Allura you bitch ( part one ) chapter 5

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/ Lance p.o.v. /

Maybe I was being to pushy, but I mean you'd think after all that maybe he'd open up some. When Keith walked off yesterday I wanted to follow but that wouldn't help any, so I guess I'll hangout with everyone else and just wait for him to bring it up.

/ Keith p.o.v. /

I woke up still very sleepy and slowly walked to my bathroom, when I cleaned up yesterday the bathroom was pretty bad, turns out I stabbed my shampoo and conditioner bottle and that got ever where. I walked over to the mirror, still like before yellow eyes, big ears, purple skin, and finally a tail. I signed and walked back into my room to get dressed.

I was bored but there wasn't really anything to do. I gues I'll going walking this time without Lance. I've always enjoyed nature or the outdoors in general, it's relaxing. On my way out I thought I saw Allura turn the corner but when I looked she wasn't there, I really need to get out of here and clear my head.

/ Allura p.o.v. /

I can't allow that creature to live any longer he must be killed. The things outside I'll have a clear shot from the hill top next to the castle. Soon that creature will be no more!

/ Keith p.o.v. /

I sat down on my legs by the water staring at my self. I still wasn't fully use to looking like this.

/ outside view /

Allura was at the hill top ready her aim. Shiro could see Allura but didn't know her target was Keith he started to jogging his way over, soon enough Keith came into his view. "No." He thought.

S: Allura wait-

* gunshot *

Shiro froze then ran to get help. Allure pack up her stuff and went back into the castle.

/ Keith p.o.v. /

As I heard the gunshot I felt the bullet pierce the upper right stomach, I grabbed my my side and leaned other in pain. I knew I needed to slow the blood or I'll bleed out but I was already losing some much blood. I put pressure on the bullet hole in hopes of slowing the bleeding even a little. As my vision started to blur I could hear distance yells, I couldn't tell from who, then I blacked out.

/ outside view/

P: Keith!

Pidge yelled as she ran with Lance, Shiro, and Hunk. Over and over shiro thought to himself "this can't be happening I can't lose him."

L: Keith!

Lance got to him first and started to pick him up.

L: it's gonna be okay, Keith.

Lance whispered as he got Keith in his arms and started to carry him, bridal style, as quick as he could.

They rushed to get Keith in a pod, no one but Shiro knew what happened but there was no time to ask when Shiro ran to the group " Keith's been shot! Hurry!". Pidge was reading the pods data's after getting Keith in.

P: A ton of blood loss, the bullet cut to main blood ways, I don't know how he's still Alive after losing that much blood. He'll have to stay in the pod for a week or more to heal a regain blood.

Pidge went quit and her eyes started to tear up, hunk walked over to comfort her as Lance turned to Shiro.

L: What happened?

Shiro explained what had happened and every one was mad to say the least. Pidge ran out of the room yelling.

P: Allura you bitch! When I find you I'm gonna-

She eventually got far enough they couldn't hear her, hunk went after Pidge leaving Lance and Shiro in the room with Keith in a pod.

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