Rolf's First Birthday Without Gunther

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I walked down the Hogwarts corridors with Luna. The school was rebuilt very nicely this summer before we came back our sixth and seventh years. Luna and I stopped before we entered one corridor.

Luna looked at me, "Are you sure you don't want me to walk in with you? Remember the last time you looked at his portrait?"

Rolf held back some tears and nodded, "I'm sure, Lunes. If I want you to come in, you know what to listen for."

She smiled and I went into the corridor. Students walked around the corridor, looking up at portraits of the fallen the previous year. I walked past Remus and Nymphadora Lupin's portraits, waving politely at each of them. I only stopped moving when I was in front of the portrait for my brother, Gunther.

He looked down at me and smiled, "Rolf. It's been a few weeks since you've come in here, hasn't it?"

I was about to call out to Luna, but instead I said, "It's my first birthday without you, Gunther. I miss you a lot."

Gunther's portrait smiles and nods solemnly, "I know. I miss you, too. But, hey! Perks of this is, I've met our great-great uncle Theseus."

I sniffed a little, "I just wish you were still here. Sometimes, I think about what would've happened if I died in your place."

"Rolf, my brother. I want you know this." he started, "Do NOT ever think you should've died in place of me. I died for a reason and you lived for another. Also, by the looks of it, seems like you've scored the girl. Am I right?"

I turned beet-root, "Um, it's not official, but I would like to think so."

"Then, think of this. If you'd've died, Luna would've probably gotten with Neville."

"Neville not a horrible choice."

Gunther's portrait smiled, "But, he's not you. I miss you, brother."

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