Time (Part 1) chapter 8

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I woke up to someone knocking on my door, I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes trying to wake up more.

" lance you awake?"

" yeah."

" ok I was coming to get you for breakfast. I'll leave you be now come in when your ready."

"Alright, thanks."

I listened to their foot steps fading out as I rubbed my eyes again yawning. I really didn't wanna get up, I'm still so tired but I don't want them to worry.

Would they even worry though..?

I shock my head a little and stood up trying to push the thought out of my head, I went to my bathroom and cleaned up a little making myself look less tired and drained before joining the others.

I talked some with pidge and Hunk as I ate, I tired to avoid looking over at allura, I don't know why but I'm mad she and coran weren't in danger. I know that's horrible but if they weren't and if we had known that Keith wouldn't have gotten hurt. The fighting he did, the pain he went through, all for nothing.

"Uh earth to Lance, you good man?"

I looked up to hunk, he looked a little worried while looking at me, I stood up and smiled at him.

"Yeah I'm good, just a little tired ya know."

" yeah I get that, go get some rest bud."

"Will do man, will do."

I waved a little to the others as I walked out, I went down the Hall to the pods. I peeked around the cornering looking to see if Keith's mom was in or not.

"May I help you?"

I jumped and turned around to see krolia. I stepped back a little.

"Sorry I just wanted to ya know see how he's doing and everything."

She nodded and gestured for me to go in, I watched her walk down the Hall in the direction of the others, I turned and walked to the pod.

He looked so tired and his expression looked like he was having a nightmare. I tired reading the Info on the small screen beside the pod but unlike the others I didn't know how to work this as well. I finally did figure out a few things, his heart rate was slow but steady, breathing slightly below normal, body temperature normal.

"Hm guess that's better then nothing"

I mumbled to myself returning my attention to Keith. I wonder how long it will take this time, I know he's strong but after all that..i just don't know. I just wish I could talk to him, we still haven't actually got to talk about anything, what we are, what happens next. Guess I should just give up on it for now, besides compared to him I'm just...

I leaned my head against the pod trying to stop my thoughts, I wish he was ok, I want him to comfort me but I should be the one helping him. Those scars..the marks.. Keith I'm so sorry I didn't realize sooner.

My eyes started to sting as tears ran down my cheeks. I was stuck in my own head, so much so I didn't hear Shiro come in. I felt his hand on my shoulder, I didn't want him to see me cry, I stayed where I was and looked down.

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