Allura you bitch ( part two )

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/ Lance p.o.v. /

why wound Allura do this just cause she can't handle Keith being galra! he's always been there for the team how could she not trust him.

i was getting mad really mad, we were all standing in the pod room Pidge and hunk still aren't back. we all stood the room looking at each other not saying a word. finally i decided to go after Pidge and find Allura with her.

[ Lance and Pidge find Allura and now there all in the main bay]

S: Allura-

P: what the hell Allura! Why?!

S: Pidge calm down, Allura will you please explain WHY THE HELL YOU DID THAT TO KEITH!

Wow, Shiro just snapped but it was impressive how long he stayed calm. I'm not gonna stay calm at all.

L: Allura, why?

I was staring her dead in the eye.

A: I had to. He was galra, as soon as he got the chance he would have turned on us.

I was so fucking pissed right now.

L: No the fuck he wouldn't! We've all been hurt by the galra BUT KEITH WOULDN'T DO THAT!

Allura had wide eyes that soon filled with rage.

A: How dare you speak to me that way!

Allura walked out of the room, every one was quite. I walked to the door and left. i wanted to see if i could clean up Keith's room at all and i want to see the damage. When i got to his door i just stood and stared, i felt like i was invading his space by going in, maybe he would prefer people to not see what he did in that state. i finally went in, i was surprised to see that his room was clean and neat now. i looked around and saw claw marks on the wall. i ran my fingertips along the sharp metal edges, i can't believe he's that strong, when i held him in red his nails seemed sharp but not this big or sharp to do this damage.

I went into the bathroom it was neat and clean now as well. His blade was by the sink, I've never actually got to touch his blade, i thought about picking it up looking at it more but something in me said to stop and leave it be.

i walked to his bed, i didn't want to go to my room i wanted to be in here, with Keith. i got in his bed and wrapped in the covers, it smelled like him, Keith didn't wear any type of spray but in my mind everyone kind of has there own smell. i didn't feel like crying, i didn't feel mad, i just felt empty and i wanted Keith to be ok. i stay there and closed my eyes finally falling asleep.

/ time skip (every one else is asleep) /

i slowly wake up, i sat up and looked around, i'm in Keith's bed. i forgot at first why i was here but soon remembered. i got up and went to pee, after i started my way down the hall to check on Keith.

when i got there just like before he was asleep in the pod. his jacket and shirt was on a near by table, we took them off so we could wrap his sides. i walked up to the pod, while it wasn't the right time i couldn't help but to look at his build. while Keith is some what small, even though he's a little bit taller than me, he his a defined v-line and abs. As i was admiring his strength i noticed his arms, I felt my eyes go wide and I stood there frozen. He had cuts going all the way to his elbow from his wrist.

L: Why..?

I quitely asked knowing I wouldn't get an answer. My heart dropped, this is why he's been more and more distant, this is why I had that terrible feeling in my stomach.

I rested my head on the glass with my eyes closed. I should have noticed, if I had noticed sooner I could have helped.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped as I turned to see Shiro.

L: oh Shiro you scared me.

S: Sorry, I just wanted to check on Keith. I guess your doing the same?

L: oh,yeah.

I was still in front of the pod. Did Shiro know Keith cuts? Shiro's eyes looked red, was he crying? I never saw him as a guy to cry easily.

S: Anyways how's he doing?

L: oh um same as before,stable.

S: That's good.

L: he yeah.

I was nervous what if Shiro didn't know would he be mad at me. I don't want him to see them.

S: Lance I know.

L: What?

S: I know Keith has cuts on his arms.

L: W-what?

S: I figured you were trying to keep me from seeing them, you haven't move from in front of the pod as most would do and you looked nervous. But I know.
I saw them when we were getting him in the pod his arms moved right to where the cuts were in my sight.

He looked down he had a small sad tired smile, with sadness filled eyes. I felt a tear go down my face.

L: I'm sorry... can I ask you questions about Keith? If not that's ok.

My voice cracked, I wiped my eyes and looked at Shiro. I wanted answer to new questions building in my mind.

S: I'll answer what I can and what Keith won't be to upset for me to tell.

L: ok thank you.

The next half hour I learned that Keith lost his father had took meds in the past for depression and went to therapy, Shiro said there's other things but there way to personal to Keith for him to tell. 

L: Thank you for telling this Shiro, I never realized how much he went through. That also explains some of how he acts.

S: Your welcome lance, give him time and he'll open up.

Shrio put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a weak smile.

S: Well I guess I'm off to bed.

L: Ok, night.

S: Night.

I watched Shiro leave the room. I stood up looked at Keith one more time and headed for the door.

L: Night, Keith.

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