Everyone's reaction (part two nightmares) chapter 1

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    After lance fell asleep him soon had nightmares about Keith not being ok or how he was hurting when he got his wounds.

/Lance p.o.v./

      I  woke up in a puddle of sweat and tears about to  escape my eyes i wiped them away and carried on with my morning  routine and went to the  kitchen for breakfast. When I got there hunk was handing out food and as I looked about I half hoped that Keith was there and yesterday was a bad dream but Keith was not there I took my seat and hunk handed me my food pidge and Allura wouldn't leave Shiro alone about what had happened.

P: Come on Shiro just tell us what happened.

A: Yes Shiro you must tell us what happened and is it that Keith must tell us.

        Shiro didn't say a word and continued to eat his breakfast. I started to eat what looked like eggs and bacon but not the same colors or taste and the sound of the others talking slowly faded as allura and pidge had given up on getting Shiro to tell them what had happened. I was  startled when hunk asked me how I sleep.

H: So how did you sleep last night buddy?

        This was an ever morning thing and would tell him how I slept and if I had a cool dream but hunk was the only one who know I had a crush on Keith so he was asking with concern in his eyes that the others didn't notice.

L: Fine, I didn't have any dreams.

H: That's good.

        I said simply I was trying to hide the fact that I hadn't got much sleep last night and that I hadn't had nightmares. Nightmares where I would see Keith being punched until he could barely see stabed in the stomach making him fall to the ground in pain where he was kicked in the sides back and face and me watching unable to stop it is save him from the pain. I felt tears trying to form and I pushed the thoughts of my nightmares away and held the tears back.

     I was smiling and hoped that no one could see how sad I was, no one ask if I was sad or are you sad so I thought I had hidden my sadness well.

     Later everyone went about their day as  normal but  since Keith wasn't there to use the training room Shiro and Allura did. Shiro and Keith spare and some times they divide the training room that way each of them can do their own type of training and work on thier problem  areas and other days they let Allura staff fight with them or let her be alone if she asks them. 

   I've heard footsteps in the hall ways at night and one night I got up to see what it was and I saw Keith, I made sure he didn't see me and followed him. He went to the training room and trained for three hours and he did this every night and went back to his room. I never know why and never asked because I didn't want him to get mad or make us get into a fight like we often did so I stayed quiet about it and every night I hear the foot steps going to the training room.

   Me and Keith aren't that close but we do talk  normally sometimes and I train with him but not that  often he beats me every time and when said "I bet you couldn't bet me with no  weapon" and with out saying anything he sat down his sword and got in his fighters stance. I sat down my gun and got ready and the fight started. By the end of it I was sweating and  searing in Spanish under my breath and Keith had barely started to sweat and his breathing for the most part was even and he had won.

   This  memory now makes me sad cause I miss Keith. Later that night I waited till everyone had gone to bed, we were watching a movie that Allura watched as a child. I couldn't really focus on the movie I was waiting for every one to go to sleep. When finally pidge and hunk went to bed I was alone. I walked to the healing pods and went to Keith's pod. The skin around his eyes had started to trim normal but not much, his side was not much changed and probably would leave a scar. I started to tear up I sat down  enough behind the pod that no one would see me if they walked in and I cried until I fell asleep.

I woke breathing fast and  terrified but I don't know why I can't remember a dream, maybe it was so bad my brain is making me forget. I sat there for a few minutes to  calm down and then walked to my room.when I got there I looked at my cloak and it was two am I changed my clothes and put on a big t-shirt and his boxers, crawled into bed and went to sleep.

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