Dawn of Injustice Ch. 17 (Omniscience: Yod Beth)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 17 (Omniscience: Yod Beth)

Adamborg: Well, well, well. Howdy, Carol. Nice to finally see you. Emerson says hello and... GOODBYE! [He press a button to disable some of Carol's functions] *evil laugh*

Carol: I can't move! What's happening?

Lisa: One of my TerraByte projects that I unearthed during the regime. The E-Memory, Eternal Memory. Has the ability to shut down any technology disconnected from any of the TerraByte flash drive. Works just like Pandora's Box.

Carol: Then why aren't I shut down before?... Oh, yeah Pandora's Box technology in my cybernetic enhancements.

Adamborg: BTW, where are the other memory drives? I pretty much would want its power. Something that even that stonehead fool won't have.

Lisa: I scattered it around the globe. Replicate's wife and other children went to India to hide it from the likes of you. I have Jack given the Joker memory, Lincoln the Heat memory, Randy the Cyclone, Becky/Rapidsnipe the Trigger.....

Solomon/Dr. Brainiac: Mom! Less talk!

Lisa/Omniscience: *sigh* Curse of Many Knowledge. Let's just argue this with our fists. Dang it, I'm starting to sound like Lynn!

Lina: Well Aunt Lynn sometimes talks and sounds like you.

Lisa: Whatever! [She charges to them but Adamborg fires a blue shot] Oh...

It hits and explodes but instead of damaging her, she is surprised that a gold barrier was erected and protected her.

Lisa: I haven't been saying this ever since, but thank God the Apple is capable of creating spatial protection.

Adamborg: The Apple!? So it did exist. I want it NOW!

Lisa: Oh this necklace? It holds the power created by Ehyeh himself and Pandora herself. Grants the user whatever it desires, including knowledge of the Celestial. At a big price!

Adamborg: Oh really? Pray tell before I blow you up with this cannon.

Clancy: No! I'll have that thing instead. With that, I'll build an empire of my friend and all of humanity will be my slaves!!

Solomon: Again Mom, chit-chat!!

Lisa: No! This is the plan. Go on and grab the Apple, you miscreant Philistines!!

Clancy and Adamborg soon chased Lisa but Solomon and Star Hanabi got in the way while Carol is still stuck.

Lisa: Oh, oops. Sorry author, almost forgot. [Activates the Apple's power and renders Carol mobile again]

Adamborg: WHAT!!

Carol: Someone's not paying attention to the professor! [Fires a series of laser blast] The Knowledge Fruit is a piece of technology created by God Himself, stolen by the first humans, and hidden for ages. It grants the user great power.

The blast hits Adamborg but instead of bleeding, his fleshly appearance has been torn-off. It revealed a very cybernetic inner layer that resembles the skull and human muscles.

Carol: Figured it out. You have the mind and sentience of Adam but a body made of cybernetic enhancement. You're just as ugly as ever.

Adamborg: Ouch, that hurts... my feelings. Here, let me return the favor... WITH YOUR BLOOD!! [fires another blue energy beam wave from the blaster with the E-Memory but misses]

Carol/Cybergirl: That looked strong, but not enough.

Lina/Star Hanabi: Count me in to. [Fires a Heat Wave beam and hits Adam]

Adamborg: I WON'T DIE AGAIN LIKE THAT TIME I EXPLODED!! Activate YOD BETH!! [He then remove all limiters and his remaining fleshly coverings are disintegrated.]

Lisa: Great job guys! Make them mad! Provoke them more. [She looks at Clancy] You nincompoop can't even grab me or the Apple. You'll never deserve the power of the Apple.

Clancy: Darn YOU!! [Throws more swarm of insects faster but most misses as they are utterly destroyed]

Solomon: My drones are also equipped with Plumber tech. They told us how to beat you and your insect armada. [Releases drones and fires multiple laser blasts]

Lisa: Great job, male offspring. I believe it is my turn. [She then calls upon a suitcase containing Plumber guns] I hate waiting my strength so these blasters with power enough to kill any insect species even Lepidoterrans. [fires at Clancy and got knocked out of the blast] It works! But with my research, I can improve this device. [sees Clancy back up again] Maybe for future references.

Then a swarm of bee, wasp and hornet drones appears and started firing laser blast at Clancy's protective bug shield. A bee carrying something lands on Clancy and slightly glowed as a human reverts to her regular size and lands an uppercut.

Hornet: MISSED ME!! [An insect swarm approaches and she cartwheels to Lisa for safety]

Lisa: Are you certain you're in optimum condition to engage in combat?

Hornet: I understand the concern but I need payback. That venom nearly killed me if it wasn't for the Royal Jelly from Scarlet Arrows. Still, you could have shared the pills.

Lisa: Bother hides them for the purpose of never having to use them again for something improper. Ever since he left, most of the pills are stored away. And luckily they are still good to date, nothing expired yet.

Hornet: Then we should finish this. And thanks for letting me borrow your Re-sizer Gauntlet.

Lisa then charged her weapon and fired more lasers against the swarm of insect. Nicole/Hornet then grew at least 8 ft tall and rushed to Clancy before kicking him like a soccer ball. Lisa and Solomon used some more drones to create an energy prison. Solomon took away Clancy and Hornet joined him.

Adam is left to fight Carol and Lina. The rampaging robot used blades to deflect their projectile attacks. Looking like a Hulkbuster suit, the weight is compromising his speed. Strong as he looks, but not fast and apparently not a good thinker. Yod Beth is an emergency limiter remover that enables him to render his powers but Adam is just too idiotic as he keeps charging without thinking the next attack through. Carol knew too well how vulnerable Adam truly is. Carol then set up traps everywhere Lina might lure him into.

Lina: Come and get me stupid!!

Adamborg: Darn you!!

Carol: Be careful! His limiter is still broken! I hate to admit it but he's too powerful until all he is exhausted!

Lina: And that should be fun, right?! I mean more pain for him is more fun for me!

Carol: Not on a cyborg's case. When limiters are broken, all pain and exhaustion is not felt. Or in his case he can't feel pain at all even when before breaking his limits. But it will drain his power supply soon enough.

Adamborg fires laser beam while Carol and Lina fire theirs. The clash remained tied for a couple of minutes but Yod Beth has its time depleted.

Yod Beth voice: Energy drained. Yod Beth deactivating. Preparing recharge mode.

Adamborg: Darn it. It cannot be. I can't be beat.

Carol: Let's..

Lina: Scrap you..

Lina & Carol: TO PIECES!!!

Carol charges with her cyber-blade and stabbed Adam at his core.Lina glows in power and radiates the head until it explodes. To be sure that he will not ever return, they scrapped him to pieces (literally) and took his memory chip with his sentience chip and finally destroyed it.

Carol: Requiescat in pace, as Bobby and Freddy would have said. But bullies like you deserve much worst than this.

Lina: Well we did it! Hooray to us!!

Solomon/Dr. Brainiac: So what exactly is the price of the Apple?

Lisa/Omniscience: Absolute obedience, losing your free will. The only reason I still have my will intact is because of my strong mind, telepathy and Ehyeh's protection to resist its charm. I can block my consciousness from ever getting read and manipulated by the Apple's influence. This object is temptation, knowledge and power itself, it was protected by Samael Lightbringer until he betrayed his Father.

Clyde/Brother's Eye: Anybody okay!?

Clancy's voice: GAAAHHHH!!! [sound of splattered flesh is heard]

Carol: What was that?

Lisa: None of our concern.

Ivygirl: We made it! [Looks at the mess as Lisa uses telekinesis to fix most of the structures] Aww, I'm late.

Hornet: [appears] Don't worry Lilybug, everything is taken care of.

Solomon: Requiescat in pace to him.

Lisa: Solo!? Vial!?

Solomon: How'd you? Nevermind! Here I did save his DNA! [gives a vial of blood and Lisa grabs it.]

Lisa: That'll be all, my son. I'll keep this for safe keeping. [hides the vial] Now to visit my twin sisters from the datascape.

And so the entire hall is safe as the banner that says "Nest of the Phoenix' is cleaned. Brother's Eye is left in the meeting room waiting for the rest of the memberss and the High Councilor.


David: Huh a cockroach? Good riddance. [steps on the insect] Right, now that is taken care of. We'll be having a meeting with Brother's Eye. Jack you'll stay outside as our guard. It is to make sure that there are no intruders.

Jack Sharp: Understood!

Somewhere in Massachusetts

A rubberman: How is Jax?

Replicate: Stop by and find out. For all I know, he got hospital arrest. Oh and Renso, If you find Rachel and Camo, let's gather again. One last time with Randy.

Stretcher/Renso: If we could that is. Also, for old time sake, we better make sure that the world could still experience tomorrow. God knows how much we would love a good penitence. [holds his ring necklace] Requiescat in pace, my love. [looks at Tom] Let's go give this world a second chance.

Tom/Replicate: For Erin.

Meanwhile in the Netherworld

Dr. Faust: You know why I called you both, Malok and Baer.

Malok: What's his sin?

Dr. Faust: Violence and Wrath, wanted world domination using bugs even though that your thing Gluttony.

Baer Zebulun: Not the world domination, just the bugs... and some reptiles.

Malok: Well, I'll deal with his Violence.

Dr. Faust: Also another thing, Send this impenitent loser to the Void Realm and let cousin eat. This bully and when the stoneface gets here, take him too without any punishment. Knowing that they're old partners in bullying and crime, I doubt they'd repent.

Malok: About that, a demon named Izahr escaped, what do we do?

Dr. Faust: The obvious of course. If he wills it, then let him join. If persistent then take him to the Void. I don't know what cousin is doing, but letting him escape is like playing with his food!

Malok: As you wish, King of the Underworld.

As the left, SOULs approached him and knew exactly who they are.

Dr. Faust: It's still too early to judge your descendant. I will examine it first if he had good intentions unlike you Tetherby's. After all, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions but that should be road to Xibalba. Am I right, Cain!?

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