Dawn of Injustice Destruction End

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Alternative Ending (Destruction End)

What would have happened if the vessel remained in Destruction? Was it really the fate of all existence?

Absolute Power

Lincoln, had the Spear of Destiny at his grasp. Without any reluctance, strikes down Emerson Tetherby. The SOUL of the last Tetherby, the last of Cain's line is now vanished forever. But in the moment of his fall, Lincoln tried to used the Spear to change everything. But alas, nothing's changed! Why though? Why can the vessel tilt to Creation? Pandora, the goddess of darkness and destruction appeared and said...

Pandora: My win! Brother!

Pandora did it. She won against her brother.Both are omnipotent and always been at each others game. Now Pandora won, and all of creation will be brought to whence it came, whence it started. But why though? Lincoln questioned to her and received her answer.

Pandora: Because, this is not just the will of the user itself. It is the will of all that exists! All of creation longed for its end and the Holy Vessel of Fate make it so! All the sins, crimes and evil done by all of humanity has now finally been answered! There is nothing more to it than to start over again like it was before eons ago! The cycle has been like this since ad infinitum.

Ben and Jen couldn't believe it! The whole universe save to those within the tower will be restarted as if erasing everything from scratch. How will everything be all swell at this point? Logan, the son of the Phoenix is at his knees, begging for it to be just a silly dream. Like a child in a nightmare, wishing to wake up only to be wide awake like how he lost his mother.

Lincoln, only though: I cannot bear to make them live this nightmare again. I have to make amends for all I've done. All of his sisters, companions, rivals reached the dwelling of the Holy Vessel where he, the former High Councilor stood there and with all his power, tried to sway the fate of all.

Pandora: STOP! If you do this, you'll be like them! There's a high prize to pay for controlling the Vessel of Fate!!

Lincoln: Then I am willing to PAY!!!

With all his might, he was able to change the tilting of the Scales to Creation. With his hand grasping the Spear, he finally done it! He changed the fate of all.

Ehyeh: He did it, but I still lost. Dear sister, if you must...

Pandora: I see, he too huh? Champion, no! Lincoln, you are a Maverick. You defied your fate and the fate of all. Now stand before me and present your tribute!

The rest of the sisters, Santiago siblings, everyone looked at him. What is gonna happen? That is all in their minds right now. Then two images came before him and stood beside him.

"I am the angel Metatron, the One Who Guards Thrones. I am one of the 10 Archangels that guards the Tree of Life, the Sephiroth tree. I was once known by your kind as... Enoch." said the first Maverick

"I am the Mighty Son. Child, you know who I am. The one who delivered the Lamb that took away the sins of the world. The one whose blood is spilled upon the pole and nail and hanged on top of Mt. Golgotha. What you did is splendid, even knowing the price! I am glad that someone has followed my footsteps." said the second Maverick that has a familiar appearance. A Rabbi with scar marks on his wrists and feet as if crucified. He is wearing all white cloth and shines as bright like Ehyeh.

Lincoln knew exactly now the penalty of defying the ultimate fate. Opposing the ultimate Judgement, in exchange is his own life! His body starts to crystallize from feet to legs.

Logan: No! Dad, you said we'll open the bistro together!

Lincoln apologized of not being able to fulfil his promise of staying. Voices of complaints from the rest of the others fell to deaf ears knowing that it is too late. There is no more turning back the clock. There is no more that they could do. Lincoln held his head high as his body starts to crystallize as well. Ronnie Anne, grief consumed and angry, tries to go to his location only to be restraint by Chandler McCann aka. Hydro. The former bully, ex-friend, ex-rival, and ex-convict realized what he is doing. For the sake of having a world to live on, he made his choice clear. Using all of his powers actually took toll in his body and spirit. Now he is perish for his choices.

Lincoln: Everyone, I am glad I am able to be part of your lives.... This is farewell.

Lincoln's body now fully petrified into a crystal glass. He nothing more than what he was before, a Manikin that held his head high. His light now joined the other other lights of the Mavericks into the Vessel as reassurance that the change of fate will be maintained for all eternity. At long last, peace has now come.

The other left as the door to that room slammed shut. Ronnie Anne had very little voice to speak out.

Ronnie Anne: You jerk... you idiot... *sniff* you Lame-o... *sob* you.......... liar.

They all went home were everything turns out to be what Creation ending would feel like except Emerson is non-existent, Ben and Jen didn't went to space in hopes to help the Loud family recover. Bobby and Lori helped Ronnie in delivering her son: Toby. Sam, although disappointed of Lincoln's choice, couldn't help to feel guilty of all that occurred. She then promised that she will not repeat Tom's and Linc's mistakes and continued her role as a mother to three children; Lina from her's and Linc, Eclipse, and from Luna's and Simon's contribution.

The rest of the sisters are back to the way they were. Leni continued her job as the new fashion manager with the help from her daughters. Luan and Jor-El practice their powers with Liby and her father making pranks. Luna, the concert queen now with her Sharp family helping her. Lori, still a golfer like she dreamed of, but with a slight increase in offspring. Lola and Lana, never changed yet still wonderful mothers. Lisa, continued her research with the Apple of Eden as her main power and knowledge source. Clyde, Penelope, and Stella went of for a vacation at Philippines. Lucy continued with Haiku in occult investigation while still writing poetry for spares. And Lily acted as the role model in the academy now that her brother gone.

Ronnie was caring for the two children as for the rest of the brides with theirs too. They made a Phoenix King commemoration monument hidden in the old L-Crew base, in hopes that this will act as a replacement or a means to end one's grief.

Meanwhile in the Netherworld.

Lucifer Morningstar: Now that my vessel is free from me, and all the plans followed, I guess I could take a break. *sigh* Chloe ain't gonna like this. Still, I can't believe it, yet another Maverick. Dad better know what he is doing with all his manipulation. *sigh* A deal's a deal. I got my Seven Deathly Sins back, so Dr. Faust will have a spot in Limbo so he'll not face torment in the lower circles.

Still though, I can't believe that Lincoln won't realize who is really in charge. The Vessel isn't just an object to play with. It is the will of the entire universe and so we all follow the flow like how Dad manipulating things. I guess it will take another 7000 years to watch such entertaining display of defiance.


Meanwhile, in a place not defined by time.

Male's voice: Where am I?

Woman's voice: I see, you seemed to awaken!

Male's Voice: Who are you?

The woman he sees is a fair woman wearing a cage-patterned dress with a bell-shaped skirt. She had six wings of swords all connected on a round gear behind her. She also carries a rod with a machine gear on its tip.

Woman: I used to be called Erin, that is all I remember. But my old name is of no importance to me now. I have powers that transcends everything in this world now. My name is Materia, a goddess of machines, protections, and creation. Now who are you?

The man is now realizing. He had a Japanese loose pants similar to a samurai teacher, like a yukata, kimono or hakama. His pants has different color patterns and different ornament designs, a wildfire, a gust of wind, snowflakes and wave of water, lightning patterns, mountains of dirt and sands, and black swirl pattern. He also have a giant ornate broadsword with a curved-blade on its head.

He notice their appearance. While the woman named Materia has long blond hair and pink on the tips, fair skin and golden eyes with red lips. He, on the other hand, has white hair that is long enough to reach his torso. His skin is dark and has tattoos in most of his body especially his cheeks and bare torso. He wears no shoes while she wears high gear-heels. Like her, he cannot remember much except the name he once called.

Man: I am Lin... no, my name is now and forever shall be: Spiritus!! I am the god of magics, savagery and destruction.

Materia: I see, so we are indeed existing to feud.

Spiritus: Indeed, we are fated to define the fate of this world we are now!! I only realized that the world needed a cruel ruler to tame itself. And I shall bare my fangs as the crueler heart!!

Materia: Then I shall be the solace of those who desire forgiveness and compassion. I will tame the world with peace and love that is deserves. I will not let disorder bring forth ruin in this empty newborn land.

Spiritus: Then it is settled. We shall gather our champions once the fight commence and we shall see who is victorious. For now, we shall continue watch this world prosper and not meddle with the affairs of its inhabitants until the fated time!

Then we shall see who fits to rule the wold, Forever!!!


-Reconnect: ???-

An alternative ending to Dawn of Injustice. Destruction Ending - Judgement is Destruction.

An Alt. Universe Loud Heroes fanfic set years from the future.

Loud House is owned by Nickelodeon. Loud Heroes belong to Epic-wrecker (Smoking wrecker) and zachlor16. I own nothing but the plot.

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