Dawn of Injustice Ch. 11 (Deathfrost: Reaper's Return)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 11 (Deathfrost: Reaper's Return)

Same time, during the pirate invasion. The Arctic Reapers and the Plumbers are a hunt on missing people incidents. When they arrived in an old graveyard, they saw corpse of people lying around like a bloodbath has commenced. Gwen and Haiku noticed their appearance to be similar to being mummified.

Lucy: What do you think? What exactly are we hunting?

Gwen: Could be Hex again or a Mummy. I'll contact the rest to see if there is anything else.

Haiku: What a horrendous sight! And they even call me too dark.

Lucy: Only dear brother accepted you for who you are.

Luke: Mom, I sense a high concentration of arcane power. Right there at the building.

Lucy: An old cemetery church and funeral service. I wonder what is inside.

Gwen: Well let's check it out. Ben and Kevin are on the look out. Allison and Becky are in sky patrol. Jen and I are coming with you.

Lucy: Good. (looks at Luke) Stay out for now, son. We'll handle this.

Luke: If anything goes wrong, don't hesitate mom.

Lucy and the rest are going inside the cathedral. Luke, while outside look up and closed his eyes for a while.

Luke(whisper): I got my cold gun and suit ready. The rest is for you, dear Uncle. Lend me your strength, Garufol

Somewhere inside the cathedral.

Lucy: The concentration of arcane power is beneath this house of prayers but the place is highly secured. It's like there is no way down.

Haiku: Of all the mysteries we solved, this is nothing new. (takes a statue of a praying woman) Put this over there at the altar. (Toss the item to Gwen)

Gwen: Got it. (The altar shakes and behind it reveals a door) A secret passage? This place got creepier now.

Jen: Remind you of the Hex incident?

Gwen: Yeah. (looks at a door with a lock in shape of a cross) We need a key to open this.

Lucy: On it. Usually the key is in the room of the head priest. (Lucy went to the second floor and found the head office of the bishops) No way.

Haiku: Lucy, what is it? What did you found?

Lucy: Bishops, all dead. The corpses are fresh but still look mummified. They have stab wounds all over. (looks at the chair of the head priest) The Archbishop, dead. Stabbed by the very cross that acts as the key. (She took the cross key) Forgive me, reverend. But you will get your justice.

Jen: Did she get the key?

Gwen: I think she does. (Looks up to the second floor with Lucy heading down with a bloodied hand and cross)

Haiku: I wonder what happened?

Lucy: We'll find out. (as she reaches to the doors and unlock it, a young priest appeared behind them)

Trainee: STOP!! (he approach the crew) ABANDON HOPE, YE WHO ENTERS THERE!! I saw everything that happened.


Trainee(narrating): A man in robe and with the appearance of a skull entered. Along him is a witch of beauty and wickedness. I thought for sure the demon and his succubus entered here. He took it all. HE TOOK THE SOULS OF THE DEVOTEES HERE! They all ran and scream, but nobody survived. I was at the mercy of that warlock but the bishops intervened. They told me to hide and I did. But in exchange, I witness the bloodbath. He enchanted witchcraft and possessed my friend, making him slaughter all my rabbis. The Archbishop tried to exorcise the demon out but in the end, they took his life using that key. *sob*

Hex(flashback): Any last words?

Archbishop: In nomini Patris, Et FIli, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. *thud*

Witch: Finally, his babbling is so annoying. Now can we proceed to the chamber?

Hex(flashback): Yes. With this place as holy ground of rest. This is now our unholy ground of waking. We will return what we lost that day. *EVIL LAUGH*

Flashback end

Trainee: I seal the dungeon shut in hopes that they will never escape. They are probably still doing the ritual as we speak. Please, In the name of God, Bring justice to my comrades. *cries*

Gwen: A warlock and a witch, could only mean one thing.

Jen: Hex and Charmcaster is up to no good.

Lucy: The could be another vessel for the Hexian demons out there.

Gwen: Then we better hurry and stop them. (looks at the trainee) But first.. (Casts a barrier)

Trainee: YOU"RE!!

Gwen: A divine mage. I learned it from the Archamada book of Magic. I used Holy Protection for you so that you can flee unscathed. It is however not as powerful as Solomon's Wisdom magic and Angelic Rune Magic as of now.

Trainee: Then you are no witch! You are a prophetess, a saint. Thank you! Praise be!! I will go in peace thank you. (the trainee ran off outside)

The rest of the gang opened the passage, and there they walked through the dungeon. The door looks open and they say Hex opening a portal that unleashes all kinds of monstrosity. Lucy activates her suit and Haiku her protective gear as they charge right through the door.

Lucy/Deathfrost: That's enough Hex. We got you now.

Hex: Really? Do you think it would be that easy?

Hex and Charmcaster done a battle stance to prepare for a battle that will ensure the "gate" to remain active. The gate then released undeads, and hideous creatures of all kinds including 3 evil counterpart of Ben's Aliens.

Gwen: A Luna Lobo, Ectonurite and Transylian all at once. Could it get more worse?

Ben(communicator): It does! Kevin and I are facing the same enemies and they remember me. Ghostfreak is back and I want that portal shut when he's out.

Kevin(communicator): HEY! Less talk, more fist fight!

Luke(communicator): Mom, hurry and get that shut!

Lucy/Deathfrost: On it. Jen, Gwen deal with them first. Haiku and I are gonna secure the place and defeat as many of them.

Jen: Roger that! (slams Omnitrix) Big Chill? Alright, if you insist watch.

Gwen: Time for me to shine as well. (reveals her gauntlet to have a complete set of the Bezel Stones)

Hex: Those charms! GIVE THEM BACK! (fires a magical laser)

Gwen: Not on my watch! (casts Reflect)

Jen(Big Chill): Heather, I know there is still good in you. Please, let us not do this.

Charmcaster: I'm sorry, but I need to do this. He promised me Mike.

Gwen: You mean Darkstar. But he's gone. How are you going to.... The portal, you are reconnecting from that dimension?

Charmcaster: Yes, so please (summons rock golem) GET AWAY!!

Meanwhile in the cathedral prayer hall

Lucy/Deathfrost: Haiku! Get behind me. (uses Ice Beam)

Haiku: There's to many of them! (Uses her Graceful Rose Scythe to slash more enemies)

The two of them are locked in combat as the horde circles around them like a tornado. Gwen and Jen went out as well to help them while pushing Hex and Charmcaster back. Seeing that there is no escape Lucy tried fend off at least most of them while handling the undead Aliens as well.

Lucy/Deathfrost: It's no use, this is hopeless.

???: Really? And I thought you will avenge one of the poor unfortunate souls.

A bone scythe fell down in front of them when a black-robed figure reached to grab the weapon and summons a dark winged woman.

???: Erinys, you know what to do.

Erinys: Yes, my love

Erinys used her death claws to swipe a large horde of monsters away. The hooded man then undone his hood and reveals a pale face with long black hair. He then do his battle stance.

Pale man: Let's go. Ancient Relic, Rhasta Hadesa. (He then slashed his scythe similar to how Dante Alighieri commence his battle stance)

Haiku: Thank you, grim reaper.

Reaper: Don't thank me yet. You have debts to pay me first.

Gwen: Then settle it for another time. We have a battle to win.

Hex: I think this is for now. Heather, you can stay if you want. (Opens a dark corridor and escapes there)

Charmcaster: Thank you, uncle. (summons more stone beasts)

Jen(Big Chill): Time to change *flash* Feedback, oh Ben. You missed this.


Ben(Cannonbolt): Achoo

Kevin(metal): Catch a cold?

Luke/Capt. Cool: Not my fault. (Fires a shot) FREEZE 'EM ALL GARUFOL.

Ben(Cannonbolt): I have a feeling Jen is making me miss my old aliens.

Back to the cathedral

Charmcaster: Who are you, Reaper?

Reaper: My name is Thanatos. And I will serve vengeance to all the lives you destroyed. Please prepare yourself. (Summons Erinys back) Reaping Ritual.

Erinys rushed to grab Heather to devour her soul for her sins but she kept dodging and uses more of her magic tools to escape.

Lucy/Deathfrost: I'll help! (freezes the next landing place)

Jen(Feedback): She slips and she falls. (flings some lightning bolt).

Charmcaster: Gah! *grunt* Dang it.

Erinys: YOU'RE MINE!

Erinys grab hold Charmcaster but she pushed a little bit to only have her feet and hands taken by the soul stealing ability of Erinys.

Charmcaster: My hands, Grrr, My feet. They feel numb. (Tries to stand and cast a spell but it was to no avail). Now how am I suppose to close that gate. Only I can do it.

Jen: (Returns to normal) Gwen, can you?

Gwen: Got it! (Uses the full power of the stones but the "gate" persist) It's too much.

Erinys: Sorry, my love. We ran out of time for that power.

Thanatos: It's alright. It's only a one minute move anyways. But I have to...... (sees a blast from outside)

Black-Haired Mage: Need a hand?


Lucy: No way! Could it be?!

Haiku: Mistress Harriet of the Grimwood mageworks.

Harriet: Gwendolyn, on my count. (She uses angelic runes channeling through Gwen ) NOW!

Gwen channels the power of the runes to blasts the "Gate" into nothingness. The monsters seemed to decrease in count and the place became secured. Thanatos grabs Heather and with a raging face, he looks.

Thanatos: The lives of these people are at stake because of you. (Prepares his scythe into spear) Any last words?

Heather: Please, mercy. I only wanted Mike back.

Thanatos: One life in exchange for ten!? Do you think you deserve the forgiveness?

Harriet: Let her go, Silas. Having her SOUL will not solve nor return anything.

Thanatos drops Charmcaster to the ground.

Lucy: Silas? No way! I... how did you survive.

Thanatos: (points his scythe to Lucy) GET... AWAY.... FROM... ME! We're not done yet.

Haiku: I thought we lost you forever, Silas. What happened to you?

Thanatos: It doesn't matter.

Harriet: It will, Thanatos. It will. (looks at Heather) As for you, if you are looking for Mike, he's alive, for now. He's enduring torment in the Inverse world. The Ledgerdomain, your place of magic. That portal was meant to open there but you forgot to suppress any threats that are coming. You did something too dangerous.

Heather: I'll pay for what I've done. Me and my uncle are both. But I need Mike's power to remove the darkness in him.

Lucy: I knew it. Another Hexian Vessel.

Harriet: My dear, Lucy. We have a lot to talk about.

The crew left the cathedral and Thanatos gathered the corpses and at least gave them a proper burial.


On the way to the exit, Haiku picked up a bone necklaced that is deep buried in the cemetery. She knew what exactly it is. A relic.

Haiku: Ronnie, I found the necklace. I'll tell you the location to pick it up.

Ronnie Anne/Surge(communicator): Got it. I'll be there soon.

Lisa(communicator): This they got it like brother predicted?

Ronnie Anne(communicator): Yes, she did. Abel's key necklace is acquired. All is left now is to have Lina use it.

Lisa(communicator): Good, those are the keys needed to open or close Bermuda's gate. All that is left is have it presented in that place.


Dr. Faust: Ah the Ledgerdomain. Land of magic and demon aliens. It's more.... pinkish than my home in the Underworld (Pandemonium).

Dr. Faust then opens a prison gate and reveals a blond shining man shackled and tortured. It was Darkstar (Michael "Mike" Morningstar)

Dr. Faust: Hello, my prodigal son! Is the divinity within you extracted yet. I gotta say, you looked like brother even when battered.

Mike: SCREW YOU! Lucifer Morningstar. When I get out of here, I'll kill you.

Dr. Faust: Try if you must. But you'll fail. Why? Because your Uncle Michael Archangel and Grandpa is not with you today. *evil chuckle* Now I have to keep extracting that divinity inside you to ensure that everything goes to plan.

Mike: BASTARD!!!

-Reconnect, Dawn of Injustice-

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