Dawn of Injustice Ch. 5 (Thunderdrum: Power of SHAZAM!)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 5 (Thunderdrum: Power of SHAZAM!)

School days are over. Vacation is at hand, and everyone seemed to prepare on their times with their families. Lina and her adoptive brother, Eclipse are getting ready to hit the beach with their mothers. They both ready all things needed, and Eclipse put the Tome of the Angels inside his baggage just in case of an emergency.

Luna: Lina, Eclipse!! Hurry up, or we're gonna be late to get a hotel room!

Eclipse & Lina: In a minute, Mom (Auntie). {They both shouted as they pack up all beach supplies}

Lina: Eclipse, remember the plan?

Eclipse: I know, no telling mom what Uncle-Dad gave us, the Tome of the Angels. And keeping SHAZAM a secret. Hmm, I think SHAZAM is the wizard's name, but I need a personal name to be called to.

Lina: You're right, heroic names should be fine right? I'll be Star Hanabi then. Then you are?

Eclipse: Captain Thunder!

Lina: Captain? You don't even have a team yet, plus too generic for a hero. How about Turbo Thunder, of course until you have your personal team. Sounds good, don't you think?

Eclipse: Fine, Turbo Thunder it is then.

They both exited their room and went to the car. Luna is the one at the driver's seat while once again Sam is at the front seat drinking a can of whiskey during the drive.

Luna: Sun, keep that away. (takes the can) We'll get arrested by that. You don't want this bonding time to be ruined, now would you?

Sam: Fine, only because you said so. (Looks at the window and pouts)

Luna: Look, babe I've already forgiven you for that day. It's all in the past now. Please do try and forgive yourself. Lina is nobody's fault, ok. (Takes a cassette into the player) How about some rock music to ease up. Luv, I know you like these. (Plays "Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi that they covered before Lina was even born)

Meanwhile somewhere in a dessert near Mt. Sinai

Logan: Phew, we manage to fend them off. (turns to his father) What are they father?

Lincoln: Grimms, Nightmares, Devourers. Whatever you call them, they are creatures of pure darkness. Known to be Pandora's Spawns. (looks at his son) They know nothing but to destroy, devour light, corrupt the host until they are consumed forever and die. They are the original demons before Morningstar himself betrayed his Father. Then, he created his own darkness and passed it on to his brethren. The demons that we know now, are just artificially made by him. But Pandora's spawn is pure destruction.

Logan: I see. So, why are we here at Cave Sinai?

Lincoln: To recuperate and visit the place that was once a resting place of Elijah: The Prophet of Fire. Also, to bury this. (Shows an issue of Ace Savvy labelled as Ace Savvy vs. L-Crew: Immortals Among Us) This is what suppose to be a dedication for Bill Buck, its old creator. Now that his gone, I want to send this to El Paradiso for him. That is why I want this buried.

Logan: Isn't that the only copy? It would be a waste. It's probably best for someone else to inherit that if that is what he wanted.

Lincoln: Don't worry, I have more copies. This is just a replica, but I have the original one. (proceeds to burying the book) Now then, only one thing left to do.

Logan: We're finally going home, aren't we? I can't wait to see my half-siblings once again. (he pressed some buttons)

Lincoln: Sending the distress signal?

Logan: Yes, father. I've sent them to the Tennysons. They know what to do.

Lincoln: Good, now we can wait for them. For now, we need to go home. (he then opens a book with runes and arcane writings) And I know just how.

Back to Royal Woods

Luna: (stretches while in her swimsuit) Luckily this beach has a hotel nearby. I would love to rock out here, right guys?

Eclipse and Lina gave two thumbs up while sitting at their mats underneath their umbrellas. They prepared a picnic lunch for them while Sam stays to arrange the meal set. Although, Lina and Sam seemed to be distant from each other. Sam always gave her the cold shoulder. Luna noticed this and some how needs to break the ice.

Luna: You know what Lins, this place reminds me of your father way too much. (she looks at the sky) We used to hang out, my bro and I. Sadly, his not here to enjoy.

Sam: I think it is much better this way luv.

Luna: Sheesh, how could you say that? Do you hate my bro that much? *sigh* You know this is also the place where I (remembers NSL events) failed to be his guardian. Even if the guilt is not there, sadness and memories just keep crawling in my skin. I guess to some wounds don't seemed to heal.

Sam: Moon, don't be like that. It's in the past now right? Forget about it, we're grown ups now. We make our own decisions.

Luna: Oh, now you say that but what about you? You constantly leave Lina like a pest. FYI mate, she doesn't deserve the cold shoulder. Plus, you were the one drunk that night. My brother came home, and you never called me. Then what, got knocked up and engaged in a one-night-stand with him. Itchy, isn't witch?

Sam: (angry) OK, now that is just low blows! You were the one that left me home caring for our child. Then what, you were so mad when you found out that I'm pregnant, yet you didn't call for an abortion.

Luna: (Shout) Because that's BLOODY MURDER and you should understand that. For heaven sake, I'm a hero so it's obvious that I can't make that an option. (calms down) Look, I'm mad not because you cheated, but because you won't take responsibility.

Sam: Like "he" is taking responsibility. (looks away)

Lina: (in her thoughts) Mom, Aunt.

Eclipse: Hey, L-Lina, how about we go away first and have some Fro-yo. My treat.

Lina: *sigh* Ok.

They both left and went to a nearby Fro-yo shop. The argument cooled and the two mothers sat there trying to enjoy themselves. Sam, still mad about it, decided to go back to their rooms while Luna played at the beach stage and performed her best songs. The crowd went wild and rocking until sunset arrived and they all went back to their rooms to enjoy their vacation. Until the news came up.

News Anchor: This just live in and reporting here tonight as some unidentified creatures are attacking near at an abandoned mansion. The location of these things has been sighted on different dark and abandoned areas. Monsters are known to be hostile and attracted to people who are in fear. As such the rampage continues.

Luna: Oh, for the luv of. Sorry fam, It's my job. (She morphed into Thunderdrum and flew away)

Eclipse: And there she goes. Hey Lins, you going or what?

Lina: I am, but let's get our things first.

Sam: Wait, where are you two going?

Eclipse: We'll be at the arcade room for a while. Until mom's back, Lina and I are gonna rock the Drummania v.8. We'll be back real soon so don't worry.

Both left the room and went not to the arcade room but to the exit. They then hid somewhere to initiate transformation.

Eclipse: Ok (opens the book), I call upon the angels of light. Heroes of times, humanity's protector, lend me your power. (Shouts) SHAZAM!!! (Thunderbolt hit him and became an adult figure with good looks, muscular body wearing a red suit with a T-symbol at the front torso shaped like a lightning bolt.)

Star Hanabi: Looking good bro. Now let's go

Turbo Thunder: Right!

Abandoned Mansion: North from the beach. Formerly used as a shooting spot for ARRGGH: a variety show for (fake) ghost hunters.

Thunderdrum: So, what's the stats.

Deathfrost: I don't know except the people got mummified into dried corpse. No bite marks that I know of. How about the others, what's your stats?

Powergirl: Powergirl here with Crystal Queen, we are engaged with one of the creatures. (Blocks a swipe of a beastly figure of shadows. Its body seemed to be made of pure darkness with an appearance of a wild animal with sharp claws, teeth and spikes. Gnarly and wild with no sense or instinct except to hurt and destroy) Men, what the heck are these things. These are definitely new to us.

Deathfrost: Lynn, hold on. We are coming. Lana, Lori with me.

Savitara and Huntress: Got it.

Savitara: Alright, here's the plan: Gemini Girl, Mystica, Thunderdrum will help civilians escape. Omniscience and Ivygirl will gather info about them. The rest will fight these creatures until they stop. Do you get it?

All responded with a "Yes!" and went to their duties. While fending off the Nightmares and Nevermore, Luna and two of her siblings helped trapped and running civilians escape the shadowy adversaries.

Mystica: This sure is a lot easy with Maggie around. She's shadier that these guys.

Deathfrost: Puns aside, we better stop those horrific things from devouring more people. And as much as I like to have one as pet, it is clear that they are untamable and needed to be destroyed.

Thunderdrum: She's right sibs, we must stop them.

They bombarded the creatures with their projectiles and ensure that collateral is small. While Luna is focused on destroying one Nevermore, she was about to be pounced by a Nightmare. She looked back and guard herself before it could land when suddenly a yellowish thunderbolt hit the creature and became dust in the wind.

Thunderdrum: What the heck?

Mystica: Whoa, shocking!! HEHEHE Get it.

Deathfrost: We get it, but wrong timing.

Turbo Thunder: Our timing could have been more perfect, actually. (shows himself) Hey there. Name's Turbo Thunder and this is...

Star Hanabi: Star Hanabi at your service.

Thunderdrum: Bah, bah, buh.

Turbo Thunder: What, never seen a handsome man before? (In his thoughts: Crap, now mom's gonna crush on me.)

Star Hanabi: Quit bragging and get to work!!

T.T.: Right, right. Here goes nothing. (deep breath) Barak Saiqa (translate: True Lightning Sword. A piercing thunderbolt stroke true unto their foes.)

Star Hanabi: My turn, Flaro Atomis (lit.: Atomic Blow. Create a chain reaction of sparks and detonation.)

Savitara: Luna, what is going on there?

Thunderdrum: New metahumans, two of them in fact.

Omniscience: What do they look like? It seemed that they are capable themselves.

Thunderdrum: One is a very handsome male wearing red. The thunderbolt symbol on his chest seemed to be glowing. Powerful like Lynn, Smart like Lis, Fast but not faster than Lori and has the same powers as mine.

Deathfrost: The other one seemed to be a small girl with white hair and blue streak. Wearing a mask and can control simultaneous combustions. Dressed in an orange bio suit with cape and a gray wool cap.

Omniscience: I see (In her thoughts: So, Lincoln's hatchlings are into action. The other one though, maybe smart but acts like a kid. Could it be that he was chosen by the guardians? But why him?) Alright siblings here's a report: there is a nearby portal that creates these monsters. Be cautious and do not touch the portal. It seemed that it reacts to arcane arts so magic can close it, understand?

Deathfrost: Copy that. Let's go Luna!

Thunderdrum: A'right.

Lucy and Luna flew to the location. The portal seemed to be made of pure dark energy and will gradually spawn more monsters if left unattended.

Thunderdrum: Here goes nothing. (she readies her hands and from it, surge a stream of lightning bolt) It's closing but I still need more power to do it quickly.

Turbo Thunder: Then let me help. (he actually followed them) Alright, here goes. Barak Inqerad (lit.: Lightning of Extinction. Larger thunderbolt hit the portal and quickly sealed it off.

Thunderdrum: We did it! Guys, mission accomplished. Woohoo!!

Savitara: Great job everyone. Now let's- (she was cut off when a bat-like figure appeared)

???: That was a neat trick. Never thought I'd see all of you into action.

Powergirl: Wait, you're—

Django: Oh, I'm flattered someone remembered me. Afterall, the afterlife was to painful for me. So, I've decided to go back here.

Deathfrost: You should have stayed there. Oh wait, you'll just suffer there in the Netherworld because of your wrongdoings, Django!!

Django: So why do you think I've returned. Oh, and BTW, I have some new friends here: Hex, Ghostfreak, some Nightmares that I've recruited and this guy. (shows a person in black robes and hood) I figure we could all go play before the main event arrive. (disappears)

Deathfrost: So, he got away. Why is it that the dead keeps coming back?

Crystal Queen: Worry that later, we're not yet done here.

The heroes then proceed on tending the injured and survivors. They've lost so many lives. Yet again, they all wondered, was Lincoln was right to do the regime? Could peace really be made if he just stayed? No one knows the answers yet. The public now demand that a strong leadership be made, and criminals be put to death once again. Seeing this only made Lisa smile as her husband, David could only watch from the media.

David: Lisa, your sisters are doing well in these parts.

Lisa: Yes, I'm aware. It's all thanks to this device.

David: The Apple of Eden. Your brother's gift ceased to bore me. Now, even more scientific discoveries can be made. And who knows, maybe a bright future is ahead of us.

Lisa: Yes, and we can only hope that brother could return to us faster.

David: Still keeping his location a secret to your sisters? Not that I mind, and your youngest sibling seemed to know the conditions of keeping her forest safe, right? (Looks at the window) I just hope someone will stop the mastermind of all this.

Luna returned to the hotel. A lot of people are already asleep. She saw Sam at the bartender's counter, drunk yet again. She was gonna ask where the children are, but Sam was too drunk to answer. She carried her back to her room and saw Replicate waiting.

Tom/Replicate: She's still upset that Lina's father is out?

Luna: Maybe so or maybe not. But what are you doing here? Where are the children?

Tom/Replicate: Hush, you'll wake them up. They got so tired, so I put them here.

Luna: Heh, must be hitting the arcade. Drummania got so popular nowadays huh.

Tom/Replicate: Question is: did they really went there? Asked the management if you wanna know. For now, I'll be going. But before I go, look at your son's books and see if he's carrying something weird. (he exits)

Luna: What was that supposed to mean? (she lay Sam to her bed) Books huh? Lincoln used to love reading, especially with only his undies.

She then searched the baggage and found SHAZAM's book. She opened it and found out the truth.

Luna: Oh, Bloody heck mate. So, I was crushing on my own son. Not good. (she closes the book) *sigh* Maybe I'll just sleep this through. (she went to bed) Goodnight, fam. (in her thoughts: Goodnight, Lincoln)


Pandora: Someone's been using my Nightmares to attack without my lead.

Creator (ASHER): Sister, we better move. Scala ad Caelum could be in danger. Someone infiltrated Bermuda Triangle.

Pandora: Coming, brother *light chuckle* (in her thoughts: Whoever you are, the Scales of Judgement are not in your favor intruder.)

ASHER: (writes an arcane letter) So, the Scales are still leaning towards creation. It could mean one thing; my children are still doing the best they can, but I must ready. Afterall, never hurts to have a backup. Uriel, you know what to do.

Meanwhile in Scala ad Caelum

Uriel: Michael, Metatron! A letter from Father. (gives the letter)

Michael: What? This cannot be good. All units go to the lower levels. La Xibalba and the Netherworld must remain stable for souls to stay safe. (to himself: Tsk, I'll be ready)

Meanwhile in the lowest pit of the Netherworld.

Emerson: Pieces of the keys have been set. Only a few more and Pandora's Box will finally be opened. Flood of Darkness will drown the world's hope into despair.

Somewhere in deep space

Ben Tennyson: Jen, Gwen. We got a distress signal from Earth. We are going home ASAP!!

Everyone: Roger that!!

Kevin Levin: It seems that I'll be seeing my apprentice again and soon.

Allison Levin: Yes, Bobby seemed to admire you for teaching him his powers and capabilities.

Jen Tennyson: Oh, I can't wait to see them again.

Gwen Tennyson: Yeah, I've missed them so much. By the way, who sent the signal?

Ben: A boy. His name is Logan, Logan Loud!

Back to Cave Sinai

Logan: Hey dad, what is the difference between sacred arms to "metal vessels"?

Lincoln: That is easy, Sacred arms in a sense is the weapons of the Angels like that spear of yours. Metal Vessels are artifacts where the Djinns that Solomon have are sealed into. They amass a huge amount of energy like Sacred Arms but you'll notice an 8-pointed Star symbol engraved on it. That star is Solomon's seal. And I happen to find one on our trips. It says in the labyrinth "Here lies the tomb of Amon/Ifrit: The 7th Djinn". This dagger his seal.

Logan: I see. So are we ready yet?

Lincoln: Yes, let me just do this right. (breaths deep then wings of flames come out) Ready to go home Logan?

Logan: Yes, father.

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