack. Logan harbored his strength and thrusts his spear forward. The other three arms of Chaos blocks the attack, but one of Logan's wyvern wings prepares and formed a fist that strikes an uppercut.] Insolent pests!!

Emerson: Retreat! [Logan and Emerson retreats]

Desperado Chaos: Begone mortals!! [Chaos then slams his fists to the ground and created a quake of fiery waves]

Logan/Knightwing: Jump!! [Both of them jumps and evades the attack.]

Desperado Chaos: Behold your RUIN!!! [Chaos then forms orbs of energy from his hands and places them forward, creating a wave of blast towards Logan and Emerson.]

Emerson: Do it now!!

Emerson and Logan points their spears forward as Logan's Wyvern wings also followed the same. They charged to the incoming blast and clashed with it. The clash is tied as the are stuck in the middle while the wave of energy continues.

Logan/Knightwing: [Thought: Grant me strength] CHARGE!!!

Emerson and Logan then continued to push forwards and their spears glows evermore brighter. The clash is at its climax as Chaos's powers are slowly waning. This causes the wave of energy to slowly lose power.

Desperado Chaos: This... is... IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Logan/Knightwing: Back to where you belong!!

The clash is won as the energy blast dissipates. Emerson and Logan thrust the spears forward and pushed Chaos back to his prison, his box, only this time is for real. Logan stood as he watched the abyss consume Chaos back to his sleep.

Logan/Knightwing: Here ends the war. Destiny's hands cannot be stopped.

Emerson: We... did... it.

Logan/Knightwing: Not yet! You still have something you forgot.

Emerson: Right. [Emerson then raised the Spear of Destiny and altered the Scales of Judgement. From destruction, now the judgement tilts towards Creation. The Holy Vessel then glow a brilliant light that removed the consuming miasma from the planet and returned everything back to what was before the Nightmare creatures ever attack.] That should do it. [Suddenly the tower started collapsing and the two got teleported to a familiar place: The old Loud Residence, near an abandoned house that used to be Mr. Grouse's]

Logan/Knightwing: It's finally over.

The tower completely disappeared and the floors returned back to where they belong: in Pandemonium and Scala ad Caelum. The Three Kingdoms of the Afterworld opened their gates once again and reconnected their paths. The Earth then return to it's peaceful state, although many lives were lost. But that is just how it goes, it's time for them to move on.

Several month later.

Lincoln: Hi welcome to Loud Bistro. May I take your order?

Lincoln and his children and wives (except Tabby, Haiku and Polly) run the Lynn's table into a newly opened bistro. Two elderly came to visit and had a grand feast from their table.

Rita: I am so proud of you Lincoln.

Lynn Sr.: My son, thank you for all this. And finally you've finally grown.

Lincoln: Thanks mom, and dad.

Lita Rochelle: Come on Pop-pop and Gran-Gran. Let's all take a photo.

The Phoenix Hatchlings all formed a wacky photo with their grandparents. Meanwhile Clyde is at the cemetery placing a commemoration flowers to two graves, his two dads. Replicate and his whole crew, nowhere to be found. Lori and Bobby lived a somewhat chaotic life with their new children, especially Roby and Rory's little sister: Amanda. Leni moved on and continued her work as a fashion and clothes saleslady, along with her friends. Luan still at her gigs, but with Jor-El they had time to make parties at the bistro. Maggie and the rogues traveled to all over the world. Even if her powers are sealed and only to be used for emergency only, she still keeps an eye out for trouble. Lucy, Haiku and Rocky continued their work in the Arctic Reapers police and detective agency, keeping occult and mystical phenomena in check so that the order and peace prevails. Some girls decided that it is good to have a vacation. Lana worked as a zoo-keeper and car repairmen with her child and husband. Lola and her daughter continued their shopaholic tendency (With her husband: Winston's money, of course). As teacher and governor, Lisa ensure that higher priorities are aimed on education and fighting discrimination, poverty, and crime. Lily finally got a job as an art teacher and botanist at the academy for the Gifted. Oh, of course with a little help from her fiancee.

Whatever happened to Chandler and his lover, well they settled in an island. The Scarlet Arrows are now aimed to stop terrorism in Philippines while the Tennyson's are somewhere in space yet again. Luna is finally several months pregnant so Lina and Eclipse are expecting a younger sibling to be with. Everything is the way it should be, peaceful. Although some chaos is because of family love, that's the only acceptable form of chaos and not something else. Emerson is at a journey of know himself better so I suggested a long travel across the globe, from Rome to Egypt, Greece, Israel, China and Japan. That will be a long travel but he is a long way towards redemption. Earth has finally been free from injustices and life goes on.

Lincoln: And if someone ask if will I trade this for all the power in the world. They already know the answer...

In Scala ad Caelum

Ehyeh: It's all over. Now we can watch our experiment together without ending up in failure like last time. My angels are now in position. Oh and Lincoln...

Lincoln: Yes?

Ehyeh: You forgot to mention something.

Pandora: What about her?

Lincoln: Well I tell them that... soon. So can I get off this place now. Thanks.

Lincoln returned to the plane of existence as his body was meditating. It was thanks to Lucy that he is able to contact the kingdom of afterlife: Scala ad Caelum. And it is without going to Jerusalem temple this time.

Lincoln: I forgot to mention this, Lucy.

Lucy: Well...

Great-Grandma Harriet and Mr. Cuddles finally passed La Xibalba (Purgatory) and finally joined at the Garden of Scala ad Caelum. Thanatos or Silas is training to fight shades and demons at the circles of the Netherworld. He at the City of Dis mind you. Of course under the watchful eyes of Azrael/Asriel, Erynis, Lucifer, and Kody as the new Virgil: not the demon slayer, the poet. Silas is also given a holy cross to see whether or now he is willing to absolve the shades within the Netherworld. And as for God and Pandora.

Pandora: So brother, want to play again? I've already set our chess board...


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