Dawn of Injustice Ch. 24 (Phoenix King: Dawn of Injustice 5 - Green Inferno)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 24 (Phoenix King: Dawn of Injustice 5 - Green Inferno)

The 5th door, found at the edge of the fifth floor that will lead to the sixth floor, is open as Lincoln rushed in. The corridors are now much brighter in color and seemed to look more of a museum hallway than of a ruins. Lincoln lit the torches before proceeding at the halls that will lead to Lisa and Lily. Meanwhile outside the tower, Solomon is safeguarding his father while Sid is leading Clyde and Polly to regroup with the rest of the associates.

Sid Chang: Spirit Tree Spear Yggdrasil, Seventh Form: Shangri-La!! [a protective barrier encased the evacuees and healed their injuries while defending from the monsters]. That should help you all out.

Clyde/Brother's Eye: Great job, Sid. Couldn't do this without everyone.

Sid Chang: Once everyone is okay, we'll go outside and deal with more monster. I hope that Valheim and Road guy is handling things from Mexico. I heard the Alighieri brothers are at England defending Valheim's fiancee, Ms. Alucardia!

Clyde/Brother's Eye: Ah, the Twin Demon Slayers. Of course they're in England, one of the twin's son is living there and formed a demon-slaying organization; the DmC Corp.

Penelope: Guys! We've made it! Is anybody hurt?!

Clyde/Brother's Eye: We're fine, we're just waiting for all of you to arrive. Until then, the celestial hosts are dealing with the monsters. Until then, get inside the barrier and rest yourselves.

Inside the tower, Lincoln made it through and found Lisa and Lily dealing with Sharon and Willy (Payback and Candyman).

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Anyone alright?

Lisa/Omniscience: We are and I calculate your arrival will be imminent. Now the plans will reveal.

Lily/Ivygirl: Did you predicted that with your trinket?

Lisa/Omniscience: The Knowledge Fruit is no mere trinket youngest sister of mine. This Apple of Eden is knowledge incarnate crafted by the Creator Himself. I assumed Lincoln met the Maker of All, did you not?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: I did, and these two will soon enough. I'm glad He gave me a second merciful chance in life.

Candyman: Did you think I'll give up so easily?

Payback: Don't assume us dead yet! [transform into a scattering flight of paper money.] Let's see you deal with this!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: In your money form, you'll burn easily! [shoots fireballs but somehow the bills are fireproof] What!?

Payback: Oops forgot to tell you this: Find the real me among these bills and strike me down. Only the real me will feel hurt but the rest of the bills will be fireproof/attackproof! If you got it wrong, you don't want to know what happens next!

Lily/Ivygirl: Great! A game of Where's Luxord... I mean Waldo! This is going to be easier for Lisa!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Lisa, you deal with Sharon. Lily with me. Let's test what the Candyman has in store.

Candyman: I don't want to do this, but oh well. I regret nothing. [holds a candy but with liquid inside of it.]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Is that... No! Don't!

Candyman took the last piece of candy he had that contained a liquid within. Lincoln did recognize the liquid. It's one of the disposed Lazarus Virus residue from the old Tetherby Laboratory that was presumed to be devastated by the regime raid. Candyman lost his mind and by the process, overly mutated into what seemed to be a hideous looking candy monster.

Lily/Ivygirl: Is he...

Lincoln/Phoenix King: He's not human anymore, Lilybug. He's a monster now! There was no saving him for turning from a Jekyll into a Hyde. He's a Hollowed Vessel now. Damn it, Dr. Schnizer.

Candy Goliath: ROOOAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

The monster roared and slammed his fist to the floor which caused peanut brittle spikes to rise. Lincoln ann Lily dodged the attack.

Lily/Ivygirl: Oooh, Candy.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Don't eat that! You don't want to be like him!

Lisa/Omniscience: At least save a sample! I need that for a cure without an awful taste!

Lily/Ivygirl: Again! Did you know this would happen!?

Lisa/Omniscience: I did, and I know I should have prevented it but no point of stopping the inevitable! Sooner or later he could have done it and if there is something I learned from the Apple is that I have no control over other's destiny! Only of my own! You can't fight the fate you chose to take, only ride it from the start.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Once again, you are right about that.

The Candy Goliath took his staff the turned it into a spiky candy-cane sword. He then swoop and swing the cane sword but Lily made an obstruction made of her finest trees.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: For a monster with wild movements, he sure is crafty on his attacks.

Lily/Ivygirl: Save the honors to his grave, Big Bro! I'm kinda in a pickle here!

Lincoln then flies and shoots a series of fireballs. The barrage hits and distracted the monster away from Lily. Meanwhile, Lisa is still trying to find Sharon via telepathy. He located her real self but can't use mind control when she is in her swarm form.

Lisa/Omniscience: Now how to make sure she fall. Hmm... [thinking] Aha! Brother, would you shoot the dollar with her face on the paper. Don't strike the dollars with the presidents, only the one with her face. Also, Incoming chocolate puke!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: What!? [sees chocolate pukes that are aimed at him like bullets] Oh, that. [he shoots fireballs at the chocolate bullets while one hit Lily's tree and transformed the entire tree into chocolate.] Oooh, Yikes.

Lily/Ivygirl: Dang it, Linky. My tree is now a dessert. [summons a wave of wines to ensnare the monster.] Eat this!

Lily summons her powerful Wood golem and readies it's fighting stance.

Lily/Ivygirl: Deal with them Drole Balor. [the four-armed forest golem charged at the candy monster and wrestled]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Let's see, dollar bill with her face. I can't find it like this. [shoots fire to each dollar but they are fireproof] Dang it.

The bills that got shoot counters as they now fly towards Lisa and Lincoln. With each rapid succession, Lincoln and Lisa have to deal with paper cuts.

Lisa/Omniscience: This one, I did not predict.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Lisa! [creates a firewall to protect them from further damage.] How come you didn't predict this?!

Lisa/Omniscience: Plot!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: What!?

Lisa/Omniscience: I mean, I was too busy locating her I forgot to reuse this Apple. But to be fair, It only predicted that she would do this, not her entire location.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: So we have to do things on our own then?

Lisa/Omniscience: Again to be fair, I did use this to eliminate Adamborg in Yod Beth form and his doll and Clancy. The Apple knows everything but I cannot be reliant to it or it would mean sacrificing my freewill. The Apple is temptation incarnate too remember?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: I know, I know. Hmmm... [the attacks ceased and Lincoln lowers his firewall.] Guess I have to stop the candy monster first.

The forest golem, Drole Balor, kept on wrestling the Monster but every time he got bit, part of him turns to candy.

Lily/Ivygirl: Drole's losing. What should I do?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Sorry Drole. You'll have to die with that monster while he's distracted. UltraNova [Launch a giant fireball and burned the two until ashes] Lily! To your left!

Lily reacted quickly and fired a razor leaf that hit a dollar bill but this time it revealed Sharon's core and reverted her to her human state. Without a moments reprieve, Lily readies.

Lily/Ivygirl: Forest Spear Sagan: Gloxinia formation. [manifested her spear and throws it like javelin] Lisa!

Lisa then reacted and telekinetically guided the spear into Sharon's chest as she was about to hit the ground. This launched her and impaled her to a near wall.

Sharon: Are you joking me? I lost, again! I... *sob*... didn't want to die.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: I'm sorry. I know you are just a victim of circumstance, but it still justifies nothing without comeuppance. You chose your fate, you chose poorly. If only you repented that time.


Payback: Wait!

Johnny Speed: Sorry, Sharon. But you're too slow. Mike, Nuke, go!

It was during another regime raid of metahumans that caused the Terror Crew to flee into hiding. The metahuman legion that supported heroism... no, vigilantism caused the lair of the Terrors to become ashes and dust.

Meta Legionnaire: What shall we do, your Majesty. These criminals will stop at nothing to cause more trouble.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Burn them!

Meta Lieutenant: You heard him! Burn them!!

In the event, Sharon was caught in the conflagration and died along the rest of the cash she was gathering.

-End Flashback-

Payback: Then... here's my last... repentance. Get smarty pants to access my bank account and use whatever I have left to your cause. You know... since childhood, I always wonder what it feels like to donate money.

Lisa/Omniscience: If that is your last will of testament, I shall see to it that your penance and insurance will be of used.

Sharon then drew her last breath as she turned into a bush with flowers.

Lily/Ivygirl: Rest in peace. [She prayed along her siblings. Then pulled out the forest spear.]

Lisa/Omniscience: Where do you think you're going, elder brother?

Lisa and Lily noticed their brother going away. Lincoln turned his head with an uneasy smile on his face.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Hehe... so sorry about your friend there. [points at the charred monster and golem]

Lily/Ivygirl: It's fine. When one dies, a seed will appear and to be planted at the spirit forest to produce more offspring. Drole is 15th rendition and I guess some of his siblings died when I summoned then from those years. I guess I'll be back to plant this. But you better stay here with us after all this.

Lisa/Omniscience: Yes, the academy could use more teachers since more students are to come in the near future.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: I will, but I won't be a teacher. I'm planning on reopening dad's old bistro. Since he retired, that place got sold but never to be reused ever again. Luckily, it was repurchased under my name and my children are planning on helping. For now, Adieu.

Lincoln rushed out to the sixth floor and saw Lina, Eclipse and Sam. Going down to exit.

Sam: Well, if it isn't Linky?

Lina/Star Hanabi: Hey dad.

Eclipse/Capt. Thunder: Hey uncle.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Heya guys, where's the Tennysons?

Sam: Seventh Floor near the Last room! I hope you're planning on returning after all this! I want you to take on a vacation from being a hero.

Lincoln: I will, I promise.

Sam: Good, 'cause I hope my dad didn't rub on ya. I will be waiting for you, ya dig!

Lincoln: Here's an idea, I could use a musician like you and Luna at the reopening of my dad's old bistro.

Sam: Oi, you bought the old Lynn's place? That's actually not bad. They needed some rock-n-rolling.

Lincoln: Yeah, and I'm sorry about that night.... and more to that.

Sam: All's forgiven. Plus, Luna and I wanted an actual child from blood and not just an adopted one. I guess you are one of the lucky donors that I had in mind while Simon is next!

Lincoln: Wait! So you plan to hook Luna to little Simon?

Sam: Whatever, guys let's go!

Lina: What's hooking up?

Sam: Not another word young lady! Not let's scram!

Sam and her children left while Lincoln stayed to wonder.

Lincoln: Well, better the person you know and trust than some random stranger, I guess. Dear God, I hope you approve of this. Amen!

Lincoln then went off and hurried to meet the Tennyson Twins.

-Chapter End-

Meanwhile from Greece

Amenadiel: That should do it! No more Nightmare creatures.

Gabriel: Amenadiel, letter!

Amenadiel: From Dad? [opens a letter] Dear Amenadiel, take Theiatena Aphrodite and bless the young Simon Sharp and Luna Loud-Sharp with birth and fertility. Signed Dad. [closes the letter] Huh, and where exactly is this Simon Sharp and Luna Loud-Sharp?

Baraquiel/Zeus: At Royal Wood, Michigan, USA. Go there and take my daughter with you. May Dad bless your trip.

Gabriel: Let's go.

Meanwhile in the Old Bistro

Lita Rochelle Loud: Hey mom! May I see if it's really there now.

Ronnie Anne: Here, right there is your little brother, our little Sunspot. [hands the pictures of the fetus] The doctors confirmed it. It's a boy alright.

Lita Rochelle Loud: I'm gonna be a great big sister to you....

Ronnie Anne: Toby. Roberto "Toby/Bobby Jr." Loud

Lita Rochelle: Little Toby.

-Almost there to the ending. Reconnect: Dawn of Injustice-

Loud Heroes: Dawn of InjusticeWhere stories live. Discover now