Every ones reaction (part3 Keith wakes up) chapter 1

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    It was around 12:30 in the afternoon and every one was in on the couch going on with their normal day just with Keith but even when Keith's there he is almost always training. 

/Lance p.o.v./

I decided to get up and find something to do. 

H: were you going, lance?

L: just seeing if there might be something more fun to do then sitting here.

H: ok have fun.

  I left the room and started to wonder down the halls and, not meaning to end up at the healing pod room door. I go in even though I know I should just find something to stop thinking about Keith instead of going to his healing pod. When I walk in I didn't notice at first but then I realized that Keith wasn't in the healing pod, I looked around he wasn't here. I go down the halls to the first place that came to my mind the training room. When I got there I heard the sound of Keith's knife hit against the training robots sword. 

L: Keith, you're awake. And you didn't tell the me or the team?!?

   He didn't answer.

L: End training!

  The training robot stop and shut down. Keith stopped and he was breathing heavily, he wasn't looking at me. 

L: Keith? Why won't you answer? Why didn't you come to the team when you got out of the pod and what happened to you on that mission?

  He turned a little but didn't answer that's when I saw it, tears rolling down Keith's face something I never thought I'd see. 

L: Keith, what's wrong? why are you crying?

K: nothing. I need to talk to you and the team in a few minutes so just leave and don't say any thing about this. Got it?

L: fine.

  Time skip

   I was sitting on the couch waiting for Keith and right as I was about to get up he walked in. 

/Keith's p.o.v./

   I left the training room and made my way to my room I waited till my face wasn't that red anymore and then covered the red under my eyes with counselor that I bought so Shiro wouldn't know I got in to fights. I walked to the the lounge where everyone was and as so as the door opened everyone looked at me and went quite.

A: You're awake, good now you can tell us what happened.

P: Yeah. Shiro wouldn't tell us he say that you needed to. So?

   My inside tighten and my stomach was one big painful knot. The question repeated in my head. I looked at the ground. This was it I had to tell them. 

K: I....I need to tell you guys something.... And you might hate me after this.i was hurt because I went through  trials to get answers about my blade and....at the end the blade unlocked itself because I was finely going to get it up......but the blade can only be unlocked if someone with galra blood uses it so that means I'm half galra. I'm sorry.

Everyone was quite and I was fighting tears making sure I didn't cry. 

H: Well that's new but I know you're not like other galra so I'm here for you.

P: Yeah me to. It's going to take me some time though.

K: Thank you hunk and pidge, I understand and thank you.

A: You're one of those awful creatures?!?! I can't believe this!!! Get out of my way I'm not staying in these room!!!

Allura pushed my out of her way and I fell to the ground. I tears about to leave my eyes and I hit my right wrist wrong when I hit the ground. The others came over to help me  except for coran who went after Allura.

H: Are you okay.

P: I can't believe that bitch. I mean I understand needing time but that was uncalled for. Are you okay, Keith.

K: I'm fine. 

S: Are you sure.

K: Yeah.

L: Okay I know this might not be the best time but how about we watch a movie to calm the nerves?

P: I was going to do more tests on Shiro's arm.

H: And I was going to help her. Sorry bud.

L: Well what about you Keith.

K: I don't know, I-

S: Yes! You to watch a movie it will be good bonding time.

K: But-

S: No buts. Play 20 questions or something get to know each other.

K: Fine. Okay lance what movie you want to watch?

L: I don't know I'll have to find one. 

K: Okay just no love movies.

L: Fine. What kind of movies do you like then?

K: Horror movies.

Everyone left the room and lance looked at me with a of course you do face. We started to look through Netflix on lances computer for a funny horror movie since lance wouldn't watch a scary one or let me pick. He finally picked TRUTH OR DARE with is stupid to me but whatever.

All I could think about was how Allura now hates him. After the movie was over lance actually wanted to play 20 questions.

L: You can ask first. Then me, okay?

K: okay. 

I paused do for a minute I didn't have many questions or really any at all.

K: How many bothers or sisters do you have?

L: Lame question but I have two bothers and two sisters I'm the youngest out of all of them. Now my trun. 

L: Tell me some thing about your family. Sisters? Brothers?

I was quite for a few minutes.

K: I don't really have any family.

L: What do you mean.

K: I mean I have Shiro he's like a brother to me but I never know my mother and my dad....

I was so close to crying my eyes burned.

L: Hey it's okay you don't have to tell me.

K: thanks lance but I think I'm going to go to bed I'm tired. 

L: oh come on, really?

K: Yes I'm tired. Sorry lance many we can train or something tomorrow if you want?

L: No it's fine you can go to sleep, maybe tomorrow.

I left the room. I was walking down the halls when Allura grabbed me and punched me with her right then three times in the stomach. She let go and I slid down the wall to the floor. I held my stomach and my right eye closed.

A: Say one word to any one and you'll regret it understood?

I nodded and she left. I know everyone but lance was asleep. I went in my room and took a shower I put on some shorts and looked at my bruises that where on my stomach, then I looked at my right eye that was now bruised and swollen. I put on a t-shirt and laid in my bed hating myself. After a few minutes I started to cry. I cried until I fell asleep.

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