Down hill (part three) chapter 4

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/ Keith p.o.v. /

I woke up and got scared at first, I forgot where I was but soon realized. I looked to my right and saw Lance still passed out. He looked cute, I can't believe everything that's happened or more specifically that Lance liked me back. It all seemed unreal and I could help but feel uneasiness from it all. The team except for Allura hates me, or so they act.

I sat there for who knows how long going deeper in thought, so to distract myself I did the only thing I was good at train. 

/ time skip /

I don't know how much time had passed when Lance walked in the training room.

L: Hey Keith, um training?

K: Yep.

I answered shortly, he sounded consured in that last part. 

L: Did you at least eat frist?

K: Yeah.

I lied but I know he would make me go eat if I told the truth. I was enjoying training, it was keeping my mind off everything else.

L: Good, also I didn't want to bring it up last night, you seemed really tired, but when you put on my t-shirt I noticed that you were wearing longer gloves.

Oh god, I completely forgot.

K: Actually these are the gloves I wear all the time I just normally wear the jacket.

Lance nodded, he looked like he wasn't buying it all the way but he didn't try to push the subject. 

Lance walked over the the wall and sat down. I decided to just continue training. When I looked over after about five ten minutes I saw that Lance looked deep in thought.

I ended the training session and walked over to Lance and offered my hand.

K: Hey wanna go for a walk?

L: uh? Oh uh yeah, sure.

He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up.

/ outside the castle on a clam planet /

Me an Lance started walking away from the castle in a comfortable silence. This plant was amazing. It was covered in lakes and all different kinds of looking plants. Right now we were walking through a field that was a light dyed out green.

/ Lance p.o.v. /

As we walked I looked around us the planet was claiming. Keith's ears we're standing up as he took in our surroundings, it was very cute. 

I had questions I wanted to ask Keith but I didn't know how or when. It I get the chance I will later.

After walking we finally sat down facing a huge lack. I guess this is the time, I mean not really but if I keep trying to find the right time I know it will never happen.

L: Hey Keith can I ask you some questions. 

K: I guess so.

I thought for a minute.

L: did the galra thing happen over night or...?

K:...It start a while ago. A purple spot showed up and it just slowly got worse.

Sadness was laced in Keith's words and his eye full of sadness.

L: Ok, next question. When you and me were sitting in red and you were crying you were muttering a lot, but the only names I could get were Allura and Nick, so my question is who's Nick.

Keith's eyes filled with fear as he visibility tensed.

L: Keith?

K: I don't want to talk about it.

He spoke so quietly I could barely understand what he said.

L: Why not?

I was pushing it, i know, but I wanted answers and he got so scared looking when I asked.

K: I just don't ok?! It's nothing  concerning you!

L: Ok, ok yes need to yell.

/ Keith p.ov. /

I can't believe I let myself mutter about Allura and Nick around Lance! What if I said something and how Allura hits my or how Nick treated me? I wanted to be able to just crawl up in a ball and block out the world right now.

L: do you want to go back now?

K: Sure.

It didn't take long to walk back even though it felt like it was taking forever due to the awkward silence that had settled between me and Lance. I feel bad for snapping at him but I was scared of what he might have heard me say.

When we made it back I quickly escaped from Lance and made my way to my room. When I opened the door I stood there for a minute shocked. I don't remember doing any of this. 

I slowly walked in and start to pick up my stuff and get my room back to normal or as normal as it can get.

/ time skip / 

After finally getting everything cleaned up I sat on my bed and started to zone out in thought. After awhile I got tired and decided to lay down and see if I could sleep.

I laied there for what felt like an hour then passed out.

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