Dawn of Injustice Ch. 15 (Huntress and Crystal Queen: Office of Reminiscence)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 15 (Huntress and Crystal Queen: Office of Reminiscence)

Before the meeting of all members commenced, a hacker infiltrated in the High Councilor's Office. In order to stop the sent virus from stealing and destroying all of Martha's remaining data that has been implanted from the Apple of Eden, the twins volunteered in entering a new world: Datascape. In order to enter, their neurotransmitters has been wore and entered temporary sleep. Once unconscious, their consciousness are transformed and transferred into computer data along with the antivirus made from the DNA of a Galvanic Mechamorph with the help from Azmuth and the Plumbers. All they had to do is to find Martha and the Mainframe.

In the Datascape, the twins have recently woken up.

Lola: Where are we? Why is everything so blue and bland?

Lana:I think we are inside the computer. Lisa told us that there is an enemy here.

Then a man wearing a digital suit of some sort with cabled headgear and spiky hair approached them.

Digital Man: Salutations, my identity is 12013312T 5T412K. I am an antivirus program from the Apple of Eden that has been Martha's official secretary. Due to unfortunate events, the Apple has been disconnected and it could only transfer data from a being with a strong will, aka. Humans or Metas. Computers are of no will of their own except from their "users" which is why I am left powerless. The virus of the hacker had took several projects and data inquiries from the Martha's mainframe. If left unchecked, the effects could cause the invasion of Artificial Lifeforms. I hope you find it informative from this briefing.

Lola: Thanks for the intel robo-man. Say, how about we name you with something simpler? Like Robert Stark?

Stark: Inquiry accepted. Since "user" Lisa has given you authority over this datascape and I, then I shall be called Robert Stark henceforth.

Lana: Great, so Robert please lead the way.

Stark: Affirmative, this pathway please. The place has five levels: The outer rim, Data Library, Storage Room, Office of Reminiscence and Martha's Mainframe. You are currently in the outer rim which is usually for games, location and internet data access.

Lana: Look over there, a hole. That is where the virus are attacking.

Lola: Say Stark, is there a way we can access our powers here at the datascape?

Stark: Your consciousness are converted to data so that you could travel here. Any memory you have are included as such, there is a data where you could access your metahuman abilities. That said, any equipment you'll gain here are data as well, it cannot be returned to the "Userworld".

Lana: Awww, I wanna bring some food from this place.

Lola: Being a computer, I don't think we could go hungry here. So we can use our powers?

Stark: Yes but everything is in data form. To gain full potential of your abilities you have to recover any saved data from here or any updates of your powers from this place. So far the only powers you have is from when you started to gain them. Layman's: The basics. This place is like a place of practice. Consider this as training ground and games if you're to truly improve.

Lana: Well, the AVR room for training hasn't been used by the students so we could use it soon when we get this over with.

Lola: Still it sucks, We only got basic weapons like this. A crystal sword and iron spear. Until we beat some virus and recover the data, we got nothing.

Stark: Well, "user" Lisa and King thought of this idea so that there is a method on recovering.

Lola: Figures. Well, let's go kill some virus!!

The first wave at the outer rim is a horde of bugs, spider and diamond virus. Though they look harmless, they steal and use the data as their offence. Lana and Lola had to dodge to avoid getting reset from the datascape and have their data stolen from them. Although, death in the computer is not in real-life, they still can't afford to waste time. The viruses bombarded them with basic attacks of their own sibling like fireballs, ice beams, thunderbolts, and force fields. Lana using whatever instincts she had left used an ambush tactics to strike down one of the virus. She then gains "EXP" and collects the data of her powers, thus making her stronger. Lola then blocks a fireball and sliced it with her crystal sword. Then she rushed through and impales a diamond virus, causing it to vanish and return the stolen data into her. This grants her further more abilities like Crystal Buster and Diamond Shield.

Lana: It's like one of Lincoln's video games. [transforms into a jaguar while holding the spear with her mouth] Except it's real and we're kicking some virus butts.

Lola: Less talk, Lana. [smashes another spider virus with Crystal Hammer] We have to hurry things up.

Robert Stark: Both of you, [Throws a Data Saucer] DODGE! [the saucer hits two bugs and the data are being restored]

Lana: Nice one, Mr. Stark! Let's close the breach for good!

Lola: On it. [joins Stark] Let's go, Robert!

Stark: Running Executable! [Digital Security Droids appears] Lola, press the red for attack, blue for defend. Do that while I find countermeasures from the breach.

Lola: Got it. [press the red screen and the droids attacks] Wow, these are useful.

Lana: Guys, a little help! [Blocks a scorpion bug]

Lola: Hang on! [Press the blue button as the droids acts as shield for both Lola and Lana]

The scorpion bug strikes with its tail and claws but the droids blocks the attack. Lana could only give a thumbs up for the rescue. She then turns into a baboon and used monkey-staff technique to attack some more bugs and diamond virus.

Lola: Mr. Stark, please hurry!

Stark: We need to absorb energy to access the final shot, if we are to... Look out!!

A tarantula giant almost crushed the twins as they dodge. Stark is stuck though due to not being able to move while accessing a way to close the breach. Droids is the only thing protecting him from being crushed into data dusts.

Stark: I need assistance!!

Lana: Mr. Stark!!

Lola charged and slice through the tarantula's legs with her Crystal Longsword. Robert Stark was able to escape from the danger of the virus. The tarantula prepares to use a final laser but Lola pressed the blue pad before the attack and allowed her to defend.

Lola: Lana, get behind me!!

Lana [as a cheetah] rushed behind Stark and Lola as the laser beams to them. Stark then absorbed so much energy, enough to stop the breach permanently. After the laser fire, Lana and Lola charged at the exhausted virus and impales their weapons into it's eyes to erase its vision.

Lana and Lola: EAT THIS!!

Lola throws more crystal spears and then expands them within the tarantula's head. Lana then used tiger claws and slides through its belly while scratching its surface to wound the virus. With that final blow, the tarantula is decimated and most data that it stole are restored.

Stark: Access Approved! Take this: Heaven Smite. [Press the orange button from the red pad and fired the final blow]

A laser blast exploded from the breach rendering the hacking tool and virus source eradicated. No more virus spawned from the location and the breach is sealed for good. As Lola and Lana returned to the location, they saw an exhausted Stark.

Lana: Mr. Stark!! Are you alright?!

Stark: I'm swell, my users. I'm am ecstatic to see that the outer rim is safe at last. Please, let us proceed to the Library.

Lola: Sure, but don't exert too much.

The twins carried Stark as the embark towards the Data Library.

Stark: This is the Data Library, from it is the Storage Room is connected. It's difference is that the Library contains inquiries of the user, as well as the saved data. The storage room doesn't just store downloads and updates, they also store items from the real world and acts as a hyperspace for it. The names and numbers of the items are then stamped here at the library to avoid unwanted access and theft. User Azmuth and Lisa are contributors of this place.

Lola: Let's stay here for a while and rest.

Lana: Look at all these data. Wait, why are some these are blank?

Stark: Stolen, by the virus. There are still virus within this place. We need to destroy them manually if we are to be sure and secure.

The twins and Stark rest [and recharge] before heading towards Martha's Mainframe. From the mainframe, they saw a woman that looks so similar to Albert's [Pop-pop] deceased wife [except a little younger to her 50's].

Martha: Greetings, heroes. Thank you for rescuing Stark and destroying the virus. Unfortunately, the virus are still intact and the antivirus is not functioning yet.

Lola: That's why we have this. [hands over the Data of the DNA of the Galvanic Mechamorph.]

Martha: Azmuth's invention. Thank you, with this thing we can be secured. The security function will be operational once we initiate the program. Stark, assistance.

Stark: Affirmative, Running Executable!

The two programs then initiates download of the Galvanic Data to "Upgrade" the security. Lola and Lana then search further the Library. They saw different data like an information: Roberto Alejandro "Arturo" Santiago Sr. Aka. Ronnie and Bobby's father. Cause of Death: Murder during a robbery, Was on duty during the incident. Status: Separated/Divorced from wife before death.

Lola: So that's where it is huh?

Lana: Lola, Check this out. [Shows a data capsule]

When they opened the capsule, they accessed the following inquiry:

Name: Paige Loud
Status: Married [Deceased]
Spouse: Lincoln Loud aka. Firecracker [currently: Phoenix King]
Cause of Death: Murder by Terrorists. Was shopping during the incident. Protected her son from bullets.
Other Data: Race - Nephilim [semi-human/half-blood angel] Family - Logan Loud [son], Uriel [angelic/spiritual mother], Rico [father], Naomi [human mother/possessed/spirit medium].

Lola: Wow, we knew so little about her. And yet, I see why big brother loved her so much.

Lana: Who knew right.

Martha: Emergency!! Emergency Alert!!

The library started ringing the alarm as the twins went into the Mainframe.

Lola: What's wrong?

Stark: There is a disturbance in the Office of Reminiscence, we can't access anymore further with having any resolution to that.

Martha: Stark, Twins, go to the Office and find out what's the disturbance. Be extra cautious there, for inside are memories of your previous battles except much more difficult due to their digital attributes. They'll fear no elimination.

Lana: Got it. Let's go Lola!

Stark guides them into the Office of Reminiscence. There they saw different data of all past encounters that aren't been erased by Lisa to act as training ground for future heroes and metahumans. They saw that 2 doors have a virus symbol on it's screen.

Stark: Field Access Approved. You may enter, and may fortune favors thee.

Lana: Thanks Mr. Stark. Say what happens if you are badly hurt?

Stark: I'll cease to exist until the Apple reconnects to return my existence. Be worried not of my existence, I am created from Heaven's finest technology. As long as Scala ad Caelum or the Apple exist, I'll always be with you.

Lola: Thank you, Stark. I'll see all of you in a while.

The twins entered the doors where Lola's field is a theater while Lana's is center of the forest, a clearing. There they saw a data that materialized into a figure.

Lola: Lindsay? No, you are just a data of her previous life. As such, I will not hold back.

Lana: Xander, made of data. No drugs to use, I can take it.

The twins then engaged into a fight with the data version of their rival and arch-nemesis. Lola take the preemptive strike and use Crystal Buster but Data-Lindsay dodges and used Sonic Scream. Lana then dodges the bullet barrage from Data-Xander. After the barrage, Lana as a Cheetah lunges towards her enemy and strikes her spear but Data-Xander blocks with his gun and grabs the spear. After throwing Lana, the enemy used Javelin Toss but Lana dodges and reequips the spear. Lola then summons multiple spear spikes and pillars but then Data-Lindsay dodges them with quicksteps and Sonic Glide. The battle seemed hopeless, but then the data-nemesis are starting to be worn out. Not because they are exhausted but because the distraction of the twins caused the Galvanic DNA download to progress further and the Antivirus is functioning its features faster than before. This served as advantage for the twins.

Lola: Let's...

Lana: Finish...

Lana and Lola: THIS!!

With the last resort, Lana and Lola lunges towards their data-nemesis and pierced their arsenals into the chests which causes the virus to be eliminated and the data restored. Stark while outside then cancels the battle program to end the combat. The data-nemesis then reverts into data numbers and the exit doors materialized. The twins walked towards the door and was returned to the outer rim with Martha and Stark.

Martha: Thanks you so much for doing this. Without your help we would be at the hands of your enemies by now.

Lana: It's no big deal, and besides I'm more surprised that Lisa hid so much from us like Lincoln did.

Stark: I'm sure he had his logic. But it is better if King himself will summarize it all.

Lola: Well time for us to go. [Stands into the terminal] Goodbye Mr. Stark, Bye Martha.

Martha: Take care!!

Stark: May we meet again someday, Users.

Lola and Lana then woke up seeing that the computer room of the High Councilor. They saw Lisa and Lily waiting for them to wake up. Lily hugged the twins seeing that they are alright as Lisa informed them that a hero's meeting is about to commence.


Dr. Faust: So there is also a world within data and computers. I'll remember that but, it's no fun since they are made of human programs. But, it good to be back to where I belong.

Other figures started to materialize after being able to escaped from the Void Realm for far too long.

Man with Golden figure and Demon's half-face: Did you bring us back?

Dr. Faust: Yep!! It took a while but here you are.

Succubus: It that you Samael, dear?

Dr. Faust: Haven't been using that name for a long ago, Lilith. These times they call me Dr. Faust Schnizer or Lucifer Morningstar but hey whatever is fine.

A Dragonfly Kaijin: Is that really you? I, Baer Zebul, cannot believe it. Plutus, confirm if its him.

Plutus/Rich Gold Demon: It's him, I feel it. He's been changing semblance ever since Father banished him.

Dr. Faust: Where are Leviathan and Hades?

Red Demon: [wrathfully] Why should you care!? You left us into dust!?

Lilith Azmotheos: Pipe down, Malok! Respect my husband!

Malok: Shut it! Harlot!!

Dr. Faust: That's enough! I didn't brought you back to fight, nor to mess with my siblings at Scala. I brought you back because Netherworld is lacking proper wardens and leadership. Auntie Pandora's Nightmare of a Son aka. Me and Michael have to deal with our lost cause of a cousin. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!!

Plutus: I thought Pandora's Box is sealed? How on hell or earth did they found it.

Dr. Faust: The Tetherby's did. If only I realized it sooner, Cain's bloodline runs through the Tetherby's. And now he plans to summon both Pandemonium and Scala ad Caelum into the earth to forge the tower of origins: the Tower of Judgement.

Lilith: So if that's the case then, Levi and Hades' absence could mean.

Dr. Faust: Oh, they knew alright. But they are AWOL because Levi has to see Atlantis and Hades wants to visit Baraquiel [Zeus] and the other members of the Watchers. He's probably rushing through S.S. Charon at Styx as we speak.

Malok: What about Cain's?

Dr. Faust: I'll handle that. For now, scram. I need to contact the others.

The other legions of Chaos went off as Dr. Faust is left to himself.

Dr. Faust: Michael, Amenadiel, Abdiel, bothers and sisters, Father, Auntie, I'll home in a moment.

_Reconnect: Dawn of Injustice_

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