Old memories ( part three) chapter three

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/ lance p.o.v. /

(In group chat)

L: What do you mean dead zone!?! And how long will it take!?

A: Am I unsure, I'm sorry paladins but for now I don't  know how long this will take.

I accidentally drop my phone. How long will it take, ahoepw are we gonna get food? I flopped on my bed and laid there on my back listening to my phone buzz. Every thing is ok I'm sure Pidge and allure will make a plan, and the castle probably has survival pack type things for things like this. After a minute the buzz dies down so I pick up my phone and read though the group chat messages.

Alright then ever thing will be fine we just got to wait. I wonder how Keith's doing. I read where the team said they were and weirdly everyone was in there roo s when this happened. I go out of the group chat and go to message keith.

L- hey

K- hi

L- watcha doing?

K- same as the others stuck in my room but I'm cool with it. What about you?

L- I'm bored.

K- i mean there isn't really anything I can do to help with that.

We text for a good minute but then my phone dies and I run to plug it up. While I wait for that to charge I try to think of something to do.

/ keith p.o.v. /

I text him again and wait for a response and get non, guess he got tried of me. I sit my phone down and start to draw in my sketchbook. I wander if the other will be ok though this? Probably fine I mean how long could this take.

/ 3 day time skip /

/ lance p.o.v. /

I'm currently lying in the floor after falling off my desk table. I've danced beauty did me though the pass few days and now I have nothing to do.I grab my phone and start to play games.

/ keith p.o.v. /

The purple has made it's way up my chest and somewhat down my legs. I've started to get mader and mader. Last night I broke down and started punching the wall till my nuckes started to bleed. No one has texted to ask about any noise do I guess they don't know,I wander if these walls are somewhat sound prof.

Turns out are rooms have compartments with supplies, I went though it and found some bandages and wrapped my hands. I leaned on my wall and soon after slid down to the floor. I heard my phone Buzz and after debating for a minute I crawl over to my phone and stay on the floor after grabbing it.

It's a text from lance.

L- Hey mullet what u doing, also sorry I stopped texting before my phone was dead.

K- nothing and it's fine.

L- i dont know why I asked were all still stuck in are rooms.
How long you think we're gonna be stuck like this?

K- i dont know

L- i hope not to much longer.
Hey, I know I never said it before but it doesn't matter if your half galra. Allure has just  een though a lot and I know she'll warm up to you again.

Allure almost daily abuse flashes though my mind and I remember my purple skin. I start to get mad,I know I shouldn't but I can't help it.

K- sure, what ever.

I toss my phone on to my bed and try to clam down.

/ time skip. Keith couldn't clam down and blacked out and trashed his room./

I look around while panting, I'm in my bathroom. Stuff is on the ground and knocked over. I stand up and my muscles are sore, I look around again and on the walls I can see long claw marks. I look at my hands, they've turned purple and I have claws. I wal, over to the wall and look at the claw markings. My claws look to small to make these. I look at my hands and after trying a few times I learn how to retract my claws, which explains how my claws can make these marks.

After looking around for a minute I head in to my room. I stand in shock, my bed is ripped to shreds and my stuff is scattered around the room a d my walls have more claw marks.

After looking around my room for a minute i head back to my bathroom. I look in the mirror, my skin is purple my ears are like a cats and are very fluffy a d if that wasn't bad enough my eyes are soild glowing yellow.

I stared for a minute trying to process what I was looking at. I finally walked away and got ready to take a shower.

/ lance p.o.v. /

It been awhile now, I look at my phone and he hasn't answered any of my texts. What did he mean by " sure, what ever ". Maybe I shouldn't have brought it up. Get up a d sit in the floor and start to play video games.

After a minute my phone buzzes, I jump up and grab it. I'm sad to see it says it's from our group chat, but what I read makes me stand in shock.

A- paladins I am happy to inform you that we should have control of the castle in 30 minutes in your earth time.

( all hell is gonna break loss in the next part. Also sorry if the updates have been getting shorter.)

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