Old memories (part two) chapter three

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/ After yesterday training /

/Lance p.o.v./

I get to my room and get in the shower. Maybe keith just looks tired normally, cause I don't see how a person can not sleep and still move that fast and not get tired. Then again he is half galra so maybe that's why. At one point i could have swear i saw a little yellow ring going around his eye color, but when I looked again it was gone.

After I get out of the shower I do my normal night routine and crawl into bed. Why would keith start to get distant? Ever time I tried to ask a question or talk he just gave short answer or swin his sword at me. Maybe I'm just imagining it.

After awhile of going though my thoughts I pass out.

I wake up at 2:00 in the morning, I feel like I had a dream but I can't remember it. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't, so I got up and headed to the kitchen. After grabbing a snack I head back to my room.

I snacked and played video games after awhile I got up and got back in bed. My mind was filled with thoughts of keith and after accepting that I'm not gonna be able to go to sleep I passed out.

/ the next day /

/ lance p.o.v. /

I wake up feeling drowsy and i walk to my bathroom to get ready for the day. I start to the kitchen, and go up to hunk.

L: What's for breakfast?

H: Pancakes!  Well they look li,e pancakes at least.

L: Sounds good?

I walk and sit down next to pidge.

P: You look terrible.

L: Hey! That's not true, I just didn't get enough sleep.

P: Sure.

L: Whatever.

I roll my eyes and sit waiting for the pancakes. After we all get pancakes and start eating I realized keith isn't here. I mean he sometimes is the last to get here but it's never took this long.

L: Where's keith?

S;  I don't know. Maybe he just decided to train longer this morning.

L: I guess.

Shiro's probably right. I guess after breakfast I can go look if he doesn't show.

After finishing breakfast i head to the training room in search of keith, but when I get there he isn't there. Then where is he? I guess I can go by his room. Yeah that's what I'll do, I head to Keith's room.

/ keith p.o.v. /

I wake up cold and feeling alone. Though the night I kept having dreams, and waking up. I did at least get in the bed at one point. I got up and went to my bath room and looked in the mirror. I look like I've been crying for hours, which I pretty much did, and I have dark circles around my eyes. I decided to get in the shower, I end up sitting in the shower and lean my head against the wall.

After being there I don't know how long I hear my bedroom door open and I tense.

L: Keith? You in here buddy?

K: uh Yeah j-just got in the shower!

L: oh uh sorry, i- I'll leave now!

I hear lance practically ran for the door then it shuts. I un tense and stay where I am. Why did he come in here? Maybe I've been in here long enough for him to wander where I am.

After staying there for awhile I finally get up, I walk to my mirror, I don't look as bad as before. When I was in the shower I looked at my spots, now my whole stomach is purple. I grab a black t-shirt and a pare of sweat pants. I look around but can't find my long gloves, I go and look on my bed and find them in my cover.

I get my iPod and sketchbook, and sat on my bed. I open to a clean page and put my earbuds in.

All of a sudden the castle lights starts to flicker and then we lost all power. I got up and ran to my door but it wouldn't open.

K: Hello!

I ran over to my bed and try to find my phone or what we were given that works like a phone.

( team group chat)

K- Guy's what's happening?!

L- I don't know.

S- No clue. Allure?

H- Allure please tell me that you know what's happening! Are we under attack!?

A- We aren't under attack, It's the castle we went in to a dead zone and until we pass though it were stuck like this.

I put down my phone as it buzzes with everyone freaking out. What am I gonna do till then and how long will it take?

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