Nightmare ( part three ) chapter 2

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/Lance p.o.v./

I've had this felling in my stomach lately. Like there is something wrong or-well I can't really explain it but I don't like it. This morning I was in the kitchen waiting on food and as usual Keith was the last to get to breakfast but it isn't cause he sleeps in late he trains for three hours every morning before breakfast. I could never do that I need all eight hours of sleep to function unlike Keith.

S: Your early for once, Keith. 

K: Yep.

Hunk finished making breakfast and we all start to eat. After a few minutes my eyes looked up from my plate and I was looking at Keith. He was eating really slow and looked like he either got to little or to much sleep. Keith started to look up so I quickly looked away so he didn't see my starring. 

P: Hey Keith I got results from the tests and I lied it wasn't for weakness testing. I ran the tests to see if you had enhanced abilities,senses and stuff like that. 


P:  Well I think you had so enhanced abilities but the data would be more accurate if you were in a more galra like form. That's another thing I have a theory that you can either change into a more galra form by choice or just when it's needed in battle.

K: Well I guess we won't have an answer until that chance comes.

P: Unfortunately.

Pidge continued to go on about her theories and tests she wants or could try and ran while Keith sits there and looks like he's barely listening but he answers when she asks questions and follows what she says.

After breakfast Allura went to her room, Shiro was going to get some rest cause he was still tired, Pidge went to the lad and hunk went with her, and as usual Keith went to the training room leaving me alone to find something to do.

I wander the halls for a minute before stopping at the training deck door. I step closer and I can hear the sound of Keith's sword hitting metal.

/Keith's p.o.v./

Well those tests were pointless but hanging with pidge was fun. I finished my food and when for the door. I walked through the hall and went to the training room.

/Time skip/ 

Well it's time I go to my room, I've been training all day. Feel the same as last night miserable and wishing I didn't wake up. I got to my room a got in the shower then I noticed it, I had a purple spot on my side.

K: What the fuck. What now I'm dying of some sickness from space.

Just as I said that the thought came in my mind. I'm turning galra.

K: Fuck.

I got out of the shower and sat down on the bed. The voices started back.

/just another reason they will hate you. Allura was right you should just die. No one wants you, no one ever did./

I feel terrible and ever the voices say sound true. I took my knife and stared at it for a minute. I made cutes going from my wrist to my lower arm. I did it to both and went to my bathroom. I washed the blood and wrapped up my arms, these cutes were deeper then the last and I definitely felt tired after the blood loss. 

I stumbled to my bed and laid down. Once I found a way to lay with my arms not being in pain I was able to fall asleep.

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