Pain (part 3) chapter 7

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/ lance p.o.v. /

Over the next week the fights only got more and more violent, keith seemed completely different. There was no going easy on them or second fights, keith won quickly every time. Well not every time, there have been a few where keith almost lost or got thrown around but in the end he always won.

After winning so many they gave him a weapon of his choice, and as you can probably guess he got a knife. This makes it even easier for him to win. At this point i stopped watching the fights, i hated to see him like this, i look to make sure he's ok but then move back to where i don't see anything.

He has tried to fight the guards before a few times actually but every time they eventually grab him and then make an example to the others. It's hard to watch and even harder to listen to, I wouldn't be surprised if keith has scars covering his whole body by the end of this. We have been trying to make a plan to get out of here and even tried to get the others to help but their all too scared, pidge hasn't given up yet.

" come on if we work together we can do it! All we just have to be smart about it, then we get to keith and boom we'll be able to get out! What's even better is once we're out of here we'll be able to come back and help the others that are in here."

" many have tried to get out of here and none have made it. If they stop us we'll have to be made as an example just like your friend has, and i'm sorry to say but he's far to gone. The look in his eyes when he's fighting tells it all. This place has broken even the strongest souls. I'm sorry but we can't do it."

' that's not true."

" lance..."

" it's not! He wouldn't do any of this if he didn't have to!"

" i'm sorry blue paladin but-"

" No, I'm sorry that you've lost faith in the one person who would give their life to save anyone in this room! "

I pulled my knees to my chest and looked at the floor, how could they give up on him so easily. Let's just forget who he was ready to give his life for ours on many occasions or how he literally has to fight like this or he'll be killed. Whatever I still trust him, I know you can do this keith. Just fight a while longer until we can get out of here.

/ keiths p.o.v. /

I fell to the ground once I got back into my cell, gunner watched as I pushed myself up with my back to the wall. I don't know how much more of this i can take. I watched as gunner walked over and sat in front of me.

" what?"

" I didn't think a half blood like you would live past a day. You proved me wrong kid, make sure you keep proving me wrong."

He got up and talked to one of the other aliens and she walked over to me and helped me get wrapped up. I tried to let myself rest but my body wouldn't, I needed to be ready for anything and for everything to happen, cause I know it will. This week, I think a week I'm not sure, has been hell. I'm cut up and get beat on everyday, but it's to protect them. In the end i know it will all be worth it, the pain, the blood spill, all of it will be when i finally get to see these people go free and i can be with my team again. That is if they'll have me, not too sure after all of this. I could see lance watching every now and then but now I don't see any of them. I guess I'm glad they're not watching what I'm doing but at least I'd know they were safe, or alive.

It doesn't matter now, I just need to clear my head out. No thoughts. No nothing.

I throw the last hit and swing at the garud trying to grab me.

" come on you do this everyday, give it up."

I take them out and keep going, getting through 6 more before I'm pinned down. Maybe just maybe this will start to thin their numbers and make getting out of here easier. I know it's stupid but i have to try anything i can.

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