Allura you btich! ( part 3 ) chapter 5

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( I decided to skip to a little bit before Keith wakes up. So like 2 weeks later )

/ sum up [ lance has just hid in his room, Shiro has mainly stayed in the trainer room. Randomly they'll hear pidge and Allura yelling at each other, and hunk as just been moving to the different team members trying to cheer them up. ]

/ outside point of view /

Lance sat in his room playing video games, pidge was on her computer in her room and the rest of the castle were asleep. Keith's pod opened, he stumbled out and griped a near by table for support.

K: Where's everybody? How long was I in the pod?

Keith rubbed his head as he tried walking. After getting his balance back he made his way to his room, ever now and then stumbling.

When he got to his room he changed into a pair of sweat pants and black t-shirt. He walked to the bathroom and lifted his shirt looking at the scar from where where the bullet passed through him. The memories flashed through his head. He grabbed his head and rested his back to the wall.

K: I want to see lance.

He mumbled to himself, he peeked out the door and walked to lances door. He stood and stared not sure if he should go in or not.

With out knocking he opened the door and walked in scaring lance. As lance jumped up Keith hugged him.

L: w-what? Keith?! Your ok!

Tears formed in his eyes as he hugged Keith, happy to see him outside of the healing pod.

K: Yeah, I'm ok.

Keith whispered as he hugged lance tightly.

K: I wanna say sorry for pushing you away like that lance. I'll open up one day I promise.

L: It's ok, I'm just glad your ok and take your time it's hard to know how you can trust.

They hugged a little longer before letting go, both now missing the other in there arms.

K: Hey is it ok if I stay in here tonight?

L: Of course!

K: Thanks.

Keith walked over to the bed and sat down as lance walked over to shit off his game. Lance walked over and sat next to Keith. Lance fell back and pulled Keith with him.

K: Hey!

Lance started laughing, Keith grabbed a pillow while lance wasn't paying attention.

L: Hey! Not fare!

Lance grabbed a pillow and threw it at Keith's face then grabbed hold of Keith.

L: I win!

K: Whatever, I'm tied.

L: How are you tiered!? You were in that pod for two weeks!

K: I don't Maybe my body's tiered from healing a bullet wound?

Keith asked sarcastically, lance's mouth frowned. Keith got by the wall and laid on his back looking over at lance.

K: Are you ok?

L: Yeah, fine. Lance was now sitting with his legs crossed beside Keith staring at his stomach that was being covered by his black t-shirt.

K: Do you wanna see?

Lance nodded, Keith pulled his shirt up showing the bullet's mark on his body, this also showed a few other scars of his from fights. Lance's hand moved and hovered over the scar.

L: Can I...

K: Yeah, I don't care.

Lance felt the scar and traced the others on is stomach. Lance pulled his hand away and laid down, Keith pulled his shirt back down and faced lance.

L: How can you handle all those scars?

K: ... I fought hard, for my life, my friends, for voltron... I fought because I had to. The body can handle more than people think.

Lance buried his face in Keith's chest, Keith wrapped his arms around lance.

L: I really missed you, it was so weird not having you around. Allura and pidge would get in loud agreements.

K: I'm sorry, but I'm here now and I'm here to stay.

L: thanks, night Keith,

K: Night.

Soon they both passed out with Keith holding Lance in his arms.

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