Down hill (part two) chapter 4

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/Lance p.o.v./

After Pidge fixed my arm up we looked through the cameras to see where Keith ran to and it actually took a minute to get into the cameras i guess Allura went one step farther to keep us from helping Keith, luckily Pigde was able to get through the coding Allura put up. after that we find out were he went.

L: Well?

P: He ran and went to Red, so unless he wants you there we won't be able to get to him.

L: Well maybe he will let someone in. Probably not me though.

H: We can't say that for sure, we just need to have hope he'll let someone in.

L: Yeah that's true. Alright lets go.

we made our way to Red only to see Allura standing there.

L: Allura what our you doing?

she glance at me then quickly looked away. She took her fist and hit the force field that protects Red. i heard her mumble something under her breath then she walked out of the room without a word. Coran silently followed he had given up on trying to stop Allura. 

i walked up the the force field scared to try and go though, only because then i wound find out if i wound be able to help Keith or not. PIdge, Hunk and Shiro walked up and one by one put there hand up.

P: Nope.

H: I can't get through either.

S: Neither can i.

i was the last one, i slowly put my hand up.

L: Yes!

my hand went through and then i walked through and up to Red.i stood there as she let down her head and allowed me to go inside. Now i just have to find Kieth. 

After looking for a minute i get to the main controls . i can have gentle sods coming from the controls.

L: Keith? you in here?

i walk closer and bend down to where Keith is balled up under the controls.

L: Hey Keith.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him as close as I could.

L: It's okay. 

I whispered.

K: No it's not, I hurt you Lance. One of the only people I love, I hurt.

My eyes widened. He's is really telling me that he feels the same way I do.

L: I love you too Keith. It was an accident, you didn't mean to hurt me. It's okay really.

He goes quite and still. Was I wrong did not mean he loved me in the same way I did him. Then he quickly spins around to where he's facing me starring at me. Suddenly he wrapprs his arms around me and starts crying again. I hug him back and we stay that way for awhile.

/ time skip /

We stayed there until Keith stopped crying and in that time I would hear bits of sentences but I couldn't really find a way to put them together. But I did get two names Allura and Nick. 

[note Keith does have almost every night nightmares of Nick since the first one in the story.]

But I'm gonna wait till he's in a better mind state to ask.

L: Hey Keith? 

K: Yeah?

L: Are you ready to see the rest of the team. They know what's happening they won't hurt you.

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