Pain (part 1) chapter 7

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(Lance p.o.v. )

I woke up and my whole body was aching i sat up and looked around i was in a small cell by my self, where are the others? I try to remember what happened but my head hurt, i remember keith killing that guy to try and save allura, i actually thought he was gonna turn on us. Never angin, i told him he's not a monster and i knew he wasn't like them even if he acts out i will never think he is gonna turn on us and join the galra. He got knocked out then the guards stated moving us me and pidge keep trying to get lose and then i can't remember anything.... They must have knocked us out to, my head and body hurting makes more since now.

I need to see if the others are okay or at least see if the others are near by. I push myself up and step up to the bars of the cell.

" hello? Guys?'

'Lance? Is that you?"

'Pidge! Yeah it me. Do you know if anyone else is in here?'

'Yeah shrio is but he's still knocked out, i don't know about hunk, keith, or allura."

'We'll figure it out. How long have you been awake? Has anything happened?'

'Not to long and the only thing that's happened is a couple guards passed by talking and a fight they watched, other than that nothing.'

'Alright, you got any kinda of a plan going?'

' i'm working on it.'


I look around my cell,nothing. I don't have my gun or stuff, how are we gonna get out of here? I sit back down and put my back to the wall, i hope keith is alright.

(Keith p.o.v.)

I try to stand up but i'm chained down to the ground by my hands and feet, where the hell am i?

' finally your awake.'

I look up to see a galra guard standing outside of the cell door i'm in.

' you proved to be more of a threat then we thought you even killed my bother. A small runt of a galra.'

He looked like he wanted to killed my here and now, whats stopping him that have voltron in their ship and the person who killed his brother why not kill me why not kill us off now?

' what do you what with us, you didn't put up much of a fight it was to easy to get in here why did you do it why not just kill us off now?'

' we have plans for you and since it seems your crew mates do care about you it will be fun to let them watch you suffer.'

He walked away laughing, what are they gonna do with me? I gotta get out of here i i don't want to put them through more than i already have. How i'm i gonna get out of these cains, they took all my stuff i think. I jerk around some the cains are too strong and i don't have anything to break them or pick the locks. I'll just have to sit and wait.

(Lance p.o.v.)

" hello?"

" hunk?!"


" where are you?"

" idk, a cell."

I get up and press my head to the bars two cells down. I can see hunk standing behind cell doors.

" hunk i'm over here."

" oh thank god, is anyone else here?"

" yeah pidge and shiro."

" what about keith and allura?"

" we don't know yet."

" alright."

Hunk sat back down in his cell, I did the same still holding on to the cell bars. What if they killed them? I know Allura was a shit person but she doesn't desire to die and Keith doesn't either not before we can talk, not before we can get back to earth and this war is over.

Some time passed before i heard pidge yell,

" Shiro! You're awake. Are you ok?"

" shiro!"

" Yeah i think i'm good my head hurts but that's about it."

" thank god."

" is anyone else here? Keith? Allura?"

" no just you, me, lance and hunk."

" I hope they're ok."
" i'm sure they are, i mean-"

A guard walked in and pidge went quiet, shiro stood up behind his cell bars and asked the guard about keith and allura, where we were going and what was gonna happen but all the guard did was walk by and leave out another door.

Not too long after another four guards came in and put us in handcuffs as they dranged us out of the ship I looked another to see if Keith was here. I saw him for just a second getting knocked over the head before me and the rest of the team were put in another cell. This one was connected to a big arenta, two aliens were fighting as hunderands of aliens and galra watched them. What is gonna happen to us?

( keith p.o.v. )

I fell to the ground after being hit in the head, I was dragged to another cell, this one was big with other aliens in it, some injured others treating the injuries of others. Soon enough I realized what this was and what that galra soldier had meant. I'm gonna have to fight while my team watches me.

I walked up to the bars allowing me to see the fight better, I watched as the aliens watched, cheered and placed bets, one of the fighters collapsed and the other had been placed as the winner. I looked at the other aliens around me, some backed away others had a worried look on as others looked like they were ready to kill me on the spot. Then I realized why, I look just like the galra that put them in here, I could be killed by the aliens in here before I even have to fight.

" since when do they put galra in here?"

I looked over a old looking scar covered alien was looking straight at me.

" well can you talk or are you just gonna stand there."

" Oh uh, I'm not with the galra, i'm the red paladin of voltron. I'm half galra, that's why i look like them but smaller."

I wanted as many of the aliens muttered and stared.

" If you really are with voltron, where is the rest of your team?"

" I don't know somewhere here, they separated us a while ago. What is this place?"

" you can't tell."

" i can guess the point of it, yeah, but I mean how long do the fights last? How does this place work?"

" they grab two aliens and make em fight, it's a fight to the death or until one can't fight anymore. That's why the fights last so long no one wants to die and if you can't fight anymore they'll kill you anyways."

Well fuck, this isn't good. A fight just ended so who will be placed to fight next?

" thanks for the info, we'll get you out alive."

" who?"

" Voltron and if not them me, I won't let anymore die. I'll keep fighting to keep more from this cell going in."

" I've been told that a hundred times kid, but knock yourself out."

I turned my attention back to the sets full of mostly galra, more bets were being placed and two cell doors on the other side were opening up, two aliens were now in the middle. They both charged and started the fight as the audience cheered.

Them were so used to this, being picked and fighting knowing they have to win or they die. I won't let this keep happening i know i'll be put in soon enough, i know i'll have to fight to live. So from now on I need to stop thinking anything else but they are my targets, I'll make a plan, I'll find my team and I'll get us all out of here.

I'm sorry lance, i'm sorry shiro, pidge, hunk, but i'll get us out of this and make sure we all get out of this alive.

(lance p.o.v.)

I push myself up, and look around, keiths not here. Pidge is helping shiro and hunk, i see two other aliens in here but that's it, us and them. What's gonna happen to us now?

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