Return of the Maverick Trailer 2

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Dawn of Injustice: Return of the Mavericks Trailer 2 (An Extension for the Secret Trailer)

Lars Batson/Eclipse Loud-Sharp: Setting course and coordinates. Hunter, Leia, Revy (Lynn III Rivera), you three ready yourself and whatever happens, don't find your past selves, got it!?

Lina: Are you sure about this, brother?

Lars/Eclipse: Positive! Aunt Lisa even used all of her strength as Omniscience to find a plan, a way to find a correct future for us. She discovered 28,000,000 possible outcomes and only two of them is where uncle... I mean your Dad came back. You all wanted him back. I'm giving you guys a chance

All of them suddenly shakes as their time ship is being engaged

Terry/Red Canary: What was that?

Logan: Something is approaching us! I sense a high density of power surge!! TURN THE SHIP!!

Lars/Eclipse: Aunt Lisa, do you copy!? We got incoming!!

Another ship then crashes with them and was transported to a desolated place.

Panther/Red Panther: Where are we?

Pandora: Welcome, children. To the land beyond time. The end of time itself. The World that Never Did. I didn't expect you all to come here so early.

Hiromi(Sonnet): Kore wa...? (Are you...?)

Pandora: The goddess of darkness, chaos and destruction - Pandora Nihil Klum at your service. And this was suppose to be your fate but then Mavericks existed so the reset never occurred.

Time Traveler boy: Hello? Is anyone here? Seem I got lost track in time and landed here!

Logan: That cannot be. Is this a dream? Are you for real?

Boy with Time suit: Hello Step-Brother of another dimension! Nice to finally contact you. It took a while but I've taken care of Vector so this time let me help you find our dad in this outcome.

Logan: Lyle!! Lyle Toby Loud!? You made it!? I thought you haven't been born yet.

Lyle: In this dimension yes, but the other... I'm the eldest child... only child for now... dad and mom seemed to plan to have a daughter so, yeah... In my plane, Rochelle haven't been born yet. I hope to God that he's working on fixing my timeline too.

Ehyeh: No need to worry. I'm working on it. I'm God and I can do anything about it.

Logan: You're lucky... your dad doesn't have to leave us.

Lyle: No more talking about it. Let's go get that son of a gun!

Logan: But how though? We are stuck in a different plane outside of time.

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh: Answer you simple - You cannot! Even if you change the past, that becomes your future. And your current present becomes the past that cannot be change by your new future.

Lita Rochelle: But what about our... rather my brother, from a different dimension, Lyle Toby Loud? Didn't he changed his present when he went back to the past?

Ehyeh: Nope, as God, I know he didn't. Rather, his ship was sent to a different parallel timeline that I made for him. I guided his ship into a different multiverse just as his parents wanted!

Lyle: What!? Why!?

Ehyeh: Your father didn't want you to have that kind of future. So when you're sent to that dimension, I thought that I'll give you a new future from the one that I erased. You know like Copy and Paste the event that happened and remaking your life.

Lyle: [angry] Then what about my new sister, twins, my cousins!? Are they erased from existence too?

Ehyeh: Your father was to hasty to send you back without realizing the concepts of time work differently. But rest assured I'm working on fixing your timeline. Also, the L-Crew of that dimension you went into are destined to win against Vector even without you helping them. So I'm Copying and Pasted those parts so that you can come back.

Lyle: Then why am I still here?

Ehyeh: As a writer, you can't rush ideas... As God, it took seven days to make the universe, six tops and one day break, take it or leave it. I wasn't quite done yet but all of you are quite feisty. So for now, you're stuck with your siblings and cousins of another timeline.

Pandora: I hope that explains it all.

Logan So about us....

Pandora: Right, you are here at the World That Never Did because you all wanted your dad back. And believe us, you aren't the only one that are coming here, you're all just too early.

Lina: Does that mean that there will be more?

Pandora: Yes, my old vessel. But you all are going to fight to declare this land a new future! Why do you think we named this barren wasteland like this...

Dr. Brainiac/Solomon Wisemann: Because this place isn't quite finished, like a project waiting due date.

Ehyeh: Correct... and this is like a playground for us Ein Sof (Eternal/Unending One). This is what you all wanted! Then it shall be done! Have it your way!

Pandora:Welcome to the end of time itself! We've been trying to make new paths but your destinies, you deny by becoming too hasty.

Ehyeh: Here there are two current Mavericks, or I say... Advent's Children that are fighting to sustain and remake this world. Like a chessboard waiting to be updated, this is where all of you and anyone that follows are beta testers. And the winner of the brawl will be reward handsomely. Anything their hearts desire. This land is devoid of angels, demons, humans and other species so survival is only through fighting. And don't worry about food, We, Pandora and I, will provide sustenance, there are waters here too, clean and fresh. And also fair warning, this place is outside of time so any memories you have may scramble and deceive you here. You'll see memories of your past, present and future and may do you harm, which is why the Mavericks are allowed to purify you of those memories until the fight is over and send you home, without any recollection of what you did here.

Logan: So if we beat father here, he'll remember everything and go back home?

Pandora: We didn't say so, but it may. It depends solely on his choice. Lincoln may not have the same name here anymore, but his appearance is still the same... with few minor adjustments.

Ehyeh: So, Lisa Marie Loud had mentioned the 28,000,000 outcomes. Two of which are where your father returned. I will further elaborate that those are alternative parallel timelines with the same event except different results. This one too, came when the Scales of Judgement is tilted towards destruction but Lincoln chose to defy the judgement. It was his fate to die from that world from the start but he chose a different type of death, one where he martyred himself for all of you. If you are sure to still want him to return, you might be fated to fight him afterall. But the choice is up to you, I will serve as your guide here while Caine/Soothsayer isn't here.

And so it begins, a new tale of the untold.

Spiritus: I've been having this uncanny thoughts and dreams lately, Materia

Materia: As if any of these are real...

Spiritus: Yes.

Spiritus & Materia: Are these memories or prophecies?

Materia: We shall see once our chosen ones are here to sustain this world.

Opening Theme

One more time, rewind
I'll find another way back here...

I've been to the hard times
I've been at the wrong side
I've been ashamed
So many memories you know, I like to change

I'm gonna correct this
I'm gonna direct us to better days
I'm gonna turn back the clock
And a different way

I got the power
To turn back time, you know
'Til I find the right road
I've change that fate once before
So here I go
A new story unfold!!

One more time, rewind
I'll find another way back here
On this memories, I reflect
I conceive a better plan from here

One more time, rewind
I'll find another wa-a-a-ay back here. Ha!

I've been at the thousand times
And I've left no stone unturned
No path is without tragedy
I've learned (One more time, rewind)

Maybe there's something far
Something deeper I can't see
Like the world has got
Reasons for this things...

I got the power
To turn back time, you know
'Til I find the right road
Once more for love and for hope
For fate not known
The last story unfold!!

One more time, rewind
I'll find another way back here
On this memories, I reflect
I conceive a better plan from here

One more time, rewind
I'll find another wa-a-a-ay back here.

Rarely do we ask why but time will tell
Does the darkness sow itself into each journey?
When the darkness finds us, don't dare! We dwell!
For the happiness we seek is sewn while moving.

Rarely do we ask why but time will tell (Worry not, worry not, go! When it comes, when it comes, fight!)
Does the darkness sow itself into each journey? (What is right? What is right? Love! Take a step, take a step, Live!)
When the darkness finds us, don't dare! We dwell! (Worry not, worry not, go! When it comes, when it comes, fight!)
For the happiness we seek is sewn while moving. (What is right? What is right? Love! Take a step, take a step, Live!)

One more time, rewind
I'll find another way back here
On this memories, I reflect
I conceive a better plan from here

One more time, rewind
I'll find another way back here
On this memories, I reflect
I conceive a better plan from here
One more time, rewind
I'll find another way back here
On this memories, I reflect
I conceive a better plan from here

One more time, rewind... dniwer...


Vector/Project V's voice: Project E... we are one of the same kind... together we'll be as one... we are inevitable!!

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