Pain (part 2) chapter 7

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/lance p.o.v./
" hey are you guys ok?"

I walk over to them and kneel down beside hunk.

" yeah I think so"

Shiro said looking at them then me.

"What do we do now?"
Pidge asked and we looked to Shiro.

" if you want complete honesty I don't know yet, but we'll figure it out. We always do."

" Yeah..."

After what felt like hours a few fights had started and ended, the next set of people are coming out. I look over to see and my heart stops.

" guys Keith's about to fight."

The others got up by the bars and we all just stared at each other scared. None of these fights have ended without one of them dying, please keith be strong.

/ keith's p.o.v. /

I walked out and watched for their move, we circled around a bit. I have to save my energy, throwing hits takes more energy than blocking. They run at me and throw a punch and i go down right and take out their leg, I back away and they get back up. We keep going at it until they've used most of their energy. They moved slower and their hits were weaker, i need to finish it up. I don't want to kill them either. Let's hope this will be good enough. I land two hits and knocked them down, slammed their head into the ground and stepped back to see if they get up, after they didn't I looked around to see what was gonna happen next.

The guard came up to them and picked them up, I was put back in the cell and later found out we'll have to fight again. There has to be a final winner, not just a knockout. I sat down by the wall and the older guy walked up to me, his name is gunner, or at least that's what everyone here calls him.

" you did pretty good kid, but knocking em out isn't gonna be good enough."

" i know."

" you gotta lose whatevers holding you back, it won't get you anywhere in this place."

I nodded and listened to the others talk. I don't wanna have to do any of this and know that lance and the others will have to watch it happen. It will only prove that i'm just like allura said, that i'm nothing but a monster on the inside.

/ lance p.o.v. /

Thank god he's ok, i wonder if that guy he knocked out is. I looked over to shiro who was looking away from the bars, did he even watch the fight?

" what happened?"

" you didn't watch? Keith won but he didn't kill the guy."

"Good i'm glad he's ok and no i didn't i just couldn't handle the idea of watching him lose."

" He's strong, I don't want him to have to hurt anyone but i know he's not gonna lose."

" yeah i know you're right but it just reminds me of the day we found out he was part galra, he was strong and didn't want to give up, but i still had to watch him get thrown around and hurt. I mean you saw what he looked like when we got back to the ship."

" yeah that was a rough day. I know he can do this though."

Shiro sat down by the wall and me and hunk talked while pidge talked with the other aliens in here. Pidge went over to shiro and they talked, hunk gave me a hug to make me feel better and it did help but i wanted a hug from keith more then anything and all it did was remind me how much i miss him.

" hey hunk?"

" yeah?"

" do you really think he'll be ok? I mean I know he's strong, it's keith, but still i'm worried about him."

" yeah i mean like you said it's keith, he can do it."

" yeah, i hope so."

We moved over to the others and I stayed close to the bars so I could see when keith would have to fight again, pidge and the other aliens told us about this place and how it works. They told us their own stories and how most of them have been here for years and that's why none of them will have to fight. This place is horrible, the things they've had to go through and for so many years, I wish we could have stopped it instead of being put in here.

/ time skip by like an hour/

A guard anoccened that the guy keith knocked out was awake and a new fight was about to start. I moved over to watch and so did pidge, hunk stayed with shiro who stayed by the wall. Keith and the other guy came out and this time keith made the first move and after a few seconds the guy was getting thrown around, this time felt weird, keith might actually go all the way...

After another 10 or so minutes keith had him on the ground and there was blood all on the ground, keith had smashed his head on the ground 4 or 5 times and after one more time he got up and walked back a bit then hit the ground landing on his knees he just sat there and when a garud when to check the other guy he said that keith had won.

He did it, I can't believe what I just watched. Pidge covered her mouth and moved back a little, I gave her a hug.

" i know he had to do it but god that was..."

" I know, but he's still the same Keith. I know he wouldn't have done that if he didn't have to."
She said nothing and hugged back, hunk and shiro noticed and got worried. Hunk asked.

" did he not win?"

" please tell me keith is ok."

I looked at shiro.

" no he did win, it was just really...idk."

" so he actually?

I looked over to hunk and nodded.

" wow."

" it doesn't matter, he's ok and that's all that matters. Besides he had to."

We all sat and said nothing, I stayed by the bars a while longer. Keith still hadn't moved, another garud came over and pulled him up by his arm and made him walk back to his cell. I wonder what he's thinking, that's definitely gotta be hard on him mentally.

/ keith's p.o.v. /

I was shoved back into my cell and I sat with my back up against the wall, I looked down at my hands. They still had blood on them, i can't believe i actually did it. That guy didn't need to die and lance probably saw it all, their gonna hate me now. I hate myself why did i let any of this happen? Why didn't i do something?

" well kid you did it, good job."

" i did what you said but..."

" your still thinking like a hero, you can't do that here. Remember what i said?"

" let go of what's holding me back, there can be no heroes here. Just fight and survive."

" good. Keep that in your head until you leave or else you'll end up like that guy you just fought."

I nodded and spent the next ten minutes drilling it into my head, i know he's right and i know it's wrong but if i wanna get us all out of here it's what has to be done. I'm sorry lance, shiro, and everyone else but i have to do this if i want to help us. All of us.

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