Coming Out

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Ellis walked downstairs where she was met with her parents and sister sitting around for breakfast.

"Good morning, Ellis." Alice stated.

Ellis nodded. She had to say something to her parents. Albus kept reassuring her that everything would be alright because her family was incredibly accepting. She sat down at the kitchen table.


Her dad looked at her, "El? Are you alright?"

She nodded, but then shook her head. Hannah squeezed Ellis' hand.

"What's on your mind, sweetie?"

Ellis felt her heart racing but plucked up the courage. She'd been rehearsing what to say in the mirror for weeks, but now, Ellis was at a loss. She swallowed and started again,

"Remember a couple years ago when I said I was bisexual?" she asked.

They all nodded.

"Why?" Hannah asked, genuinely serious.

Ellis swallowed again before taking a deep breath, "Well- uh- I- I do- don't think I'm a- a, uh-"

Alice smiled behind her parents, "She's a boy."

Their parents took one glance to Alice before looking back to Ellis. Neville was the first to speak.

"Is that right?" he asked.

Ellis couldn't speak. Instead, he simply nodded. His parents simply hugged him.

"Do you want a different name we can call you?" Hannah asked her son.

Ellis nodded, "I decided on Frankie. Something new and old." he glanced at Neville, "Old because of grandpa. New because of me."

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