Dawn of Injustice Ch. 9 (Power Girl: The Omega and The Alpha)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 9 (Power Girl: The Omega and The Alpha)

The earthquake has started. Even if it's suppose to be time for vacation, the heroes didn't rest until Jor-El and some of the others have been well trained for an upcoming war. A great pillar of pure dark energy sprouted from west of Florida. The gates of the Netherworld have opened itself to release of the great darkness that will return the whole world into its beginning state: Infinite Darkness and Chaos. In order to counter this threat, Soothsayer took precautionary measures and Lisa did everything to secure the citizens. Afterward....

Lisa: This is impossible!

Lori: Lisa, what is happening?!

Lisa: My device that contained The Apple is no longer operational. I made sure that the relics protective magic is working along with the communication system. Unless... Of course, Pandora's power is to counter her brother's power. As such, we have to rely on whatever we can discover from that point.

Luna: Her brother?

Lisa: Yes, the Apple gave me enough knowledge of how everything began. It is the sole reason that we kept winning, learning and predicting all events. This relic belonged to Pandora's twin brother, the creator of all beings and the one true source of light and life: Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh aka. Ieouah El-Shaddai.

Lynn: Ieouah? You mean like God Himself?

Lisa: Yes, Ieouah. The God himself. The Shaddai El-Chai (Almighty Living God). Let me tell you something. The world began in darkness, the came light. It's like everything is balance, in Yin and Yang state. If God is of light and being, then Pandora is..

Lucy: Of Darkness and Nothingness. Great-Grandma used to tell me that story. She even told me of how the siblings used to fight each other but reconciled in the end to maintain Time-Space Reality. The Box was her old prison cell but she was released in exchange that the box locked her powers away to avoid killing anything. The demons now are angels who took portions of Pandora's fraction of power when God forbids it. Luce, Ieouah's former favorite son took a lot of portion and became the Evil Incarnate.

Lisa: That's correct, how exactly would you know about this?

Lucy: Didn't you know, Great-Grandma Harriet is not just any practitioner of Arcane arts. She performed healing and exorcisms for her knowledge of angelology and demonology. She was once tempted to fall into witchcraft but was able to conquer that weakness thanks to her knowledge. As far as I know, she resides in the hall of Kings in La Xibalba (Purgatory) and is tested by Uriel to achieve sanctity to enter Scala Ad Caelum.

Lynn: Yeah well, it's probably her creepy nature, like you Lucy, that is holding her from ascending. No offence.

Lucy: Yeah, we get that a lot.

Lori: What now Lisa? Without a clue of what is going on, we can't operate well. And with these creatures, our best defense has been for naught.

Lisa: We have no choice but to go back to our old ways, like we used to. Soothsayer is back so I presumed the best course is to continue training.

Luna: She's right Lors. We don't even know where Linc is. Bro's about to get the time of his life.

Lana: I think Linky knows this is happening so...

Lola: She's right, he'll be there to help. He's the one with a great sense of heroism.

Lynn: Old sense of heroism; remember that he ended up being judge, jury and executioner after what happened to his first wife.

Luan: Well, whatever happens I'll stick to the plan. I hate to become chow to those creature. And if Linc even returns, he'll regime himself. (Everyone except her groans) What!? Too soon?

The heroes meeting was stopped when an earthquake strikes. The epicenter is found at the south of Michigan, somewhere in Chicago. The team then went to Naperville and Rockford to evacuate the people before they get crushed by debris and road blocks. Flying Nevermores attacked the location.

Lynn: Could thing get anymore....Wait no, I'm not going to say it.

As another is about to grab her, the evil bird scatter to dark dust when a motorcycle rider zooms in to her aid.

Road Hazard: Ready for another ride, hero?

Lynn: Road Hazard? Valheim?

Road Hazard: Not a moment to waste. (He prepares his shotgun and blasts the approaching adversaries) COME GET SOME!!

Valheim: Ma'am, please go to this location. Canary told me that a metahuman is responsible for this mess. (He shows a tablet that points a location in Chicago while he pulled his rifle and fired a shot to an approaching Nevermore, without scope or looking)

Power Girl: Be careful here. You are one of my students, so I can't afford having to lose you.

Road Hazard: Don't worry, Van Helsing and I are taking the Cavaliera. She's fast and a killer. (He activates his motorcycle with blades and guns. Valheim and him rode the Cavaliera to fend off the other enemies.)

Lynn the rode her bumper kart to approach the location. She is surprised on who is creating the earthquakes.

Power Girl: Tremor, I knew it had to be you!!

Tremor: Ah, loser Lynn. I knew you'd come here!

Power Girl: What the heck are you doing?

Tremor: What does it look like I'm doing? Wreak some havoc, duh! Ever since that shaodwy pillar came, I never felt so powerful by having them in me. Now everyone will fear me.

Power Girl: Well, now I'm here to... GWACK (A tree smacked her away and a hairy man appears) What? Not you too, Squatch!

Squatch: You think I'll stay and rot away there!? I don't think so. BROTHER, NOW!

Power Girl: Guys! I need some backup over here.

Savitara(communicator): Lynn, what happened?

Power Girl: Tremor happened. (She dodge a lightpost thrown by Squatch) and Squatch.

Crystal Queen(communicator): What? I thought they're in jail.

Omniscience(communicator): Birdcage is powered by my Apple. Their escape is undeniable since my device got shutdown.

Savitara(communicator): If Squatch escaped, then Johnny Speed is.... oh no! Sorry, I have to go back to my family. Luna and Luan, Give Lynn the backup she needs until I come back?

Lynn fought until reinforcements arrive. She dodge a punch from Squatch while Tremor smash the ground to create a powerful earthquake. The shock created a crater and pillars of rocks that is heading straight to Lynn, but she was able to dodge the incoming attack. Squatch charges to her and slammed her with a shoulder rush, but it failed as Lynn blocked it with her hands and grabs him. She then proceeds on throwing Squatch to Tremor before he could create another earthquake.

Tremor: What the heck, men?

Squatch: Grrr.. Get out of my way stone boy!!

Squatch attacks Tremor but it backfired. Instead, Tremor punched Squatch on the belly and launched him to an abandoned building. Lynn then rushed to Tremor to deal a punch but her fist only met with Tremor's fist creating a powerful impact that recoiled both of them backwards.

Power Girl: Too strong, but not strong enough. (She proceeds on her runner stance before using a powerful force to bullet herself to Tremor) Eat this!!

As Tremor stands, he immediately closed his arms together to shield him from the incoming attack. The punch is too strong that is sends him backwards by 3 meters. He then kneels down out of exhaustion.

Power Girl: *pant* Ready to give up yet? *pant*

However, Tremor seemed to look fine. A dark aura emits from his body and gave him more strength.

Tremor: Not yet! I will not be beat by a LOSER LIKE YOU!

Power Girl: (in her thoughts: Where the heck is the back up?) BRING IT ON STONEFACE!!

Tremor proceeds on charging on Lynn but was stopped by a shadow binder. Power Girl looks behind her and saw Thunderdrum, Mystica and Shadow Mistress.

Maggie: SHAZAM and the others are handling Nuke. However, I sensed some sort of malice in them. You should be careful.

Lynn: Gee, took your time. I mean really.

Luan: Hey! We were just making sure that Jor-El and Liby are safe. Don't want them to be in danger now would we? Afterall, things are getting a little heated up, eheh!

Luna: No time for jokes sis. We have a stoneman to beat.

Tremor: RAAAAAGHHH! (He slammed the ground creating a powerful blow that made the non-flyers stumble) I'LL KILL YOU ALL.

Lynn: Not if we can stop you!

Luna: Barak RAMZ! (Lightning code - Fires multiple lightning that homes and chases enemies) That should rock you!

Luan Hey, I'll handle the puns. (She fired a barrage of force fields while gliding on her magic wand)

Maggie: Time for that malice to disappear. (She then throws a smokescreen of white fog before covering it with her shadow. She then uses her shadow to squeeze the smokescreen but Tremor was able to escape by making a hole into the ground.)

Luan: Gee, and here I thought Lynn and him have rocks for brains. He's smart too.


Tremor use this as an opportunity to uppercut Lynn from the ground. It hit her hard to a point that it threw her up.

Luna/Thunderdrum: LYNN! grrr..Thor's Wrath!! (A powerful lightning slammed to the ground and hit Tremor, yet still standing)

By that time, Squatch is also awake and ready to fight.

Maggie/Shadow Mistress: Could things get anymore bad?!

Lynn/Power Girl: He's like a wild beast.

???: A wild beast you say?

They turn around and see a muscular man in sports attire and a shoulder armor holding a football headgear.

Lynn: Francisco?! Get out of here! This place is dangerous.

Francisco: And leave my wife beaten, no way. I was a coward before but never again. This time, for sure! (His shoulder armor glows with an 8-pointed star symbol on it) Heed my words and pierce the earth. (He transforms into a hairy creature with a large right arm forming a claw. He now wears an Arabian pants, his body shrunk with his torso bare naked with wavy tattoos. A golden brown ring is behind him as accessory.) AGARIS!!

Fransisco slammed his enlarged right arm creating an impact while Tremor did the same. The clash canceled each other while the heroes proceeds to charge with all their strength.

Luna/Thunderdrum: Lightning is effective against both water and earth. (In her thoughts: I'll thank Linc for that Naruto game) Take this, Ramz Al-Saloz (Electric Rain - Lightning spears rain down upon Tremor)

Luan then encased Tremor inside a force dome so avoid his escape.

Maggie: Shadow-Iron Maiden (She then create an enclosed space of shadows that would "finally" crush Tremor). That did it.

Tremor fell unconscious, as the heroes are tired. Francisco, out of exhaustion, revert to his original form before hitting the ground. Lynn then catch him to her arms.

Lynn: How did you...?!

Francisco: I saw a man in green robes and a with haired man with him. He said to use this power to help the people I love. Then a boy in black and orange suit told me that the effect might only last for a few hours if I'm not born from a metahuman family so I took the risk of coming here.

Lynn: You idio... Wait you say a man with white hair and a boy in orange and black suit? (Could it be?) You're saying you met Lincoln?

Francisco: You're brother? I don't know, he was wearing a mask and voice differently.

Luna: (How long will you hide, bro?) Well we better get to the others. And also have Lisa figure out to reverse Tremor's power.

Django: I'm afraid I can't let you do that my darlings. (He appears)

Maggie: You guys, Again!

Irate: That's right (he appears). We have to make sure that he is a perfect vessel for the Hexians to fully be evolved. Just like us, reanimated dead.

Luna: Vessels? So those Nightmare creatures are...

Irate: That's right, the dark pillar is a symbol of Pandora's Box having it contents leak. The darkness, nightmares, and malice that was sealed for eternity is seeping out with their hearts. Thus forms the creatures of pure destruction: the Hexian. Born as a spawn of Goddess Pandora.

Django: And the vessels are like pots or vases. Used as a medium for the seeds of dark energy to sprout like a Qlippoth. The only ones to cut it down and replace it is the Sefiras: The tree of life.

Maggie: *gasp* How would you know about this?

Irate: That is for you to know... Django: and find out! *chuckles* (A shadowy portal enclose them and teleport them away along with Tremor's body)

A few hours later

Lori: So it literally happened.

Soothsayer: We better be ready. The fight has just begun.

-To Be Continued-


Squatch: *phew* Barely just escape.

Johnny Speed: This is so not my style.

Nuke: Bare with it for now. Willy is just about to finish another formula of drugs for us.

Squatch: Hey can the effect much stronger this time. I know they don't have the regime leftovers for us to steal but at least it would be advantageous for us, right.

Candyman(communicator): That's right, I have the formula ready. Go back to our base, I have a surprise. (in his thoughts: I'll thank you later once this is effective, Dr. Faust Schnizer)


Man in a Mask: Do I really have to wear this? It looks ridiculous.

Man in green robes: Do you want them to know who you are, Ieouah?

Ehyeh: No, but disguising as my young champion Lincoln wasn't that necessary. I'll change into (Turns into Morgan Freeman) much better.

Logan: Luckily that dad isn't here to know, your Gracefulness. He's probably visiting my step-moms.

Ehyeh: I know, my child. It was a good distraction so that he wouldn't know. I have to spread the rest of Solomon's Djinn and gave one to Mr. Rivera.

Man in green robes: Well you are the one who recommended it. I know your plans always goes so I have to stick with it.

Phoenix King appears.

P. King: Logan, Yunan, Your Gracefulness, I'm back.

Yunan: Good to see you too. I sensed that your friend Caine has resurfaced.

P. King: What!? He escaped!? Oh no, I'm in for it now.

Ehyeh: Don't worry, I've blessed you so nothing harmful will be done. But even if I know what happened, please pray tell what happened to your visits.

Pandora: (appears) I would like to hear that too, little one. (Pandora disguised as Paige, except with black marks, hair and blackened eyes.)

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