Dawn of Injustice Ch. 7 (Mystica: Into the Inferno)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 7 (Mystica: Into the Inferno)

As our heroes talked, Jen took her place at the restaurants' live stage and prepared herself at the piano and gave in a sharp deep breath and all the customers, including our heroes, looked to her.

(Jen's voice)

Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby, when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away

I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you.

The meeting went smoothly, and they found out that Loud's sole brother is looking out for them even if they had no idea where he is. A few days past, it was Carol's (adoptive) son and her husband was preparing to call Funny Business and Co. for party planning. Luan decided to add a new member of the business.

Luan: Are you sure you can do this?

Jor-el: Of course, I can? Thanks for letting me Aunt Luan.

Luan: It's no big deal, you really remind me of your father. Super fired up eh!!

Benny: Save the comedy to the party dear, we still have a lot of planning to do. Have you called Giggles yet?

Luan: Done that. She'll laughing her socks of to this party. Hehehe!

Jor-el: Positive as always. (hears the car horn) That's our queue. Ready, guys?

Luan & Benny: Wait! Where is Libby?

Libby: Here guys. (shows herself) As you guys can SEE, I've been practicing my powers.

Luan: *snickers* Alright, but please don't do that or else I won't be able to keep an EYE out for you.

Benny: EYE SEE what you did there, but like EYE said earlier. Save it for later.

Jor-el: Hehehe, OPTIMISTIC as always.

As they went to the venue, Carol introduced her son: John Joshua Christopher (Jace) Dalisay. An American Hispanic from a regime supported orphanage. And her husband: Alfredo (Freddy) Isaiah Dalisay is a half-Jew, half-Filipino, Full-time otaku with an old nickname Ready Freddy in every E-games tournament in Korea and Japan. Jace wears a casual t-shirt of white with pants of blue and red pattern and wears a yellow pair of glasses. Freddy wears a Japanese attire (male Kimono) with an Obi-wan fashion and a yellow "three stars and a sun" patch on the left side.

Carol: Honey, I told you to wear something else!

Freddy: But this is my party clothes. I got this from my cousin last tournament celebration.

Luan: Did you really think that's great with you? Because, you look like you're ready to cross the dark side! Hahahaha

Freddy: Was that a Jewish joke or a Star Wars joke? Either way, that was hill-areas (hilarious). It deserves a MOUNTAIN of laughs!

Carol: *groan* Just, Fine!

Jace: Mom, can I go play? Please.

Carol: Sure, sweetheart. Just don't go too far away.

Jace: Yay! C'mon Joel, let's go.

Benny: This party is going to be a blast.

(somewhere far-away) ???: Oh, it will be a blast alright. I'm coming for you, dear sister. *evil chuckle*

A mask figure with a malicious aura vanished into a blaze of ashes after watching the party. The party lasts for 2 hours and 4 pm is the time of end. Everyone really enjoyed the party, especially the magic show that Luan performed. Although, she made a couple of mistakes, Jor-el supported her as an assistant to make them unnoticeable. Benny was right, it was a blast. When the party's over, the gang prepared to tidy up the venue.

Carol: Thanks again, Luan. I really appreciate the party. Looks like Jace have a birthday blast and met a new friend.

Luan: It's no problem at all. I really love doing this. It helps me forget the bad times.


P. King: Got you, Stuart.

Stuart: Wait, no! Please, have mercy.

Luan: Link, don't do this.

Luna: Yeah. Bro. There's no need to do this.

P. King: Really, now you asked for mercy? Don't ask me, ask your lab rats! Ask them if you deserve mercy! (Throws Stuart to a wall)

Stuart: I only want the benefit of humans. I work for Tetherby believing that I'd do it for what is right. If you want, I'll join your cause.

P. King: Too late for that now, you'll just stab me in the back. They say, "Hell is paved with good intentions", so I'll tell you this: Get out of my sight before I burn this place to the ground. That's my mercy. (Communicator) Has everyone completed evacuation?

L-crew: "Yes, Lincoln"

P. King: Then leave, we're having this facility demolished.

Omniscience/Prodigy: Aw, such a waste of good science.

P. King: Save it, Lis!! We are going.

Stuart: But if you do this, humanity will be condemned in weakness.

P. King: *scoff* Hmph, yes humans are weak. Physically speaking that is. But you threw it away so easily that you forgot power isn't everything. Humanity still have something that some don't.

Stuart: Please tell me, so I could continue my research! I beg you!!

As everyone else leave, Lincoln stayed for one last word with Stuart.

P. King: Lisa probably knew the answer. So, you'll continue you're research in the next life. Before that, DO YOUR FREAKING HOMEWORK!!

Stuart: WAIT!!

P. King: Adieu. (snaps fingers and set the entire place ablaze)

As the fire roared, the rest of the L-crew could only watch in horror. They knew what he has done. With Stuart gone, Lisa is the number one scientist and all other men and women of science has no choice but to align themselves to her leadership. No scientist could oppose them now.

P. King: Get this memorized: You've condemned a lot of souls in your senseless research. You thought this for the sake of humanity, only to become a madman in lust of knowledge. Your lust has killed you.

*Flashback End*

Carol: Luan, are you ok? You're spacing out.

Luan: Huh, oh. I'm fine, just remembering something.

With all packed up, the Funny Business and Co. are ready to leave until...

???: That was a great show! No wonder you've become successful!

Luan: What? Who are you?

???: Aw, don't tell me you didn't miss your brother? (His hands glow and set ablaze)

Luan: Lincoln? (Though, she is unsure. She felt something was off)

???: Wrong, and don't compare me with that wretch of a brother of mine.

Carol: If you are not him, then why do you have the same powers? And why do you call him brother? I thought that the Louds only have one brother.

Luan: I get it, you are HIM! The manifestation of his wrath and hatred. The Infernal Fury: Irate!!

Irate: Bingo! Yahtzee! You got right.

Luan: Why are you here? I thought Lincoln, finally got rid of you?

Irate: Boy, this is some reunion that we have. Unfortunately, you have to die. So to speak to the rest of OUR siblings!! (Summons a flaming sword pointed at Luan and Carol's location that summons 3 fireballs clustered together)

Luan realize who is she up against with. Irate could only smirk under his mask for the explosion he caused. This was heard by the others and rushed to the location. When the smoke cleared however, there was a barrier that Luan casted to protect them from the damage. Jor-el then went to try and fight with her.

Jor-el: Aunt Luan, let me handle him. He's a big threat, isn't he?

Luan: Not a chance, I'm ending this. Stay out this Jor-el. (Placed a dome to seclude Irate and Luan) Carol, call the other if things go messy. (looks at Irate) I've been weak to stop Lincoln from making the regime. I won't make the same mistake again. (A staff with a sun crest on its tip appears) It's time for Mystica to put her words to work. (she then transforms into her hero attire)

Irate the proceeds in his battle stance, lifting the sword above him at his right sidearm, while the left hand is in open palm position in front of him as guard. While Luan's battle stance, she stood straight while her wand's tip is facing the ground when held by the right hand. Her left hand however is in front of her ready to blast some force orbs. They both rushed at each other before clashing weapons. While the others stood and watched, Luan strike her wand three times. When some missed, she creates orbs of magical force energy that circles around her to damage Irate.

Irate: So, Linky-Winky is still a big wuss. What am I ever gonna do to make him show up?!

Luan: SHUT UP!! DON'T CALL LINKY A COWARD! (Weapons clashed again)

Irate: I suggest you cool off, jokester!

Irate then submerge to the ground. Whenever he jumps out of the ground, he sends down a rain of fireballs. Luan then uses barriers and a salvo of force orbs to deflect the projectiles. Out of desperation to beat Irate, she used her ultimate attack. Letting her wand hover in front of her and act as shield.

Irate: Now this is interesting. (Fires a cluster of 3 fireballs)

Luan rushed while her wand is spinning forward to block the blasts. She then spins her wand rapidly and use force and magic to toss the wand in a circular direction. With each successful hit, Irate is being pushed but Luan feels slowly being drained of power. Luan then fired a big force orb that hits Irate creating a spark. Irate then uses a miniature UltraNova believing that is could finish her. Luan then begin to spin gracefully, while a magical cluster is above her. The cluster sends magic dust that Luan spins to create a barrier to protect her but also damaged Irate whenever he tried to get closer. Finally, Luan thrust her wand upward that made the cluster explode, damaging and knocking Irate back to the barrier wall.

Irate: That's it, NOW I'M MAD!

In a fit of anger, Irate rushed and strike Luan only to hit the wand again knocking both back to their beginning position. Irate sensed Luan is getting weaker by the moment.

Irate: Heh, how's this then!!

Irate fires another cluster but this time hits the barrier wall where Jor-el is located. Luan saw this and before Irate could fire another shot, she rushed onto the location and tried to cast another force field. When Irate fired the shot and hit Luan, her shield broke and knocked the wand away from her while she got knocked back. She then laid to the ground completely defenseless. With that, Irate walks closer to prepare to stab her. Benny and Jor-el could only what in horror while Carol came back to tell her backup is arriving. She witnessed that she is too late, and Luan's been defeated.

Jor-el: AUNT LUAN! (*flashback* Do desire power? If so then you shall receive power. Be warned: you'll never stay the same) *grunt* (In his thoughts: So be it! I need to protect, THE PEOPLE I LOVE!!)

Irate was about to stab Luan when he looked and notice that the crack on the barrier opened and a brilliant flash engulfed the opening.

Jor-el: AUNT LUAN!! (his hands and feet changed into something dragonish. His back has a ring engulfed in flames shaped like bird wings and armor covers him. He rushed to punch Irate only for his fist to meet the side of the sword when Irate blocked. The clash caused an explosion that destroyed the barrier).

Irate: This... is... curious. (retreats to recover) I guess I'll be killing you first for interfering. (shadow spikes burst from the ground to hit him, but he dodges) Dang it, how many more are there?

Dr. Azrael: Demon of Wrath, your fate has been sealed for a long time ago.

Maggie and Gravitron appeared along Azrael. Graviton used metal poles to encage Irate but Irate overheat the metals to escape.

Irate: Tsk, three metas are more than I care to face. But seeing that the boy's power is awake, I'm sure that HE'LL come to visit. (Vanishes into ashes)

Maggie: Luan, are you ok?

Luan: Maggie, I... I'm alright. I'm surprise you came.

Carol: Where have you been? You have a lot to explain to us Mags.

Maggie: I see that you and Louds finally reconciled. (sees Jor-el and sense something) I see, you are his spawn.

Jor-el: What? Who are you guys?

Nicolas/Gravitron: Let's just say we are friends. So, where's your old man?

Dr. Azrael: Nick, now is not the time for that. Can't you see they need to recuperate?

Benny: Luan! Are you ok?

Luan: I'm fine, just some scrapes. A few more and I'll be burned to crisps. Though, I took a more serious burn when he insulted Lincoln.

Maggie: You still can't find him?

Luan: Yeah, not even Shenzi can sense him or Ranga. But enough about me, what about you? I don't mind a long story, even a fanfic about it. (Realizes what she did) Oh, forget the last thing I said.


Lincoln: Achoo! Somehow, I felt a breeze even if I'm heated up. Hahahahaha.

Back to Luan: Achoo! I feel like someone's making puns without me!

Loud Heroes: Dawn of InjusticeWhere stories live. Discover now