Time (part 3) chapter 8

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/ keith's p.o.v. /


¨ Hey mom.¨

She sat in the chair beside my bed and smiled.

¨i'm glad to see you awake. Lance said you wanted to see me. Is everything alright?¨

¨yeah i'm fine i just had a few questions i guess.¨

¨ Well then go ahead.¨

¨you or the others didn't get hurt saving me did you?¨

¨some of us got a few minor injuries but nothing to bad.¨

¨What happened that day? How long have I been out?¨

¨ You've been passed out for a little over a week, but considering the level of damage you took that's very impressive. The day we went in to get you we handled it like any other quick in and out mission, we snuck in and got out as quickly as possible. It was a little tricky considering your body's state.¨

¨How bad was I hurt?¨

¨ Horribly, you looked extremely pale from the amount of blood loss. You had multiple fractures going throughout your body but no bad breakage. Multiple open wounds, many had started to grow up and get infected with some still bleeding. Your friends tried their best to help us get you out but they were all pretty tired from the lack of proper food and lack of sleep. Your friend lance tried but eventually moved out of the way due to his emotional state and the lack of sleep seemed to be the most draining on him compared to the rest.¨

I feel bad they had to go through all that trouble and I couldn't even help to get myself out of the situation rather then them having to be slowed down by dragging me out myself. Its my fault we got trapped, if i had said something sooner or could fight better maybe they wouldn't have had to go through all that trouble for me.

¨ I know what you're thinking Keith but trust me it wasn't your fault and you did an amazing job at keeping your team safe. Most would die being put in the place you were, or give up and let themselves be killed just to get out of it, but you stood strong and fought. Not just for yourself but for all those that would have to fight if you lost and for your team. I'm so proud of you for holding your own, and your father would be just as proud knowing how many lives you saved there.¨

She smiled again, wiping the tears that started to form in my eyes.

¨im sorry ive never been around to help or teach you, i promise i'll try my best to stay around and protect you from now on.¨

I pushed myself up quickly and hugged her, crying into her shoulder. Moving that harshly hurt but i don't care right now, i have my mom again, i have lance and shiro and the rest of my team and that's all i need right now, no matter how hurt i get as long as i have them its ok.

After I got my emotions back together and I talked with my mom a bit more she helped me move to my room. She opened the door for me and I didn't expect it to be so neat. I don't remember leaving it like this, did i clean it? Maybe I did get hit in the head too hard during one of those fights.

She made sure I had everything I needed and left so I could get more rest. I didn't feel like sleeping though, I've been sleeping for more then a week so I don't think I'll be sleeping that soon.

A little while later I had a knock at the door, it was lance with a plate in hand.

¨hey mullet, hunk made you some food in case your hungry and i hope you don't mind but i did clean your room while you were knocked out.¨

¨ I was wondering how it got this way. Thanks lance, i'll have to thank hunk later.¨

He sat down on the edge of my bed handing the plate to me.

¨no problem, i needed a distraction anyways.¨

I took a bite of the food hunk made and I didn't realize how hungry I was until tasting how good it was. I had gotten used to that shitty food in that place. I finished my food in less then 5 minutes and looked up and saw Lance smiling. He looked kinda sad at the same time though.

¨something wrong?¨

¨nah just happy to see you getting better.¨

¨Mm. So how've you been over the past week or so? Or in general really.¨

¨honestly i'm not really sure, things happening back to back doesn't really leave much time to really process feelings.¨

¨I get what you mean.¨

¨yeah, i think mainly i've just been worried about you. I mean after everything i found out and everything we and you have had to go through,,I know your strong but still thats a lot to handle on your own.¨

/ lances p.o.v. /

He looked down, going quiet. I realized how much i hadn't really been paying attention to, i mean i had gotten used to his galra features of course but just those little things. Like how his ears move a little going with his emotions, a piece of his ear was missing now. His tail always stayed tucked to him or I guess tucked under his shirt because now that I think about it, it's not always showing.

I could tell he was tensed up, I was trying to think of something to help when I remembered the day we all first saw him after his galra features came out, pidge messed with his ears and he seemed to enjoy it. I could try it but I don't know if it could hurt or not. Well I should at least try.

I moved my hand up to his ear gently and played with his hair too. I felt him lean into the touch and I smiled to myself.

¨When i was sitting in my cell at night i thought a lot about how i looked and what i was gonna do if i got back to earth, like how people would react to seeing me and stuff like that. I sat and tried to focus on my hands and see if maybe somehow I could control it in any way.¨

¨could you?¨

¨I thought for a second that my skin started to look back to normal but then someone asked me a question and i ended up thinking it was just my mind playing tricks on me. It'd be cool if i could switch back and forth though, itd make blinding in with the garla on stealth missions easier.¨

¨It would be pretty cool, don't worry about it too much. Maybe we can figure something out to help.¨

/ Keith's p.o.v. /

I nodded at his statement. His eyes looked tired, like he hadn't been sleeping much.

¨ Hey you wanna crash in here with me for a while? You look tired.¨

¨ha yeah i haven't been sleeping the best recently.¨

He laid down beside me and I laid back down too moving the plate he brought me off the bed.

After talking for an hour or two we had gotten cuddled up to each other, being this close to someone was weird and new to me but in a good way so far. Eventually I noticed he started to fall asleep waking himself back up every time he dozed off. When he finally fell asleep, or at least when I thought he did, I closed my eyes, getting tired too. I mumbled a i love you before letting myself fall asleep.

galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now