What you all have been asking for

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(I started this story so long along and honestly I've went in and out of what plot I had planned for it, so instead of dragging it out with randomness until I reach an end I'm going to push it forward to where it would have gotten. And so this isn't confusing this will be starting off in Keith's view referring to past chapters as flashbacks)

To this day lance still thinks he said I love you first, I just smile looking back on it. After that night things seemed to roll into weeks of good and bad. Allura and Shiro had gotten into a fight over everything, once the team found out it felt like there was tension feeling the whole ship. As time went on and is having to work together in the war eventually everyone, even pidge, accepted her apology. My mother and the blade joined us in the war, and in the big battle of it all we finally won. We could all finally go back home to earth.

I'll never forget stepping off the ship that day, watching everyone get to go back to their families. Before I could step away lance pulled me to his family and they all gave us a hug, it was one of the best days of my life, it felt like it wasn't just me and Shiro, wasn't just me and my mom and all the things we had to catch up on, it felt like a whole family all there. What was even better was seeing them all at our wedding, it was small, we wanted it to just be close family away from everything. Lance picked out a nice building in a large open field not far from where his parents lived. That building is where we would be married and soon after live. It was like the desert in a way, open space, quiet and peaceful, but full of nature and life. Lance had a garden made and I'd help him when I was home, and when we'd go inside an cook as our two little girls run around the kitchen. Nothing can melt my heart more then watching how they run to lance and me to be picked up an twirled around.

The war may have left us scared, a few nightmares here and there, and job to protect those in space when we can, but knowing this is what I have now, what I get to come home to, makes everything bit of it worth it.

  I think of all these things on my way back, landing and leaving one of the blades ships as I look over to see lance sitting down on the front porch. As I'm walking over it's our oldest daughter, amber, that comes out of the house running towards me followed by her sister, rose. "Dads home! Papa dads home!" I pick them up and meet lance at the stairs. "Welcome back mullet, how'd the mission go?" I put down the girls as they run off to grab something. "Good. Will you ever stop calling me mullet? I'd say it's grown out past that" I smiled as we hugged. "Nope, your stuck with it as long as your stuck with me mi amor" I felt the soft smile grow on my face, an I pulled him in closer. "As long as I have you, I can deal with it."

  Dinner went as usual, the girls showing me their drawings and telling me what all they did that day. Lance started on dishes as I cleaned off the tables. It's such simple little things that I love, watching the girls get tired as they watch tv, watching lance out a blanket over them, the soft smile he has, everything about this place and them, make me fall in love all over again. Everyday. I wouldn't trade this for anything, every scar, fight, nightmare, it was all worth it for this. For them.

Annnnnd the end. It was short but sweet, it's not the best but I'd like to give this some end then leaving it hanging open. Maybe some day I'll work around to making other stories now that my writing style has changed lol))

galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now