Dawn of Injustice Ch. 19 (Phoenix King: Ragnarok)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 19 (Phoenix King: Ragnarok )

Lincoln: Are you in or out? Your choice!

All of the sisters are surprised of his return except Lucy who saw him traversing the Ledgerdomain and dealing the final blow to Enchantress. Lisa then spoke up and the entire round table listened.

Lisa: I see that you have finally returned. It only means that the unexpected rescue from the Hatchlings was your doing?

Lina: Yup.

Terry: Correct.

Hiromi: Hai!! (Japanese: Yes!!)

Panther: Right on dudes.

Jor-El: I'm not informed.

Lita Rochelle: Just recently informed.

Leni: Then why'd you didn't tell us that your, like, back?

Lincoln: Been watching in the shadows from here on out. I thought that even in my absence, things would go as I shaped it. I was very wrong. I know now that this place needs constant watch so I consulted the Sanctums.

Lori: That's literally the worst excuse to get by!

Luna: Yeah, bro. Even sealing Soothsayer was low blow!

Lincoln: It has to be done. Or he will snitch. I did not hire capable mages and witches to have my effort wasted!

Luan: So after that, you knew that the only one standing in your little regime is us?

Lincoln: No, not until I legalized metahuman activity again. You are all possible threats to my rule. I waited until the solar flare to empower myself just in case you'll betray me! I built an army for security and created a new form of governance, one superior than non-metas.

Silence then came to the hallways as Clyde went near to calm his best friend down.

Haiku: Dear husband.

Lincoln: Yes?

Stella: Remember that time when...

Clyde/Brother's Eye: Oh that...

Lincoln: What? [he then realize what Haiku meant] Oh that?

Tabby: Yeah, That! Are we really that underestimated?

Lincoln: That was just coincidental circumstance! Nothing more!

Lucy: No, Haiku made a point! Not all humans are that weak. Heck Clyde is very human and you trust him and even the new High Councilor is Human and you trusted him.

Polly and Ronnie: What time? [Lincoln then told them of that fight club incident] Oh that one.

Stella: I may be a retired member of Scarlet but you have to admit we kick some ass there.

Clyde: While me and Penelope always watches over the city. We report to Martha whatever occurs. You trusted me as Brother's Eye, remember.

Lincoln: *sigh* Made your point.

Lisa: So now that we tackled our little emotional debacle there. Why don't we discuss our battle plan.

The whole group then discussed their upcoming war against the army of Nightmares and criminal groups. Stella and the rest of the Scarlet decided that it is best for them to stay far away for better shots and avoid danger while defending. The Arctic Reaper's leadership now falls on Haiku and promised to deal in stealth. With Paige gone, her blasters are now wielded by Penelope as protection if any case that Brother's Eye got infiltrated. The Polly, Tabby, Girl Jordan and the Sharp siblings focused on evacuation plans lead by High Councilor David. The children, Plumbers and the Santiago sibling will then initiate a breach to the incoming Tower of Judgement that opened up in Bermuda Triangle. To do that no alien interference must be made and so anyone invading like Looma, Attea or Nyancy.

Lisa: Are we clear on our combat plan? Remember that out there, most criminals whether Demis, Metas and Humans are out for blood.

Lincoln: So do not hesitate to do whatever it takes to stop them. Dismissed! The rest may go, we're gonna have a little sibling meeting. [looks at his son] Logan, go and help Jor-El.

Logan: Understood father.

As the others left the Loud siblings in the meeting room, Lincoln then approaches Lisa while the rest of the sisters encircles them.

Lynn: Do you have anything to say for yourself?

Lincoln: Why'd you keep it?

Lisa: Keep what?

To their surprise, Lincoln incinerated the cloth that is veiling the table, revealing the logo (find AdmiralDT8) of the L-Crew on its top as the banner of their heroic group. Only the table is on the verge of splitting in half as the logo is cracked from one side.

Lori: So you literally kept it, all this time?

Leni: Like, wasn't it gone like you told us after we disbanded?

Luan: Plus it's like a cookie, crumbling apart while baked by Lincoln's recent firepower. *nervous laugh*

Lola/Lana: Whoa!!

Lisa: Heh! Forgot that was there...

Lucy could only stare as she thinks of the words: "liar, you missed us". Lincoln just sighed in defeat knowing that Lisa would not give a straight answer. A few hours before departure, Lincoln is meditating in his old Firecracker room as he came in contact to the Afterworld: Scala ad Caelum.

Lincoln's Astral Image: Spirit world, just like how Lucy would want it. Ehyeh, wherever you are now, I need your wisdom. Your advice is most requested now that we are in turmoil.

Man in Fur Cloth: My son, what are you doing in Bosom Garden?

Lincoln: I need advice from the Sanctums and Guardians. Who are you?

Man: I am Adam, the first man and youngest of Father's creation. Ex-spouse of Lilith and Brother-Husband of Eve. Son of my kin, what are you doing here now that most heavenly host left the Holy Temple?

Lincoln: So they left with Pandora along. That's what they meant of not interfering with human affairs.

Adam (not Adamborg): My child, you look weary. If you seek is wisdom, I can tell you right away that we are not a perfect being. We made mistakes by our choices and sadly, you as the rest of humanity paid the price just as what Cain did to his descendants. The Omega is nearing. Chaos will soon reign. But even the vastest of darkness yields to the purest and brightest light.

Lincoln: That's exactly it. We are paying for what we did. And soon my penance will occur. But...

Adam: Love in a form of forgiveness is still nigh my son. Forgive not just others but yourself for what happened. Isn't it the reason why Father spared your life on your time here.

Lincoln: I can't bring her back anymore. She's gone, so what can I do?

Adam: Paige Loud, daughter of Eve, of my kin. Reveal thyself.

Paige's spirit (appears): There is no need to guilt yourself. I never once blamed you for what happened. Although, I'm quite disappointed that I'm not your first.

Lincoln: Oh right.

Paige's spirit: But I love you just as the others too. And I'm always watching over you.

Adam: Does that answer most of your troubles?

Lincoln: Yeah. [leaving] I guess it's time to go huh.

Paige's spirit: Tell Ronnie and the rest of your harem I said hi. Also Toby is a great name if you plan to...

Lincoln's spirit then returned to his body as he woke. He then thanked Lucy [and Harriet] for reserving time and place for him to contact his lost lover. The heroes then marched on as the others fend away the horde of monsters that are approaching them. The L-Crew then saw the giant skyscraper from the distance, a tower that could have been Babel as a temple from the sky attach to it. The tower's lowest level is surrounded by a black precipice and fog of corruption. Anything that dared touch the fog becomes one of the Nightmares that are attacking the recently evacuated buildings.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: America! Your king has returned!

Ronnie and Bobby are able to catch on to the heroes.

Bobby: Look over there.

12 shadows appears. As their silhouettes materialize, 11 of the figures spoke one by one.

Johnny Speed: Freedom at last. Now it begins and it also ends.

Squatch: Time for the heroes to meet their doom, ending this charade.

Nuke: Emerson Tetherby promised us a paradise for our loyalty. Now all it needs is to take down the pest problems.

Irate: As I finally take what's mine, brother!

Tremor: And losers like you will be my footstool!

Django: And you Lucille will be my slave, my concubine!!

Xander: I'll claim my trophy on this moment!

Margaret and Rampage: Revenge for father!!

Candyman: Have some candy!!

Payback: The world will be mine!!

As they finished, the last of the silhouette appears as he spoke up.

Emerson: Coming from the shadows, our desire will arise. I, Emerson Tetherby... no Void Dark, grant you all the power to achieve your destiny. Claim your price!!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: EMERSON!!! Is this the payment you'll give after I nurtured you!!?

Emerson: Hmph, coming from you! After you defeated my ancestor, our family went in hiding! Andrew has defeated you once by influencing the government to ban all metahuman activities and criminalize metahumans. Even if you destroyed Project V and the Anti-Metahuman weapon, you were publicly counted as a fugitive thanks to his connection to the Senate. You suffered the fate of wearing your human guise and live you lives that way, did you not?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Why!!? Did you think stopping metahumans created peace!? It only worsen its condition, don't forget that criminal minds and terrorists took your parents like how I lost my wife!! I created this regime to prove that people needs this kind of leadership!

Emerson/Void Dark: You are right, but I am here to dethrone you! I will usher a new era born in darkness. Shape it in my will and all of you will be slaves to it. [summons his red spear] Devour them, FARNEUS!!

A wave of darktides appear like swarm of giant ants. It was fast approaching and the heroes felt like hopeless on that number.

Adam's Voice: I cannot let you die just yet!! I have so much to see in the world Father promised!

A flash appeared as a wall of light protected them from the darkwave. But it did left the town damaged as there is nothing left but rubble and deserted homes. An angel then appears before them.

Michael: Hey Camael, need some help?

Lincoln: Michael?

Gabriel: Armies of Heaven!! Attack!!!

The heavenly hosts charged as they help the other fend the horde of monsters. Although evacuation is underway from California, Canada and Europe, the precipice still spread as it makes it way to Florida, Texas, Atlantic ocean, and Cuba.

Tom: Rachel, does your perfume has any alcohol content to it?

Rachel/Aroma: It does, why?

Jax/Climate: Got an idea! Camo, turn to Firecracker for me.

Renso/Strecher: I'll slingshot it away.

Tom/Replicate: On my count.. 1... 2... 3... [Renso threw a large bottle of alcohol perfume and gas tanks] Now.

Tom, Jax and Camo(Firecracker) then threw fireballs to it causing a massive explosion and burst of fires rain down to the monsters. Jax, Tom and Randy then uses wind to create a squall that empowers the blaze into wall of spiraling flames. Road Hazard uses his shotgun to distract some Nevermore while Valheim deals the final blow with his explosive throwing stars. Yorn, Clint and Violet from afar shoots with all intent to kill criminals corrupted by the black precipice's miasma. As for the rest of Scarlet and the Plumbers deals with intergalactic threats after they learned that Vilgax escaped.

Lori/Savitara: Good to have company but how are we literally gonna reach that tower?

Lisa/Omniscience: Inside there is Pandora's Box and the only way to teleport us there is to find something that would be interconnected with it.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Lina!! Do you still have it?

Lina/Star Hanabi: Yes dad. [shows a necklace and and a scar mark in her left arm]

Luna/Thunderdrum: What is that thing?

Lisa/Omniscience: That my elder sisters are the Mark of Cain that has been implanted from the Tetherby family before going almost extinct. The necklace is it complementary that makes the key to open Pandora's Box: The Charm of Abel.

Lincoln/Phoenix King took the necklace and have the Mark detach from Lina. The two relics then formed a Yin-Yang skeleton key. Lincoln in his thoughts "darn it" as he knew that the Mark was placed unto her by the new Doctor. It was only a matter of time that it corrupted her. Lina then hugged her father to reassure him that she is okay.

Lana/Huntress: Alright, what now?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: We teleport. Captain Thunder!!

Turbo/Captain Thunder then lands to them carrying three relics: The Dead Sea Scroll, Tome of Angels, and Lesser Keys. The three glows as it creates a portal to the Tower of Judgement - Pandemonium Section.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: When this is all over, a woman named Maggie will claim and protect the books along with 2 of her associates. If anyone follows, makes sure they're heroes, got it?

Captain Thunder: Understood. Uncle, Mom, Aunts, please be careful.

The L-Crew then entered the portal which leads them to Pandora's Box that is engraved in an altar. Using the key, they closed the box from spreading the miasma to temporarily even the odds as 5 of the seven doors open.

Lori/Savitara: Let's split up, I get the feeling that we literally need to take them on.

Lori and Leni went into the first, Luan and Luna to the second, Lynn and Lucy in third, Twins at fourth, and Lisa with Lily at fifth. Lincoln waited for some others to enter before going into the respective doors.

Lincoln: Bobby, Ronnie, Master Uriel, take your time.


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