Andi Shorts

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AU: Remus and Tonks survive


Teddy Departs

"Andi! Come on, Andi! It's time to go now!"

A young girl sat behind a column hugging her knees, trying to wipe away tears, but more kept streaming out of her eyes. Her dad found her like this.

Crouching down next to her, he smiled fondly, "Don't be too upset, Andi. He won't forget you."

Andi looked up at him through red eyes, "But what if he does?" she asked, "What if he makes new friends and they convince him that I-"

"Enough, Andi." Remus interrupted calmly, "Teddy won't forget you. And he certainly won't make friends with people who say you're too clingy. He loves you too much."

Her mom rounded the corner, "There you are, rascal!" Tonks exclaimed, "Come on. You don't want to be late for ice cream at grandma's, do you?"

"Ice cream!" Andi said excitedly, pulling herself off the ground and grabbed her mom's hand.

Remus laughed and took Tonks' other hand in his hand. He leaned in to whisper in Tonks' ear.

"She'll do anything for sugar."

"Wotcher, Remus!" Tonks said playfully, "She's your kid!"

Teddy's Box

"Andromeda Lupin! Give it back! Now! It's not for you! It's for Vic!" Teddy screamed at the top of his lungs.

Andi laughed and she threw a small box to the end of the hall "First person to it, keeps it!"

Teddy sprinted down the hall, but Andi still got to it first. She scooped up the box and waved it in her brother's face.

"NanAAnanaNA!!!!!" she taunted. Teddy's hair turned bright orange, like Aunt Ginny's. He shoved Andi to the floor, making the box slide under the sofa. The two of them wrestled as they each struggled to get to the box first.

That was when their dad intervened. The lights flicked on and off and Remus stood in the entrance to the living room, his arms on his hips.

"What, in the name of Merlin, are you two doing?" he said, "I expected something like this from you, Andi. But, Teddy? Really? You're grown. You can't let your temper control you."

The two Lupin siblings got to their feet and murmured apologizes to their dad and each other.

"Now, tell me. What was that all about?" Teddy and Andi started to try and explain their sides of the story at the same time. Remus pointed his wand at Andi, "Oscausi. I'll get to you in a minute, Andi. Teddy. You go first."

Teddy pointed under the sofa "Andi took a surprise I got for Victoire and wouldn't give it back and I left my wand upstairs and didn't want to give Andi the advantage hiding while I went to retrieve it, so tackled her as she taunted me and the box slid under the sofa."

Remus nodded and lifted the spell preventing Andi from speaking "Andi."

Andi lowered her head "I know. I'll give it back and take a punishment. Just, don't take away my phone. I need it to-"

"I wasn't go to ground you, Andi."

"You weren't!" Teddy and Andi both said in unison, shocked at their father's words.

"No! Why would I take that chance away from your mother?"

Andi knew there was a catch. She knew she wasn't going to get away with this.


I'll write more when I have a bit more inspiration, but take this for now!

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