The Boot Scandal

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Anthony turned on the radio and flicked his wand to get the Ministry Newscast. His daughter, Riley, was sitting at the kitchen table eating waffles, so Anthony decided he had time to listen to the news as he did some work.

"Hey, wizards, witches, and mystical beings! I'm your host, Luna Scamander, and I'm joined on the show by famed Quidditch star, Terry Boot! How are you doing, Terry?"

"Well, Luna, I am doing spectacular." Anthony's husband announced.

"Dad?" Riley asked.

"Yep. He's on Aunt Luna's show today." Anthony told her.

Riley slid from her chair, "It wasn't on the calendar."

"Maybe your dad forgot."

"Pa. Dad said he never forgets. So, Luna's up to something."

Anthony looked at his daughter but shrugged what she said off.

"I'm being serious, Pa! I know Dad! And I know Aunt Luna!" Riley protested.

Anthony waved Riley back into the kitchen, "Stay in the kitchen and finish your breakfast, will you?"

 Anthony got Riley resituated at the table when he heard Luna say, "I wonder how Anthony would feel hearing about you and Lavender Brown."

Anthony snapped his attention to the radio. What? Terry stammered as he looked for any answer. Anthony felt a lump forming in his throat. He walked into the living room and dropped to his knees as he listened to the radio.

"Luna, I- you- it's- it's not how it sounds." Terry decided on, "Lavender needed some help putting her television up."

"She has magic."

"She didn't want it to break anything."

"You were in her room."

"The TV was in there."


"That's a-"

"You two were naked."

Terry was silent for a while before asking, "How do you know?"

Luna took in a deep breath, "Someone who knows," she paused ", every little secret you have."

It sounded like Terry just pushed his chair and stormed from Luna's radio studio. Anthony saw Terry apparate into their lawn. Anthony turned the radio off and ran to the kitchen. He grabbed Riley and held her close to him.

Terry slammed the door open. He saw Anthony holding Riley and jabbed his index finger at them.

"Riley Dillon Goldstein-Boot! You are in trouble!" he yelled. Anthony set Riley down and drew his wand. He turned back to his husband and stretched his arm in front of him.

"Do not lay a finger on her!" Anthony said to him. He had started to tear up.

Terry backed up. He'd noticed the tears and his shoulders sagged.

"Tony, I-"

"Don't talk to me." he said. Taking Riley's hand, he said to Terry, "I'm bringing Riley to Rolf and Luna's, then I'll come back for her stuff. You better be comfortable in the guest room when I return because you'll be sleeping there until this is all over. Then, you and Lavender will be free to be happy."


Tom Holland as Terry Boot

Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Anthony Goldstein

here's a sidenote: I love Tom Holland, but his looks are exactly how I imagine Terry

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