Galra Attack ( part 2 ) chapter 6

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/ Keith p.o.v. /

I pushed myself up forgetting lance was on top of me, I grab him best I could but he still hits the floor.

" man if you wanted me to move you could have just asked!"

" I didn't mean to, sorry. I forgot you were on top of me."

He groaned and wrapped himself in the blanket that fell with him. I looked around everyone was still asleep but pidge, her ear buds were plugged into her computer and she was still staring at the screen, I guess she didn't hear lance fall.

I stood up and stretched, I went to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. I don't trust most of what's in the kitchen so I drank it black, it wasn't that bad.

I walked back to the others, Shiro and hunk were up now to, lance was still wrapped in a blanket on the floor.

S: hey Keith. How long you been up?"

H: morning Keith."

K: morning and not that long."

H: are you guys hungry?"

S: I could eat."

K: sure."

H: alright let's all go to the kitchen and I can make breakfast."

Shiro and pidge followed hunk, I walked over to lance and tried to wake him up all it did was make him turn into a ball.

K: fine, You leave me no choice."

I picked him up and started to carry him, I dropped him on the couch in the kitchen then walked over to the others taking a seat by Shiro.

I could see him smiling out of the corner of my eye.

K: shut up.

S: what, It's nice to see you happy again.

I signed and focused on the plate of food hunk sat infont of me. After the smell of food had fully filled the room lance came over to the table still half asleep.

The day carried on as normal me and lance were hanging out while the rest of the team were still talking in the kitchen. I do enjoy just hanging with lance but my body's restless I was in that pod for so long and now all I wanna do is training or ran around.

K: hey lance you wanna train with me?"

L: dude, seriously?"

K: ... yeah."

He looked upset about it but got up and we both got ready and went to the training room. Lance's moves were weaker, I mean he didn't train much before but he must have stopped completely after I went in the pod.

Even as he wined about I still keep on training and making him keep training, we both needed it and there was nothing else to do.

We had trained all day and at this point lance was about to pass out, we both went to our rooms and got showers. I sat on my bed after getting dressed and rolled down my gloves, I stared at the scars on my arms.

Then it hit me, they all probably saw my arms, I put my face in my hands.

K: fuck."

Well if lance did see them he hasn't tried to talk about it, I know we will eventually. I guess it's a problem for later then. I laid down and pulled my covers up to my shoulder, I faced the wall and waited until I finally fell asleep.

I woke up from a nightmare I can't remember, walked to the mirror and wiped the sweat covering my forehead. I decided I want to look at the stars, I started my way there walking down the hallway. I haven't really had a moment to process all that's happened to me, to the team.

I never let myself process things, just wait until it all sets in at once and then my brains over filled with things. I guess sitting in the control room and staring out will be a good enough place to do so.

I put lance through so much shit and then Allura almost kills me and now the entire team has probably seen my arms. Shiro will understand but I don't know how to explain it to others, maybe I won't have to but I should at least try to with lance, even if it's when the war ends I'll make sure I make it up to him and to the team.

When I walked into the control room I saw a red light flashing, I went up to it and read the screen. Allura and coran we're trapped on a galra ship, the distress single was sent hours ago.

K: god damn it why now of all times!"

Why does shit keep happening, I ran back to the others and woke everyone, Shiro took charge and we were now set on a mission to save them, maybe this willl prove something to Allura. Either way we're gonna get them back even if she hates me or makes me leave voltron.

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