every one reactions ( part one )chapter 1

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        Keith and Shiro had just gotten back from the mission to meet with the blade of Marmora they walked from the red lion to be greeted by their fellow teammates  and Keith was terrified.allura hated the galra and now Keith was going to have to tell her he is part galra. He wasn't sure how she would take it before the mission she keep saying how the galra can't be trusted or how even if this goes well she will never trust the galra.

        He held his left side well he limped behind Shiro to the others where the they didn't notice  his face was bruised black and blue and bloody. He had a  sprained or broken ankle he was pretty sure his nose was broken and his eyes were  swollen the right worse than the left.

A:  Welcome back paladins I hope the mission went well and that those awful Galra didn't try anything like I know they eventually will.

S: The mission was a success and they didn't try anything and they've agreed to become our allies.  Like I said  before we left there's nothing to worry about.

A: Good but I still don't trust the galra.

 Keith moved his way closer by  Shiro and  no one seemed to notice his wounds.  Lance looked over when he noticed Keith moving from behind Shiro were he was once a noticeable and unable to be seen to see him limping holding his bloody side Then looked up to see his bruised eyes bloody nose And bruised face. Lance filled with concern ran over  causing the others to look and everyone but Shiro looked shocked as the saw Keith's injuries. 

L: What the hell happened to you?! Are you okay?

K: I'm fine.

L: No you're not we need to get you to a healing pod  immediately. Hunk get his others arm.

Hunk took Keith's other arm causing him to  clinch his teeth in pain. Keith shared to stop them he wanted to tell them he's fine but he didn't have the strength, he was even to weak to speak. They put him in the healing pod while Allura asked Shiro what had happened but all he would say is that Keith is the one who needs to tell the team why.

Later late that night lance went to check on Keith even though he knows with the injuries he had chances are good he will be in the healing pod for a week. He walked up to the pod and  whispered  

L: what happened? I hope- no I know you'll be okay. Good night Keith hope to see you soon.

And with that lance walked away and went to his room. In his room he couldn't stop thinking of Keith he  laid in his bed staring at the ceiling awake unable to sleep. Finally he was so  exhausted  He pasted out at midnight.



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